PERIDOT: Found in meteorites. Completely aligns all the
subtle bodies. This helps one receive information from the
higher self more easily. Good stone for channeling.
Visionary stone - it helps connect us to our destinies and
to an understanding of the purpose of existence. Keeps the
mind free from envious thoughts and jealousies. A good
stone for people who cannot relate to realities beyond the
physical world. Aids in manifesting physical work into
material abundance. A healing stone working with the heart
and solar plexus chakras.
Compiled by Fern Bouchard
Peridot: (Olivine): Balances glandular system. Aids
tissue regeneration. Has beneficial influence on heart,
pancreas, spleen, liver, adrenals. Purifies body. Enhances
bloodstream. Overal balancer and tonic for body/mind. Aligns
subtle bodies. Increase intuitative awareness. Reduces
stress. Stimulates mind. Accelerates personal growth.
Opens new doors or opportunity. (2,3,4)
By Legion of Light
PETRIFIED WOOD: It can ground you to the earth. Aids in
preventing work stress. Restores physical energy. Protects
against infections and bodily injuries. Helpful for
arthritis, environmental pollutants, and skeletal systems.
Relates to tissue regeneration and longevity. Helps us
enjoy life and the evolution within out life. Used to
recall past incarnations and ancient powers.
Compiled by Fern Bouchard
Pyrite: Aids digestion, improves circulation.
Strengthens and oxygenates blood. Enhances brain functions.
Influences a more positive outlook on life.
Enhances emotional body, strengthens will. Helps one's
ability to work with others harmoniously. Practicality.
By Legion of Light
CLEAR QUARTZ: Known as "Ice of Eternity." All-around healer
and amplifier. Capable of dispersing white light into the
seven spectral colors. Aligns one's consciousness with the
electromagnetic forces of the universe, helping each of us
find our own inner light that connects us with the One
Light. Magnifiers of psychic and healing energies. Used to
help focus and amplify one's thoughts or intentions.
ROSE QUARTZ: It's pink! It's love! It's a gentle awakening!
Stimulates love of self, love of others, love of the
Universe. Teaches one how to give and receive love.
Teaches the power of forgiveness. Opens the heart
allowing emotional release. Heals soul trauma. Clears and
encourages a beautiful complexion. Prevents wrinkles.
Helps one reduce weight. Works on the thymus gland.
(color fades in direct sunlight)
SMOKEY QUARTZ: Stimulates and purifies the base chakra.
Channels the white light energy of the crown chakra into
the first chakra to be rooted deep into the physical
plane. I will give one a sense of pride about walking the
earth and inhabiting a physical body. It helps one come to
terms with their body, their heart, their life and their
world. Gives one the power to manifest their dreams and
visions of earth. Enables one to assimilate more in life
by teaching to let go of what is no longer needed for
growth. Grounding.
RUTILATED QUARTZ: Integrates the Life Force into our bodies.
Energizes, rejuvenates, and balances the system.
Strengthens positive direction. Raises your vibration -
prevents depression. Heals the soul center. Increases
clairvoyance. Strengthens thought projection. Opens
connections with the universal others. Aids in past life
memories. Aids in getting answers to questions asked.
Helps the body assimilate nutrients, helps the immune
system, slows dis-eases of aging as it stimulates tissue
TOURMALATED QUARTZ: The combination of clear white and
radiant black creates a perfect polarity of energies and
creates a natural balance in whatever work is done with
it. The black tends to neutralize one's negative energies
and is a dedicated servant to the light. Stimulates astral
SNOW QUARTZ: Stimulates your hopes and stabilizes your
dreams. Helps you use your own inner resources and
potentials to alleviate your self-blocks. Helps us have a
focus of purity in ourselves. Promotes clarity of mind and
activates the crown chakra. It shows us our oneness with
our Creator. Helps one have a love of truth.
BLUE QUARTZ: A fine peace and tranquility stone. Stimulates
creativity and expression.
GREEN QUARTZ: Stimulates creativity. An all-around healer, it
soothes, heals, and balances. Prosperity stone.
Compiled by Fern Bouchard
are formed along energy lines found within the
natural forces of the earth itself. Even beyond the earth
within the natural forces of the cosmos itself. The stars
you see about the earth at night and the other planets also
radiates lines of force. These lines literally transverse
the earth itself and generates energy along the meridian of
these lines...It is along these lines that crystals are
formed in the natural state. So in essence they are the
energy of the cosmos itself.
Nature acts as a storehouse of energy. We have to learn to
tap this storehouse, if man were to know of the natural
abilities of crystals. There would not be any problems of
energy shortages. Crystals are energy in themselves, in
many different forms.
Crystals help with clairvoyance, generate energy, keep away
nightmares. If powdered it is good for swelling, heart
disease, eye disease, fever, intestinal problems. In Scotland
it is the stone of victory..
Apollo Sun Moon
Compiled by Lady Hathor - The Silver Circle - Toronto, Ont.
Quartz crystal (clear): Enhances the crystalline properties
of blood, body and mind. Activates and enhances pineal and
pituitary glands .Emotional balancer. Stimulates brain
functions. Amplifies thought forms. Full spectrum energy
activates all levels of consciousness. Dispels negativity
in one's energy field and in environment. Receives,
activates, stores, trasmits and amplifies energy.
Excellent for meditation. Enhances interdimensional
communication and communication with Higher Self and Spirit
Guides. (All)
Herkimer Diamond: a type of quartz crystal. Cleanses subtle
bodies. Reduces stress. Balances and purifies energy within
body/mind. Similar qualities as clear quartz.
Powerful amplifier. Enhances inner vision. Increases
awareness of dreams - "dream crystal." Stores thorugh forms
and information. (All)
Rose Quartz: Aids kidneys and circulatory system. Increases
fertility. Eases sexual/emotional imbalances. Helps clear
stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, jealousy. Reduces
stress and tension, cools hot temper. Enhances self-
confidence and creativity. Aids development of forgiveness,
compassion, love. (4)
Rutilated Quartz: Regeneration of tissue throughout body.
Enhances life-force. Strengthens immune system.
Stimulates brain functions. Eases depression,
facilitates inspiration. Increases clairvoyance. Highly
electrical, more intensity than clear quartz.
Pierces through layers of physical/emotional/mental density.
Transmutes negativity.Enhances communication with Higher
Self and Spirit Guides. (All).
Smoky Quartz: Strengthens adrenals, kidneys, pancreas.
Increases fertility, balances sexual energy. Aids
depression. Mildly sedative and relaxing. Initiates
movement of kundalini. Dissipates subconscious blocks and
negativity on all levels. Grounding, centering. Excellent
for meditation. Enhances dream awareness and channelling
abilities. (1,2,3)
Tourmalated Quartz: Clear quartz with black tourmaline
crystals balances male/female polarities. Aids in balancing
extremes. Grounding, very protective, dissipates
negativity. Combines forces of clear quartz and black
tourmaline. (1,7)
By Legion of Light
RHODOCHROSITE: It can beautifully guide you in your quest for
emotional happiness. Unites the conscious and the
subconscious. Helps restore balance to the psyche when it
has been wounded by emotional or physical trauma. Connects
the heart and solar plexus. It can bring new love into
your life. Integrates the physical, emotional, and mental
with the inspirational and spiritual aura layers. Strong
transmitter of energy and aura fields - an electrical
conductor. Used to open the healing chakras in the palms
of the hands. Improves the "not wanting to see" types of
eye and vision dis-eases. Aids acceptance, interpretation,
and assimilation of what is seen.
Compiled by Fern Bouchard
Rhodochrosite: Aids spleen, kidneys, heart, pituitary
gland and circulation of blood. Enhances memory and
intellectual power. Emotional balancer. Helps heal
emotional wounds and traumas. Aligns subtle bodies.
Red/pink color helps to blend courage/will/passion
aspects of lower chakras with loving expression of the
heart. Divine love, acceptance of self and life. Powerful
healer for those attuned to it. (1,4)
By Legion of Light
RHODONITE: Promotes self-esteem, feelings of self-worth and
good self confidence. Good for relieving mental unrest and
confusion, anxious foreboding and incoherence. Fends off
unwanted influences from etheric planes. Has a very
beneficial effect upon the growth of bones and the hearing
system. It fine-tunes audio capabilities, making it a good
stone for musicians.
Compiled by Fern Bouchard
Rhodonite: Aids central nervous system, thyroid gland, body
reflexes, pituitary gland, pancreas. Strengthens
immunity. Improves memory. Eases physical/emotional trauma.
Reduces stress, calms mind. Alighns root and heart chakras
for bringing love into action and manifestation (red/black
variety). Self-esteem, confidence. Enhances energy levels
in body mind. Pink variety (no black) helps impart
understanding of strength within vulnerability. Great
stone for light-workers serving in cities. (1,4)
By Legion of Light
RHYOLITE: A physical and emotional stabilizer. Helps
strengthen the permanency of a love relationship.
Stimulates emotional ardor. Rejuvenates physical beauty.
Compiled by Fern Bouchard
Ruby: Aids regeneration of physical/spiritual heart.
Enhances circulation. Vitalizes blood and entire
body/mind system. Strengthens immunity. Activates sluggish
or dormant conditions on physical/spiritual levels. Refines
lower passions. Courage, integrity, selfless service, joy,
spiritual devotion, power, leadership. Helps banish sense of
limitation. (1,4)
By Legion of Light
SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Sapphire is a member of the Corundum
family, along with ruby. Both are basically aluminum oxide.
It's chemistry is Al2O3. All colors of Corundum are
considered to be "sapphire" unless they are red (Ruby.) It
ranges in color from pink, blue, green, violet, gray, yellow
and many shades in between. Black sapphire is colored by an
admixture of magnetite, hematite or spinel (emery). Corundum
is one of the hardest stones, rated at 9. The streak is
ENVIRONMENT: The crystals are Hexagonal; sometimes tapering
prismatic; also pyramidal, tabular. It is often striated.
OCCURRENCE: Gem quality sapphire have been found at only a
few places in North America: at Yogo Gulch, Judith Basin Co.,
Montana, and at several places in North Carolina. Thailand,
Ceylon, and Burma are the principal sources.
NAME: Corundum is from [kuruntam], a Tamil word derived from
Sanskrit [kuruvinda,] meaning "ruby." (I have not been able
to locate a source for the word "sapphire".)
LEGEND and LORE: Sapphire has been associated with divine
favor. The Buddhists believed that the sapphire favored
devotion and spiritual enlightenment. It is the birthstone
for the month of September:
"A maiden born when autumn leaves
Are rustling in September's breeze.
A Sapphire on her brow should bind;
'Twill cure diseases of the mind. (5)
MAGICAL PROPERTIES: The ancient Greeks linked sapphire with
Apollo, and wore it as an aid to prophecy when consulting
oracles. For this reason, it is considered an aid for
developing the "third eye". It was also considered to be able
to guard its owner from being captured. It is worn and
utilized in rituals to strengthen the ability to tap and send
forth power.
HEALING: Sapphire has been use as an aide to healing ailments
of the eyes. It is also considered a booster for the immune
system, protecting the body in general from disease.
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I've only recently acquired two
sapphires. One of them is from Saudi Arabia, and is faceted.
The second one I bought on March 13, 1993, and is probably
from Thailand. As a result, I haven't really had a chance to
work with them, so I have no comments at the moment.
NOTES: Corundum is used as an abrasive. It is also used as
the "jewels" in watches with "jewel movements."
1. Scientific, Environment, Occurrence and Name are from (or
paraphrased from) "The Audubon Society Field Guide to North
American Rocks and Minerals".
2. Legends and Lore, Magical Properties are from
"Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic", by
Scott Cunningham.
3. Some of the healing information may come from "Color and
Crystals, A Journey Through the Chakras" by Joy Gardner.
4. Personal Experience is from MY personal experience,
journals and notebooks, by Tandika Star.
5. Birthstone poem from "The Occult and Curative Powers of
Precious Stones" by William T. Fernie, M.D.
Sapphire: Strengthens heart and kidneys. Activates
pituitary gland, thereby aiding entire glandular system.
Aligns body/mind/spirit. Stimulates psychic abilities,
clarity and inspiration. Creative expression, loyalty,
love. Aids connection with Higher Self/Spirit Guides.
Strengthens will. Expands cosmic awareness. Dispels
confusion. Excellent for meditation. (5,6)
By Legion of Light
SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Selenite is the name given to
colorless, transparent Gypsum. It is a Hydrous calcium
sulfate with the chemistry of CaSO4.2H2O. The hardness is 1-
1/2 to 2.
ENVIRONMENT: Gypsum is a very common sulfate mineral.
Although it may be found in several rock types, it develops
principally in sedimentary rocks of chemical origin, where it
roms rock gypsum deposits in beds that may be 10m (30') in
thickness. It also occurs associated with dolomite and barite
in hydrothermal replacement deposits.
OCCURRENCE: At Lockport, Niagra Co., New York, beautiful
transparent crystals occur lining cavity walls in dolomite.
Large crystals have been found at South Was, Wayne Co., Utah.
Crystals up to 1.2 m (4') long have been found in the
Maravilla Mine, Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico.
NAME: The name comes from the Greek [selenites], meaning
"moon stone".
LEGEND and LORE: I was unable to find anything listed for
"ancient" uses of this version of Gypsum.
MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Cunningham states "...it is exchanged
between lovers for reconciliation."
HEALING: Stein mentions a case of using the stone, in a
"lump" form for increasing milk flow in a nursing mother.
Katrina Raphaell is the only other healer that I can
reference that uses Selenite. She refers to it as a healer
of the psyche, rather than of the physical dimension.
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: Selenite can calm a confused mind.
Because of it is Gypsum, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it
for any calcium deficiency diseases or for healing broken
bones (although I haven't had an opportunity to try it on
bones yet.) My Selenite wand is relatively new, and I have
not yet fully explored it's potential.
NOTES: In the past, crystalline Selenite has been used to
make eyeglass lenses. Long Selenite "wands" can be found.
But caution is advised with this stone: because it is so soft
and has a high water content, it "bends" quite easily. Even
the heat from your hand, while holding it can cause it to
bend and curl.
1. Scientific, Environment, Occurrence and Name are from (or
paraphrased from) "The Audubon Society Field Guide to North
American Rocks and Minerals".
2. Precious and semi-precious gemstone information may come
from "Gemstones" by E. H. Rutland.
3. Other Precious and semi-precious gemstone information may
come from "Gem Cutting", sec. ed., by John Sinkankas.
4. Legends and Lore, Magical Properties are from
"Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic", by
Scott Cunningham.
5. Some of the healing information may come from "Color and
Crystals, A Journey Through the Chakras" by Joy Gardner.
6. Some of the healing information may come from "A Journey
Through the Chakras" by Joy Gardner.
7. Personal Experience is from MY personal experience,
journals and notebooks, by Tandika Star.
Selenite: Strengthens bones, teeth. Soothes nerves. Has
positive effect on brain, aiding power of concentration.
Enhances willpower. Grounded white light. (7)
By Legion of Light
SODALITE: Clears the mind for deeper and more wise thinking.
Helps clear old mental patterns - guilt and fear. Helps
connect your thoughts to your feelings. Strengthens the
power of mind over body. Grounding for those who over-
react emotionally. Throat stone. Stabilizes the thyroid.
Helps one speak more and gain more confidence. Clears
vision and opens third eye. Prolongs physical endurance.
Aids in the manufacture of insulin to help stabilize
Compiled by Fern Bouchard
Sodalite: Aids pancreas, balances endocrine system,
strengthens metabolism and lymphatic system. Balances
male/female polarities. Alleviates fear. Calms and
clears the mind. Slightly sedative, grounding. Cuts
through density and illusion, bringing clarity and truth.
Enhances communication, creative expression. Similar
qualities as lapis lazuli. (5,6)
By Legion of Light
SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: If a transparent or translucent
mineral contains numerous thin, hair-like fibers of another
mineral, light reflected from a polished surface displays a
fibrous sheen like satin or silk. This effect is called
[chatoyancy] and is responsible for the streaks of light in
catseye gems and star stones. Most commonly, the inclusions
in corundum (sapphire, ruby) are rutile. Other stones that
may display the star effect are garnet and tourmaline.
For the catseye effect, the fibers lay in parallel bundles.
When they are crystallized out parallel to the triagonal
crystal symmetry, (two or more such lines intersect in the
middle,) the appearance of a four-, six- or even twelve-rayed
star may appear. The star stones are referred to as
[asterias.] The twelve-rayed star is the most rare, and
therefore the most valuable.
In most cases, star stones are produced as cabochons (that
is, with a rounded top). It is important that these should be
cut so that the star is exactly in the middle of the round
Most star stones are a pale grey, but they can also be found
in the richest colors. Occasionally one of the three rays of
the star greatly predominates and stones are then cut as oval
cat's-eyes. Almandine Garnets, when they display a star are
referred to as [carbuncles].
LEGEND and LORE: In the East, star stones and cat's-eyes are
considered exceptionally lucky, especially in games of
chance. They have also been used for scrying.
MAGICAL PROPERTIES: In general, a stone displaying the star
type chatoyancy is considered to be magically strengthened. A
star in a sapphire increases the users ability to tap the
subconscious/higher mind. A star ruby is considered to
be a particularly potent protection against other forms of
HEALING: Star stones can be used in the same ways as the
stone, but with increased power/potency.
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I've only recently acquired a star ruby
(March 13, 1993), so I really haven't had time to work with
it. I have used star garnets. I use them to represent two
friends of mine who are astrologers, who also have problems
dealing with money. The star is for the astrology. The red
color is for the Root Chakra, Muldhara. This Chakra is the
base of survival. It is grounded in material reality, so it
is the center of manifestation.
1. Scientific information is from "Gem Cutting" by John
Sinkankas and "Gemstones" by E.H. Rutland.
2. Legends and Lore, Magical Properties are from
"Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic", by
Scott Cunningham.
3. Some of the healing information may come from "The Women's
Book of Healing" by Diane Stein.
4. Personal Experience is from MY personal experience,
journals and notebooks, by Tandika Star.
SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Staurolite (also known as "Fairy
Cross") is a basic silicate of iron and aluminum, often with
some magnesium and zinc. The chemical formula is rather long,
Fe2Al9Si4O22(OH)2. It's hardness is on par with quartz,
ranging from 7 to 7-1/2. They are yellowish brown, reddish to
brownish black, weathering to grey and are somewhat dull in
appearance. The streak is white. They are collectors items
because twinned crystals often intergrow at nearly 90 degree
angles, forming a cross.
ENVIRONMENT: Staurolite occurs with albite, biotitie, and
sillimanite in gneiss and schist of regional metamorphic
OCCURRENCE: In North America, twinned crystals are found at
Windham, Cumberland Co., Maine; at Sugar Hill, Franconia and
Lisbon, Grafton Co., New Hampshire; and in Fannin Co.,
Georgia. Particularly fine twinned crystals can also be found
near Pilar, Rio Arriba Co., New Mexico. They have also been
found at Pizzo Forno, Switzerland, France and Scotland.
NAME: The name comes from the Greek [stauros], meaning
LEGEND and LORE: Staurolite was considered to be a
representative of all four elements: Air, Fire, Earth and
Water. It was believed that a person who possessed this
talisman could cause the elements to do his/her bidding. In
addition, it was believed that the 90 degree cross
represented the crossing of the spiritual and physical
planes. After the arrival of Christianity, these stones were
popular with those who entered a crusade. Many people now
days carry them as a good luck charm.
MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Cunningham says "To gain control over the
elemental forces, wear a staurolite set in any electrum
fashioned as a ring or pendant."
HEALING: I've been unable to find ANY reference to this stone
used in healing. All references I've seen refer to it as
protective, or lucky, or elemental.
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I do not currently have one in my
NOTES: Transparent, single crystals of staurolite are
occasionally cut into faceted gems.
1. Scientific, Environment, Occurrence and Name are from (or
paraphrased from) "The Audubon Society Field Guide to North
American Rocks and Minerals".
2. Legends and Lore, Magical Properties are from
"Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic", by
Scott Cunningham.
3. Personal Experience is from MY personal experience,
journals and notebooks, by Tandika Star.
SUGILITE (or) LUVULITE: Third eye activator. Opens the
connection between mind and body. It attunes one to their
mental body to see what is creating the physical problem
and in doing so, gain the healing power necessary to
balance the physical body. Helps spiritually oriented
individuals deal with the sometimes overwhelming negative
energies present on the planet. A stone to use for
children to keep the innocence, wisdom, and magic of the
child's world as they grow into adulthood. Also used to
re-awaken those qualities in adults. Helps one connect
with their own inner light. Helps cancer patients release
the old angers, resentments, fears, guilts, frustrations,
sorrows, or insecurities that manifested the disease.
Compiled by Fern Bouchard
Sugilite: Enhances functions of pineal, pituitary and
adrenal glands. Activates and balances brain hemispheres.
Strengthens heart. Aids physical healing and
purification of bodily systems. Emotional balancer,
reduces stress. Brings higher spiritual awareness into
physical reality. Enhances sensitivity. Strong
protective qualities. Excellent for meditation. Enhances
channeling abilities. (6,7)
By Legion of Light
SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Sunstone is a member of the
Plagioclase Feldspar Group. This group is a series of
mixtures of sodium and calcium aluminum silicates. Sometimes
confused with Fire Opal, this stone has a fiery, multicolored
flash, mostly golden yellow and orange thru red-orange in
hue. Rather than the "flash" being "inside" the stone, as it
is with opal, it is more on the surface, resembling a
"red/orange/yellow labradorite." The average hardness is 6
and the streak is white.
ENVIRONMENT: The plagioclase feldspars are important rock-
forming minerals and are found in many kinds of igneous and
metamorphic rocks.
OCCURRENCE: The best material is from Tvedestrand, Norway. It
is found in small masses several inches across of a deep
reddish-orange color. Cut gems produce gleaming golden
reflections. Fair Sunstone has been found in Alan Wood Iron
Mine, Mine Hill, New Jersey and occasionally from Modoc
County California. Some material has also been found in
Oregon and Canada, although I suspect this is Orthoclase
GEMSTONE INFORMATION: Many of the feldspars have
traditionally been cut into cabochons and polished because of
their "internal glow". Sunstone, although rather rare, has
been treated in this manner. More often, cut stones called
"sunstones" are a clear/yellow Orthoclase, rather than the
NAME: Sunstone derives it's name from it's appearance: Its
bright golden orange flash reminds us of the Sun's rays.
LEGEND and LORE: Sunstone was used by Magicians in the past,
to invoke the energies associated with the Sun. There is very
little data available on ancient usages. This is probably
because the stone is rare.
MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Cunningham suggests that this stone can
be used to enliven sexual energy.
HEALING: Again, there isn't much literature on healing uses,
either. Cunningham suggest placing a piece in with dried
healing herbs to strengthen their potency. He also suggest
that it will add physical strength and stamina when carried
or worn.
PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I use Sunstone at the Solar Plexus to
pull in solar energy when a client feels "depleted". I also
associate it with Chi, or life force, and use it to balance
energy in the body. In addition, I've used it for working on
eye problems. More often, I will use Moonstone and Sunstone
together...sort of a Yin/Yang combination. This produces
powerful, balanced, magical energy.
NOTES: There are three different, distinct stones that you
may find under the description of "sunstone". One is actually
a red/orange/brown version of Adventurine. Another is a
clear/yellow crystal, which is actually a member of the
Orthoclase family. Each one has a different chemical
composition, different appearance and different
magical/healing energies. I agree with Cunningham, in
that I feel the one described here and in his book is the
"true" Sunstone.
1. Scientific, Environment, Occurrence and Name are from (or
paraphrased from) "The Audubon Society Field Guide to North
American Rocks and Minerals".
2. Precious and semi-precious gemstone information may come
from "Gemstones" by E. H. Rutland.
3. Other Precious and semi-precious gemstone information may
come from "Gem Cutting", sec. ed., by John Sinkankas.
4. Legends and Lore, Magical Properties are from
"Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic", by
Scott Cunningham.
5. Some of the healing information may come from "Color and
Crystals, A Journey Through the Chakras" by Joy Gardner.
6. Some of the healing information may come from "A Journey
Through the Chakras" by Joy Gardner.
7. Personal Experience is from MY personal experience,
journals and notebooks, by Tandika Star.
8. Birthstone poem from "The Occult and Curative Powers of
Precious Stones" by William T. Fernie, M.D.
Copyright © 2001-02 Flamewing SilvaRhaven, The coven of the Dark moon. All rights reserved.
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