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The forces of nature dictate that the quarters are placed differently in the Southern Hemisphere. As the Equator is to the North, some feel that the elements should be reversed. Fire is situated in the North. Earth, and the Altar, are placed in the South. Water is in the East and Air in the West. This is only a recommendation for the East Coast of Australia. But do whatever makes you comfortable. Wicca is your own religion to adapt as you wish, but you must keep in mind the laws of nature.

Many people that live in the Southern Hemisphere reverse the Sabbats. As the Sabbats are seasonal festivals it makes sense to change them around to fit the different seasons down here.. it can be a bit meaningless to celebrate the Winter Solstice when we're in the middle of Summer down here. Then again, it is entirely up to the person. If they feel comfortable doing things one way then by all means continue doing it the way you prefer!

The circle is conducted Deosil. Deosil (meaning the direction of the sun) in the Southern Hemisphere is anti-clockwise, so many people work in the opposite direction to those in the Northern Hemisphere. Just as the water goes down the drain the opposite way, the circle is conducted in the opposite direction. Some find this difficult when all the rites and rituals handed down are conducted clockwise, so again, find out what works best for you. You may have to experiment a little to find the most effective way for you to practise ritual magick in order to gain the desired results.

There is nothing that says if you live in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere you must do things in a certain way, some feel comfortable following what they feel is right. Whatever works the best for you is how you should do things no matter where you live.