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Abnoba - Goddess of the hunt.

Adsagsona - Goddess of the underworld and magic.

Airmed - Goddess of witchcraft and herb lore.

Andraste - Goddess of victory.

Ardwinna - Goddess of the forests.

Arianhod - Goddess of the moon.

Artio - Goddess of wildlife.

Badb - One of the three war godesses, who together form the Morrigan. Depicted as a raven with a blood-covered mouth.

Banbha - Earth Goddess.

Bebhionn - Goddess of the underworld and pleasure.

Belatucadros - God of war and destruction.

Belenos - God of healing and light.

Belisama - Goddess of light and fire, the forge and crafts. Wife of Belenos.

Borvo - God of healing.

Branwen - Love goddess.

Bres - God of agriculture and fertility.

Brighid - Goddess of therapy, healing, metalworking, poetry, and fertility. Known as Cerridewn in Wales.

Carlin - The spirit of Samhain (Halloween).

Carman - Goddess of evil magic. She gave birth to three sons: Dother ("evil"), Dian ("violence") and Dub ("darkness").

Cenn Cruaich - God of the heavens.

Cernunnos - God of the underworld and animals.

Cerridewn - Goddess of dark prophetic powers.

Cliodna - Goddess of the otherworld and beauty.

Cocidius - God of forest and hunting, and sometimes war.

Cuda - Mother goddess.

Damona - Goddess of fertility and healing.

Diancecht - God of healing.

Epona - The horse goddess.

Etain - Sun goddess of ancient Ireland.

Fand - God of the sea.

Geofon - Ocean goddess.

Govannon - God of metalworksers and smiths.

Gwyn ap Nudd - Lord of the Underworld.

Latis - Water goddess.

Llyr (Lir) - God of the sea.

Lugh (Lugus) - Sun god who carried a magic spear.

Mabon - God of liberation, harmony, music and unity.

Macha - One of the three war goddesses known as the Morrigan. She feeds on the heads of dead enemies.

Manannan mac Lir - God of the ocean.

Math ap Mathonwy - God of sorcery.

Ogmios (Ogma) - God of poetry, and incantation.

Rhiannon - Welsh counterpart of Epona.

Sequana (Sequona) - The river Seine is named for her.

Sirona - Yet another goddess of healing.

Taranis - God of the wheel, associated with change.

Vitiris - Wisdom God.