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Celtic Goddess Pantheon


Scottish Goddesses

Warrior Goddess who stole a magick alphabet from the deities & gave it to humans. For this act & her meaness she was turned into a crane.
Rituals: Protection, knowledge, aid in teaching.
Sacred to Aife:
The crane, the lance

AINE - Goddess of Love aka Lady Of The Lake

BADB / MADB/ MACHA - Triple Aspect War Goddesses

Crone Goddess; ruler of Death, Destruction, & War.
Call on at Samhain for spirit contact; past life learning; can also learn your time of death with divination.
Sacred to Bellona:
crow; staff; tower tarot card; apples; bloodstone.

BRID (Breej)
Universal Mother, goddess of arts & crafts.
Rituals: Fire magick; crafting; creative inspiration; animal magick; fertility; healing; childbirth
Sacred to Brid:
Iombolg; fire; empress tarot card; milk; lambs; shield; heart.

The hag; also seen as the Triple Goddess; controller of the seasons & weather; powerful Goddess; treat her with the respect her age has earned.
Rituals: Samhain; seasonal rites; wisdom; weather magick.
Sacred to Cailleach:
The raven, the staff, waning moon, winter, apples.

CAIRPRE - A poetess at Tara

Moon and grain goddess who possesses the great cauldron of knowledge.
Rituals: Harvest rites; wisdom & knowledge; divination; past life discovery; waning moon.
Sacred to Cerridwin:
cauldron; vervain; dark moon.

Sea goddess of Munster. Goddess of the afterlife associated with the sea & beauty.
Rituals: Spirit contact; physical appearance; water magick.
Sacred to Cliodna:
sand dollars, abalone, shells, sand.

Goddess of Prophecy; transcendent knowledge; transitions.
Rituals: Divination.
Sacred to Corra:
Rune sticks, runes stones, pendulums, crystal balls, tarot cards


QUEEN OF ELPHAME aka Queen of The Faeries
Goddess of Death & Disease & rebirth; faery queen. HATES BELLS!
Rituals: Crone Goddess; banishing, death; destruction; battle; the Otherworld Beltaine; rebirth.
Sacred to Queen of Elphame:
Moon; silver; primrose; pentagon.

Famous healer of both humans & faeries; still lives in the faery realm.
Ritual: Faery contact; healing; herbal knowledge.
Sacred to Meg The Healer:
Chamomile, celtic caduceus.

Serpent Goddess who was punished after leading sisters in a revenge plot against their father.
Rituals: Compassion; knowledge of when vengeance is warranted.
Sacred to Melusine:
white rose; snail shells; snakeskin.

Goddess of battle associate with the sea, faeries, and The Morrighan.
Rituals: Overcome enemies; passing over rituals; battle; banishing magick; waning moon.
Sacred to Muireartach:
The raven, obsidian; waning and dark moon; black dogs.

SINEND - Goddess of the Shannon

SIONNA - Goddess of the river Shannon

SGATHACH aka Aine aka The Lady Of The Lake.
Called the "Shadowed One" or the "One Who Strikes Fear." She is the warrior/teacher Goddess who ran the greatest warrior school in Celtic culture on the Isle of Skye & gave the Excalibur sword to King Arthuir.
Rituals: Potent magick; fighting skills; protection; aid in teaching.
Sacred to Sgathach:
Garnets, swords, shields.


Celtic Goddesses: Gaul, Irish, & Welsh

AIRMID- Irish - A healing goddess of the Tuatha de Danann, goddess of medicinal plants &keeper of the spring that brings the dead back to life.

ARIANRHOD- Welsh - Celtic earth goddess. She is the sister of Gwydion.

BELISAMA AKA MINERVA- Gaul - All celtic tribes. Goddess of light and fire, forging and craft.

BOANN- Irish - Boann is a Goddess of bounty and fertility, whose totem is the sacred white cow. She was the wife of Nechtan, a water deity. The father of her son Angus was Dagda. To hide their union from Nechtan, Boann & the Dagda caused the sun to stand still for nine months, so that Angus was conceived and born on the same day.

BRANWEN- Welsh - Branwen is the Celtic goddess of love and beauty, also worshipped in Manx and Wales. She is the sister of Bran the Blessed and Manannan mac Lir, daughter of Lir, and wife of the Irish king Matholwch. After the death of her brother Bran, due to a war caused by her husband, Branwen died of a broken heart. She corresponds with Aphrodite and Venus.

CERRIDWEN- Welsh - Mother of Taliesen, greatest and wisest of all the bards, therefore she is patron of poets. Caridwen corresponds with Brigit. She is connected with wolves, & some believe that her cult dates to the Neolithic era. Originally a corn goddess.

DANU- Gaul - All celtic tribes - Danu is considered to be the mother of The Dagda, god of the Tuatha de Danaan. She most likely existed in an earlier form as Anu, Universal Mother.

EPONA AKA RHIANNON- Welsh - The Goddess of horses, mules, and cavalrymen. She was worshipped throughout entire Gaul, and as far as the Danube and Rome. Her cult was eventually adopted by the Roman army and they spread her worship wherever they went. Epona is depicted sitting side saddle or lying on a horse, or standing with multiple horses around her. Her symbol is the Cornucopia ("horn of plenty") which suggests that she could (originally) have been a fertility goddess. She is also identified with the Celtic goddess Edain.

MORRIGHAN- Gaul- All celtic tribes - Morrighan was the Celtic goddess of war and death who could take the shape of a crow or raven. She is associated with the sometimes frightening aspects of female energy, and is wife to Dagda. As one aspect of the Celtic triple goddess, Morrigan is seen washing bloody laundry prior to battle by those destined to die.

NANTOSUELTA (Nantosvelta)- Gaul - All celtic tribes. Consort of Sucellus, she is a goddess of nature, valleys and streams. Her symbol, the raven, suggests that she may be associated with Irish war-goddess Morrigan.

RHIANNON- Welsh - Believed to be the Welsh counterpart of Gaulish horse goddess Epona. Her son, Pryderi, succeeded his father Pwyll as the ruler of Dyfed and of the otherworld.

ROSMERTA- Gaul - All celtic tribes. A Celtic goddess of fertility and wealth, whose cult was widely spread in Gaul. She is the wife of the god Esus, but also of the Gaulish Mercury. Her attributes are a cornucopia and a stick with two snakes.

SHANNON- Irish - Goddess of the river Shannon.