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Celtic Year


Moon Phases

Waxing Moon
This phase is from new moon to full moon (14 days). This is the symbol of the Maiden Goddess.
Ritual Focus: New beginnings, work, school, love, health & creativity/ideas. Enhances spells used for increase & attraction. Best lunar phase for binding spells.

Full Moon
This phase lasts 6 days- 3 days before the full moon (waxing rituals) and 3 days after the full moon (waning rituals). This phase is symbolic of the Mother Goddess.
Ritual Focus: Strength, protection, power, & healing spells. Excellent for divination.

Waning Moon
This phase lasts from full moon to new moon (14 days). This phase is symbolic of the Crone aspect of the Goddess.
Ritual Focus: Wisdom, divination, removing negativity, banishing, and releasing, closure, & cleansing.

The 3 Realms
Unlike Wicca, in celtic theology, there are only 3 realms: earth, sea, & sky.

The 4 Seasons
Marrach aka Spring, Samradh aka Summer, Foghar aka Fall, Geamhradh aka Winter

The 4 Directions
Taobh a Tuath- North, Taobh an Eir- East, Taobh a Deas- South, Taobh an Iar- West


The Scotican (Scottish) Holy Year


Martinnas aka Old Hallowmas aka Samhuinn (November 11)
This is the time of the Thin Veil or communion with the dead, the ruling time of the Crone aspect of the Goddess.

Feill-Fionnain aka Geamhradh aka Yule (December 21)
Time of the Goddess of the Cold Darkness and the birth of the Divine Child, the reborn Sun goddess Dianecht. A Time of rebirth and the turning of the earth force tides.

Festival of Brid (Breej) aka Iombloc aka Candlemas (February 2)

First Stirring of Mother Earth; spring cleaning; time of cleansing and purification; preparation for growth and renewal. A festival of the Triple Goddess Brigid, whose breath gave life to the dead.

Ostara (March 21)
Balance of light and dark; Sowing time in the north; earth cycle of plant and animal fertility; spell producing; new beginnings.

Whitsun aka Old Bealltain aka Beltane (May 15)
Time of the Lady of the Greenwood; honor of the house guardian.

Litha (June 22)
Rededication to the Great Goddess. The time when the Sun casts three rays to light the world.

Flame Of The Goddess (August 1)
The turning point in Mother Earth's year; a harvest festival in the northern lands. The Waxing Goddess. Best time for rituals focusing on abundance. Wiccan equivalent is Lammas.

Foghar aka Mabon (September 21)
Balance of light and dark. Time of rest after labor. Completion of the harvest, thanksgiving. A good time for meditations on reincarnations in preparation for Samhain.