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AGATE: Tones and strengthens body and mind, imparts a sense of strength and courage, facilitates ability to discern truth and accept circumstances, grounding but energetic, powerful healer, works with chakras and attributes according to the oclour of the stone

AMBER: exerts positive influences on endocrine system; the heart, healing, soothing, harmonizing

AMETHYST: strengthens endocrine and immune systems, purification and regeneration on all levels, cuts through illusion, enhances psychic abilities, excellent for meditation, aids channeling abilities, calming, strong, protective abilities, healing, inspiration, intuition

AQUAMARINE: calms nerves, enhances clarity of the mind, aids creative self-expression, physical, emotional and mental balancer, helps banish fears and phobias, excellent for meditation, peace, inpritation, calmness and love

BLOODSTONE: enhances psychic/mental vitality, reduces emotional/mental stress, powerful psychic healer, inner guidence

CITRINE: enhances body's healing energy, diminishes self destructive tendencies, raises self esteem, lightheartedness, cheerfulness, hope, energizing, attracts abundance

COPPER: supplies strong energy to body/mind, aids metabolism, aligns physical/emotional bodies, raises self esteem

DIAMOND: enhances brin functions, master healer, dispels negativity, abundance, innocence, purity, faithfulness

EMERALD: enhances dreams, meditation, deeper spiritual insight, prosperity, love, kindness, tranquility, balance, healing, patience, strong emotional balance

GARNET: strengthens, purifies, vitalizes and regenerates bodily systems, especially bloodstream, love, compassion, enhances imagination

GOLD: purifies and energizes physical body, amplifies thought forms, aids personal ilumination, relates to the Sun, male aspect, associated with the God

JADE: increases longevity and fertility, powerful emotional balancer, clarity, modesty, courage, justice, wisdom, peaceful and nurturing, dispels negativity

JASPER: poweful healer

LAPIS LAZULI: releases tension and anxiety, vitality, verility, mental clarity, illumination, enhances psychic abilities

MOONSTONE: relieves anxiety and stress, emotional balance, helps lessen tendency to over react emotionally

OBSIDIAN: connects mind and emotions, grounding, absorbs and disperses negativity, reduces stress, helps clear subconscious blocks, powerful healer

ONYX: relieves stress, aids detachment, enhances emotional balance and self control, higher inspiration

SAPPHIRE: clarity, inspiration, creative expression, loyalty, love, spirit guides, strengthens will, excellent for meditation

SILVER: enhances mental functions, relieves stress, relates to the Moon, subconscious, female aspect, emotional balance, associated with the Goddess

TIGERS EYE: enhances connection with personal power and will, grounding, centering, helps soften stubborness, enhances clear perception and insight

TOPAZ: awakening, inspiring, abundance, emotional balance, cooling, soothing, peace, tranquility, creativity, self expression

TURQUOISE: enhances meditation, creative expression, peace of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship, loyalty