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Basic Nature: fertile, moist, nurturing, stabilizing, grounding. Gravity is a manifestation of this element.

Type of Energy: receptive

Places: caves, canyons, chasms, forests, groves, valleys, fields, farms, gardens, parks, plant nurseries, farmer's markets, baby nurseries, basements, mines, holes.

Rituals: money, prosperity, fertility, stability, grounding, employment

Ritual Forms: burying, planting, making images in soil or sand

Herbs: earth-smelling plants (patchoulli & vetivert etc), mosses & lichens, nuts, dry & stiff plants - generally roots.

Plants: comfry, ivy, grains, barley, oats, rice, rye, wheat

Tree: oak

Colours: black, brown, green, white

Stones: heavy or opaque (eg. coal), green stones

Metals: iron, lead
Musical Instrument: drum, all percussion intruments

Animals: dog, horse, earthworm, gopher, ant, cow, burrowing animals

Spirits: Gnomes

Season: Winter

Direction: North

Time: night

Magickal Tool: pentacle

Point in Life: advanced age

Astrological Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Sense: touch

Natural Symbols: salt, clay, dish of fresh soil, rocks, wheat, acorns

Goddesses: Ceres, Demeter, Gaia, Mah, Nephthys, Persephone, Prithini, Rea, Rhiannon

Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Marduk, Pan, Tammuz

Types of Magick Ruled: gardening, magnet, image, stone, tree, knot, binding



Basic Nature: flying, moving, fresh, intelligent, suspending. Sound is a manifestations of this element

Type of Energy: projective

Places: mountain tops, wind-swept plains, cloudy skies, high towers

Rituals: travel, instruction, study, freedom, knowledge, recovering lost items

Ritual Forms: tossing objects in the air, suspending tools in high places, fanning light objects, vizualization, positive thinking

Herbs: fragrant, pungent, finely-veined, wind-swept - generally leaves

Plants: frankincense, myrrh, pansy, primrose, vervain, violet, yarrow

Tree: aspen

Stones: light stones (such as pumice) & transparent stones

Metals: tin, copper

Musical Instrument: flute - all wind intruments

Animals: spiders, most birds, winged insects

Spirits: sylphs

Season: Spring

Direction: East

Time: dawn

Magickal Tool: wand

Point in Life: infancy

Astrological Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Sense: hearing, smell

Natural Symbols: feather, incense smoke, fragrant flowers

Goddesses: Aradia, Arianrhod, Cardea, Nuit, Urania

Gods: Enlil, Khephera, Mercury, Shu, Thoth

Types of Magick Ruled: divination, concentration, visualization, wind magick



Basic Nature: purifying, destructive, cleansing, energetic, sexual, forcefl. Heat is a manifestation of this element

Type of Energy: projective

Places: deserts, hot springs, volcanoes, ovens, foreplaces, bedrooms, weightrooms, locker rooms, saunas, athletic fields

Rituals: protection, courage, energy, strength, authority, banishing negativity

Ritual Forms: burning, smouldering, heating

Herbs: stinging, thorny or hot (thistels, chilli peppers etc), desert-dwelling - cacti, stimulating, generally beans

Plants: garlic, hibiscus, mustard, nettle, onion, red pepper, red poppies

Tree: flowering almond tree

Stones: red or fiery, volcanic, clear

Metals: gold, brass

Musical Instrument: guitar, all stringed instruments

Animals: snake, cricket, lizard, preying mantus, ladybug, bee, scorpion, shark

Spirits: salamanders

Season: Summer

Direction: South

Time: noon

Magickal Tool: athame

Point in Life: youth

Astrological Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Sense: sight

Natural Symbols: flame, lava, heated objects

Goddesses: Brigid, Hestia, Pele, Vesta

Gods: Agni, Hephaestus, Horus, Vulcan

Types of Magick Ruled: candle, storm, time, star



Basic Nature: flowing, purifying, healing, soothing, loving

Type of Energy: receptive

Places: lakes, springs, streams, rivers, beaches, oceans, wells, swimming pools, bathtubs, showers, bedrooms, health spas, steam rooms, fountains

Rituals: purification, love, psychic awareness, dreams, sleep, peace, marriage, friendships

Ritual Forms: dilution, placing into water, washing away, bathing

Herbs: aquatic (water lillies, seaweed etc), fleshy (succulents, lettuce etc), loving - rose and gardenia, generally flowers

Plants: fern, lotus, moss, rushes, sea weeds, water lillies, all water plants

Stones: transparent or translucent - as in amethyst & aquamarine

Metals: mercury, silver, copper

Musical Instrument: cymbal, bell, all resonant metals

Animals: frog, turtle, dolphin, whale, otter, seal, most fish and shellfish

Spirits: undines

Season: Autumn

Direction: West

Time: dusk

Magickal Tool: chalice & cauldron

Point in Life: maturity

Astrological Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Sense: taste

Natural Symbols: shells, cup of water

Goddesses: Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamut

Gods: Dylan, Ea, Llyre, Manannan, Osirus, Neptune, Posidon

Types of Magick Ruled: sea, ice, snow, fog, mirror, magnet