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Frequently Asked Questions


This question is one based on personal interpretation, so I can only give you my views & opinions on it. A Witch is someone who practices Witchcraft, that does not mean they follow the beliefs or views of Wicca. A Wiccan follows the religion of Wicca but does not necessarily practice witchcraft (i.e. doing spells and rituals etc.). A Pagan is a person who follows a nature-based religion - this is not limited to Wicca. For example, some other Pagan religions include Druidism & Asatru.
All Wiccans are Pagans, but not all Pagans are Wiccan.


The God and Goddess are seen as the male and female aspects of Nature. They do not reign over the Universe, they instead are the Universe itself. Most of the early inhabitants of Europe followed one God and one Goddess, even though there might be many more deities in their particular pantheon. Often times the particular pair of deities someone followed would reflect some important aspect of their life such as their occupation, location, or path in life. The God is usually represented a protector or hunter, and the Goddess is often related to fertility or the land. The Gods are not ominpotent. They have egos and what we would consider to be human characteristics.


We don't worship Satan. Satan is not a part of Wicca at all, as Satan is a part of Christian & Muslim religions. We do not hold the belief that there is some type of deity that is evil, encompassing all of the "sinful" traits we as humans hold. We believe that each & every person is responsible for their own actions. If someone chooses to be "evil", then it is exactly that - their choice, even if a bad one. It is not an entity to blame our wrong doings on.


The pentacle: a five pointed star within a circle, is not a Satanic symbol. The five points of the pentacle symbolize the 5 different elements - earth, air, fire, water and spirit.

The pentacle is also seen as a symbol of protection: A person in the "goddess" position (arms & legs outstretched) surrounded by the magick circle. In some Wiccan traditions they keep their pentacle symbol hidden close to their body, as they feel this makes the symbol more sacred & powerful to the individual. Not all Wiccans & Witches wear a pentacle, some have other symbols that have significant meaning to them.

Satanists often wear the reversed pentacle, with the 2 points at the top, & have also been known to wear the cross upside down. Both of these acts do not make these symbols Satanic. In some Wiccan traditions the reversed pentacle is a symbol of the 2nd degree initiate status. It is not related to Satanism at all.


Witchcraft is comprised of many individual traditions that may differ greatly from one another at times. However, there are some key elements which most traditions follow. One, is the keeping of secrets or mysteries. There are some things which have not been written in a book and never will be. There is usually some form of initiation or rite of passage, although it may or may not be referred to as such. For some who are a part of family traditions, this is followed through certain rites which occur when an individual reaches specific times within their life cycle.For others, the rite of passage may be done after an individual has completed a a time of study along with specified tasks.


Not at all. The fable that all Witches/Wiccans are women is from the stories of the "old hag" flying on the broom with warts & black cats. Witches/Wiccans are both women & men. Many believe a male Witch is called a "warlock", when this is actually an offensive title as it is an old Scottish word meaning "traitor" or "oath breaker". Both men & women alike can be Witches, Wiccans & Pagans.


It is my opinion that there is no "one true religion". Look at all the many different people in the world from different cultures & lifestyles, different living conditions & environments. No two people are the same: we are all individuals. I believe religion is the same. It is a personal choice & should not be pushed upon people. I believe that all religions are valid to those that folow those beliefs. My religion is right for me, yet I know for others it is certainly not the right path & I feel we need to respect others personal beliefs, not judge them by it.

"I see God as a big, beautiful diamond with many facets. Each facet of God manifests as a positive religious belief. Witches see themselves as one of those facets on that diamond. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, & hundreds of other postive religions make up that big diamond too. Together we are all one." (Silver RavenWolf - 'Teen Witch')


This is also a question that is based on personal interpretation. I don't like the terms of a "black" & "white" Witch because in my opinion I don't see the difference. In every part of life there is both positive & negative aspects of everything. Nothing is either positive or negative, good or evil. We couldn't have the day without the night, there is no sun without a moon - each have opposite aspects. As each of us have positive and negative aspects within ourself, we need to be aware of both. I believe a Witch must be able to use both positive and negative magick in order to be equal. Negative does not mean "bad". Magick that most refer to as "black" or harmful has no part within my belief system as I follow the Wiccan Rede (you can find it on my 'Sacred Texts' page) which in the last line states "An ye harm none, do what ye will".


A period in History that just about every Witch knows about is a time called "The Burning Times". This was the time in the Late 15th Century through to the early 18th Century in which women, children and men were tortured and thousands were killed. More than 100,000 women were killed during this time in the name of God. Two men (Heinrich Sprenger and James Kramer) wrote a 'handbook' for witch-hunters called the Malleus Maleficarum (The Witch Hammer). These two men had the Catholic Pope of the time (Innocent VIII) supporting them. In this so-called 'handbook', they gave instructions on how to torture and kill these innocent people & even gave graphic examples & instructions. Innocent women, children & men were killed in the name of God & were told it was the only way to save their souls. An act as repulsive and horrifying as this was done in the name of God? No, it was done by these men who were power hungry & wanted to validate themselves by commiting blood thirsty crimes and saying it was in the name of God.