Journal Entry One

I guess the only reason I’m doing this is because Jae thinks it will help me recover from the ordeal I went through over these past two years. I trust and love him, so I’ll do as he suggests. Now, I just have to figure out where to start. Ordinarily, I’d say “the beginning”, but…I’ve told that story enough times. I guess I’ll start with my first meeting with anyone after the Dark Master’s reality.

It was maybe my fifth reality jump in a row. The four previous jumps were into wastelands, with no one alive to tell what had happened.

I landed in a field of waist high grass. As I stood up, I sheathed my sword, but kept my hand cautiously on the hilt.

I remember looking around and hoping that I’ve finally reached home, or at least that this reality will be moderately pleasant.

I spotted a lone man gazing sorrowfully down at two gravestones. My heart went out to him as he knelt down and tenderly placed a lone pink rose among the waves of grass in front of one grave and a white one in front of the other.

A gentle breeze ruffled his silver hair, even as it did mine. I felt as if I knew him from somewhere.

"You do,” the sword answered my unspoken comment.

“From where?”

“A long time ago…”

I gasped in pain and surprise as the sword suddenly snapped something open in my mind. A tsunami of old memories flooded my brain. The last thing I remember seeing before passing out is the silver haired man turning and looking at me in surprise.


When I woke up, I found myself under a blanket, in a huge bed. I opened my eyes to find the silver haired man watching me. I began to sit up before realizing I was naked under the sheets.

“Good morning, Lady Diana.”

I blinked, pulling a name out of the memories now prominent in my mind. “Kunzite?”

He nodded. “How are you feeling? I’ve treated what wounds needed to be treated.”

“Oh…thank you,” I couldn’t help blushing a little, knowing all too well exactly where those wounds were and how they got there. “I…I’m feeling better.” I looked shyly at him. “How about you? I’m sorry I interrupted you…”

He shook his head a little, resting a massive hand on my shoulder. “It’s all right. Zoi-chan was killed by Nephrite a long time ago.”

I guess the confusion was written all over my face because he smiled sadly and said, “You don’t know, do you?”

I shook my head a little. “No…I don’t.”

“Several years ago, the Dark Kingdom resurfaced. It was able to draw Nephrite, Jadeite and HLM into its clutches, but for some reason, Zoisite, you and myself evaded its grasp. Two years ago today, Jadeite killed you in your sleep, and I thought he’d destroyed your sword to prevent you from coming back. Nephrite attacked Zoi-chan and I. He killed Zoi, destroyed his soul crystal and tried to kill me as well.” He took off his shirt and showed me the scar that started at his left shoulder, ran down across his broad chest, down over his washboard stomach and ended at his left hip. “He gave me this in battle before I killed him and shattered his soul crystal. By that time, HLM had already taken Jae away. I was left to bury both you and my Zoi-chan.” He sighed and sat on the bed next to me, catching my gaze and holding it. In his ice blue eyes, I could see such terrible pain that I felt I would do anything to ease it. Within his eyes, there’s also a glimmer of hope beginning to smolder. “I don’t know if you’re the same Diana that I knew, but I can see in your eyes that you are in possession of the same kind, strong spirit. Will you help me bring Jae and HLM back?”

I searched his eyes for a moment more before nodding. “I shall do the best I can to help you.”

He looked at me speculatively. “Tell me…where were you these past years?”

I sighed softly. “I don’t think I’m your Diana…I’m from an alternate reality. A creature, by the name of the Dark Master, took me from it. He raped and tortured me…I was rescued by four very special brothers and their friends. I couldn’t stay, though. I had to leave that reality in order to try to find my way home. This is the fifth reality I’ve been in since then,” I remember smiling a little. “You’re the first person I’ve seen since then.”

“That had to be terribly lonely,” he commented in a soft voice.

I nodded, sighing softly at the memory of having to hurt Raph so badly at leaving him behind. To this day, I hope he finds happiness.

Anyway, when next I looked up, I saw Kunzite with his head bowed. “You must be lonely, too. This house ahs to be very empty when you’re the only one in it…”

He nodded silently, and I could tell by the slump of his shoulders that he felt the weight of the world upon him and needed a release. I reached over and put my arms around him in a friendly hug, being careful to keep the blanket up around me. He drew close and huddles against me. I was very surprised, but I figured that everyone needed a shoulder to cry on every once in a while, and this man hasn’t had one in all too long. Also, in supporting him in an hour of need, I was helping myself as well. Just the feeling of him crying for his lost love in my arms, the shear sorrow seeping from his very skin, was enough to bring tears to my eyes. It felt as if we were the only two beings left in the entire universe. That, though, is infinitely better than being feeling as if you’re the only one left in the universe. When he leaned up to kiss me, I knew that we both needed horribly to do what we were about to.

That entire night we spent together, teasing and pleasuring each other out of pure need of companionship. He taught me many things, all the time keeping in mind that the only experience in that area that I’d had to that point was from the rapes I had endured from the Dark Master and the all too vague memories from the Silver Millennium.

After our love making, I lay in Kunzites arms and looked up at him when he said in a voice as soft as a flake of snow, “Diana…”


“Thank you…for this…perhaps you can practice what I taught you with your true love, one day…”

“Oh…Kunzite,” I leaned up to kiss him again, knowing that what we did had to be nothing like what he used to do with his love, but knowing that it relaxed him as much as it did me. “It was my pleasure…thank you as well…”

We fall asleep together, knowing this night is the only one we’d ever share.


The next morning, we were forced awake by blaring alarms. He leapt out of bed, his nakedness disappearing as he teleports his uniform on. I hurriedly put on fresh clothing that Kunzite had considerately left for m. I grabbed my sword, and, by touching all five gems in the hilt, summoned my armor on.

            Kunzite led me to the entrance of the castle. We watched as a blond haired man with cold sapphire eyes and a young black and red haired woman with neon green on black eyes, a strange sort of controlled insanity in them, walk up the pathway. Shock adorned their faces when they caught sight of me.

Jae frowned, and I felt an ache in my heart unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

“Why aren’t you dead?!” HLM blurted out.

“Oh, I just didn’t feel like staying dead.”

She glowered at me and Jae’s frown got deeper as Kunz rested a hand on my shoulder.

“What do you want?” He asked in a strangely neutral tone.

“We’re giving you one last chance to join the Dark Kingdom. If you decline, you die,” Jae said, looking past me. HLM, however, glared at me. I guess she was his lover and was unhappy to see me alive.

“You know my answer to that, Jadeite, and it won’t change. However, I refuse to believe that you two are now completely evil. There has to be some good still within you both,” he responded.

“Very well. Then you and your new little whore will die.” Both Jae and Kunz began to glow as HLM leapt at me, claws first. I blocked with my sword.

Apparently while HLM and I exchanged blows, both men had reached their maximum power and released their strongest attacks. Just as I was bringing my sword down on my opponent, there was a huge dual explosion. One was from the two attacks colliding, forming a deadly blast, while the other was from my sword ripping a hole in the very fabric of reality. Just before the fire-ball could have claimed me, as it had already done with the other three, I disappeared into the portal.

I just can’t help wishing that they could have had a better outcome. Hopefully, they’re all in a happier place.

Journal Entry Two
Pain and Learning Index