Journal Entry Two

This next jump still gives me nightmares on occasion, but I think I should write about it. Up until now, I just haven’t felt ready to share it with anyone yet.


Several jumps later, my wounds were mostly healed from the last battle, and I’d just landed in a courtyard of black cobble stone. I slowly got to my feet and looked around cautiously, holding my sword before me defensively.

My finger slid to my soul crystal, and I disappeared to the naked eye as the sound of boots hitting the cobblestones preceded their source. I remember I hovered several feet above the ground as an auburn haired man stepped into view. He looked around briefly before looking up. My eyes widen as he looked directly at me, symbol glowing an angry red on his forehead.

“Hmm,” his voice reflected back at us off of the stone walls, “it appears our intruder bears a striking resemblance to our very own Diana.” A shadow seemed to disconnect itself from a dark hallway as Neph holds a hand up towards me. I felt a great force from above suddenly smash down on me, startling me into a solid state. I fell to the ground and was immediately pinned there by a strangely familiar winged figure. It looked just like HLM, but with black skin and yellow streaked eyes.

“HLM?!” I whispered in shock.

“I see you know my youma,” Neph commented coldly, stepping up beside us and resting a hand possessively on HLM’s head. He suddenly got an evil grin on his face, leaned in close to his demon’s ear and whispered something into it.

Through all of this, I was trying to get free, but her grip was like steel. The last thing I saw before I felt an exploding pain in my head and blacking out was the bright yellow-green flash of HLM’s eyes and the insane grin on her face.


When next I awoke, my back was to a cold, hard surface and my hands were bound over my head. I shivered and looked down at myself. It was then that the pain hit. My clothing was nothing more than shredded rags and I had gashes all over my body in an artful pattern. I still have the scars. I heard a sinister chuckling then and looked up into my own eyes.

She grabbed my chin with a surprisingly soft-skinned hand while I stared in shock. She wore the same gray uniform as the other four generals standing in the background. Her color for her lining was deep purple.

As she turned my head from side to side, she commented, “You’re right, she does look like me. Amazing.”

“She had this on her as well, my lady,” the demented HLM spoke up, stepping from the shadows and presenting the other Diana with my sword. I hadn’t noticed it until then, but this HLM wore only a black body suit type thing that was hardly anything more than a few strategically placed patches of fabric held to her with pieces of twine.

The dark Diana took my sword and was about to examine it when it suddenly disappeared in a bright explosion. Our cries were simultaneous: hers out of surprise and pain, mine out of desperation.

Jae caught her as Kunzite violently backhanded me. Blood and tears spattered the floor.

“How did you do that?” He asked me, pinning me with a cold glare.

“I DIDN’T do it!” I snapped. That earned me an upper-cut. I groaned in agony at seeing his once pristine white glove soaked in deep red blood. My blood.

“Do not talk back to me, child. Now answer,” he orders coldly, a glimmer of anger in his icy eyes.

Ashamed, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling as I answered, “I did not do it. I don’t know where it is, and I don’t know what happened.”

By now, Jae and Diana were gone.

I glared as I saw the big man draw his hand back again.

“Ah…Kunzaito-san,” Zoisite spoke up softly. To my relief, Kunz lowered his hand and turned to look at the smaller man. “I don’t think she’s lying.”

Kunz turned to him with an arched brow as I just hung there, bled and hurt like hell.

“Why, Zoisieto-san?”

“If she’d had anything to do with it, why would she scream like she did when her sword disappeared? Also, if she had the power to do that all along, why didn’t she do something to hurt one of us sooner? Anyway, I’m afraid if you beat her much more, she’ll die before she can join the youma ranks. Look at how badly she’s bleeding.”

Kunz looked me over and nodded. “I see your point, Zoiseito. We shall let her rest through the night.”

With that, they left, Neph and HLM being the last two left. Nephrite stepped up to me and looked me strait in the eye. His apparently favorite youma remained hunched in the shadows, barely visible.

“My Kurai Tenshi greatly enjoyed her treat in making a piece of art out of you.” He traced a finger down my neck and around one nipple as I watched him with weary eyes. “She looks forward to watching me break you in my own way.” He tilted my head back and pressed his lips forcefully to mine. I was so exhausted that I couldn’t pull away. When he drew back, I spit in his face.

That was probably a very big mistake, as it made him extremely angry. I could only hang there limply and glare as he growled and began to disrobe.

“Kurai Tenshi, come here. You’ll be getting your enjoyment much sooner than anticipated.”

I struggled until I could only scream as the white-hot agony made its way through my body. The continued their torture until all I could do was whimper in pain and objection.

When finally he finished, he leaned in close and whispered, “I hope you’ve learned not to mess with me, little youma.”

When he stepped back, HLM, or I guess her name in that reality was Kurai Tenshi, Japanese for Dark Angel, ran her sharp fingernails down my scabbed over left arm and side. She nipped at my neck, tearing a small gash in my skin. She then somehow excreted some kind of yellowish substance from her fangs and very very lightly touched the drop with a fingertip. It looked like she didn’t get anything on it, but as soon as Neph placed his hand over his demon’s and guided her to put her finger over the freshly opened cut, I knew there had to be something on it.

“And this will truly test your pain tolerance.”

He then left with his little toy. Even as I felt my veins light on fire, the world faded and I blacked out.


Over the next few days, it was made abundantly clear that I was about the lowest life for on the face of the planet in their eyes. I was visited at least once by each of the generals, even Diana, and was let free of the shackles only once. That was when the four of them decided to gang rape me. I won’t go into details, but I learned two things. One: there are such things as too big and too many. And two: there’s a very good reason why there’s an out-only hole.

What they did however pales in comparison to the abuse my red-haired equivalent subjected me to. She could somehow magnify the agony of the poison in my blood and was the true mistress of torture. Most of the things she did, I can’t even talk about.

Strangely enough, her last visit was the one that set me free. I was beyond words then, unable to speak and almost unable to understand when others spoke to me. I could feel her before I even saw her. I remember groaning as I felt razor blades slicing through the insides of my veins and arteries just before she stepped into the pool of gray light I was bathed in.

“Hello, imposter,” she said in her cold voice. “We meet again.” She fingered her dark blade, the exact opposite of my own.

I watched her every move, resentment in my eyes.

She smiled slightly, running the flat of her blade down the side of my neck, over my chest, down my belly and slowly slit the inside of my thigh open.

“Jae tells me that you struggle when any of them try touching you. Why is that? Those screams and moans couldn’t have all been from pain, could they? Under the blood, you have a nice body, much like my own.” She smoothed her uniform in the front, eyeing my blood encrusted form up. “Your hair, when clean,” she comments, flipping a piece of my filthy hair from my face, “must be lovely. It’s a shame you can be nothing more than a youma.”

She grinned at my low growl and her eyes, the exact match to mine, locked my gaze with their cruel glint before she moved close and whispered to me, “You know you’re going to be nothing more than a sex slave for the rest of existence, don’t you?” She laughed at my snarl. “Don’t be so upset! That’s a place that many youma would want to be.”

She stood back and sheathed her sword, turning instead to a furnace and putting a branding iron into it to be super heated. “All of the men said that you were a good fuck, even Zoisite, and we all thought he was firmly gay! That’s really impressive, you know.”

She took the red-hot iron out of the furnace and turned back to me, her voice still conversational. “We even have a name picked out for you,” she grinned cruelly, knowing my insides were burning and cold as dry ice all at the same time. “ ‘Sei-teki Yosei’ ‘Sexual Nymph’, it means. The first half for what you will be doing, the second for the type of youma you’ll be. After the branding, I get to make the final changes to you.”

With one last purely evil grin, she pressed the iron to the lower right portion of my belly. I screamed in agony from both my body and my soul. I felt something rise up in my tortured body and the next thing I knew, I was out of the shackles and slicing my dark twin in half, my sword somehow back in my hands.

She stood there for a second, staring at me in shock, a trickle of purple blood making its way down from her mouth. The top half of her body, cut right shoulder through left hip, sliding off of the lower half.

I looked up with slightly crazed eyes when I heard the surprised gasp from the doorway. There stood Jadeite, summoning the others even as he took in the scene.

In an instant, I was in my armor. I’m afraid I was slightly insane at that moment. I remember leaping at him and relieving him of his bowels before turning to destroy the others.

Kurai Tenshi was the last one to go, strangely enough. Even as the savage creature was about to rake my armored midsection with her claws, I separated her head from her shoulders. Apparently, the sword had decided to rip into the fabric of reality at the same time. I was sucked into the familiar portal that suddenly appeared before me.

Journal Entry One
Journal Entry Three
Pain and Learning Index