
Diana sighs contentedly as she lies curled up next to her true love, Jadeite. She’s so glad that she’s home at long last.

“Mmm…love. That was great. It’s been too long since we were able to be together last,” her lover speaks up softly.

“Mm-hmm,” she answers, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

“Do you mind if I ask you a question?” He asks after a few moments of blissful silence.

She blinks a little. “Not at all, sweetheart.”

“Can you tell me about the past two years of your life? You’ve been here for nearly a month, and I still know next to nothing about it.”

She sighs softly and looks down a little.

“Koibito,” he says, gently turning her in his arms and gazing into her bottomless green eyes. “I know all of this is killing you. Honey, it has to come out, one way or another, or it will keep eating at you until you snap.”

She sighs and nods. “It hurts so much, though.” She gazes up into her love’s endless sapphire eyes.

“Oh…I know, hon,” he pulls her beautiful nude body close to his, breathing in the cool night air, scented with their love. “You just need to get it out. Maybe if you wrote your story in a kind of journal, you’d feel better.”

“You're, right love,” she sighs softly, feeling tears well up when she thinks of her painful past. Slowly they burst forth in a river. From there, she can’t help sobbing into Jae’s bare chest, taking consolation in his loving touch.

Journal Entry One
Pain Index