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facts about frogs

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  • Frogs don't drink water because they absorb it.

  • The wax frog retains moisture in dry weatherby producing wax from it's skin and coating itself in it.

  • The golden dart frog is the most poisonous frog on earth. There is also a frog who's skin could kill up to 1000 people.

  • A type of painkiller with 200 times the power of morphine has been found in the skin of a frog.

  • Frogs cannot live in salt water.

  • The bulging eyes of a frog can see in almost any direction.

  • A frogs tongue is attached at the front of the mouth instead of at the rear, and is covered with mucus which it uses to catch insects.

  • The eyes and nose of a frog are on top of it's head so that it can breathe and see when most of it's body is submerged in water.

  • Most frogs breath through their skin, mouth, and lungs.

  • Some tadpoles actually shrink to become smaller frogs.


  • Frogs may be "tuned" in to hear certain frequencies very clearly so that they may hear potential mates over the calls of other frogs.

  • The glands of some frog species contain 20-30 chemical compounds, which are currently being used to produce antibiotics and analgesics.

  • Frogs swallow their food whole.

  • A frog can change it's color depending on it's surroundings.

  • A frog often retracts it's eyes when it swallows (normally one at a time) to force the food down it's throat.

  • Asian tree frogs build nests in trees over water so when their tadpoles hatch they drop directly into the water.

  • When frogs eat something that is poisonous or otherwise bad for them, they can throw up their entire stomach. That is, the stomach actually protrudes through their mouth and they wipe it with their right front leg.

  • Tadpoles may regenerate limbs, although frogs normally don't.

  • Frogs don't give you warts.

  • The average frog life span is between 4 and 15 years, although they may live to be 40.

  • Frogs generally move near to a light source, but can't distinguish between light and a white solid.

  • In ponds and quiet waters, tadpoles tend to have plump bodies andhigh fins.
    In rivers tadpoles tend to be more streamlined with long tails and low fins.

  • Certain frogs can jump up to 20 times their own body length in a single leap.

  • Frogs may be hypnotized by placing them on their back and gently stroking their stomach.

  • A frog may also be hypnotised by shining a light in both its eyes simultaneously, although if the light is taken off one eye, they tend to jump away. (You will notice this when taking flash photographs of frogs -after the first photograph, the frog will sit still for the next couple of pictures!)

  • Frogs need both water and land to live.

  • Frogs can lay as many as 4,000 eggs in frogspawn.

  • A frog can change the color of its skin depending on its surroundings.

  • Frogs have long back legs and webbed feet for jumping and swimming.

  • Frogs usually eat meat (bugs and worms) and swallow their food whole.

  • The world's biggest frog is the goliath frog from Cameroon in West Africa.
    their body can be one-foot long.

  • The smallest frogs in the world are less than half-an-inch long.

  • The eggs of the marsupial frog are laid in a brood pouch on the mothers back and the young hatch out in a zipper-likefashion from the pouch.

  • In the Seychelles, there is a male frog that carries its young around on its back
    until they become adults.

  • Research has shown that Ammonium Nitrate (a fertilizer) can cause agonizing death for frogs. This fertilizer is spread on fields in the spring when frogs are migrating. Frogs suffer a massive toxic attack if they come in contact with it.

  • Asian tree frogs build nests in trees over water so when their tadpoles hatch, they drop directly into the water.

  • People who study frogs and toads are called herpetologists. Herpetology is the study of amphibians and reptiles.

  • Frog bones form a new ring every year when the frog is hibernating, just like
    trees do. Scientists can count these rings to discover the age of the frog.

  • The wax frog retains moisture in dry weather by producing wax from its skin and coating itself in it.

  • Because frogs come out in the rain, people used to think that they fell to earth in the rain! And in nineteenth century England, people tried catching them to prove it.

  • One type of desert frog can wait as long as seven years for water by surrounding itself in a type of transparent bag that becomes its first meal once the rain comes.

  • Amphibians' eyes come in all shapes and sizes. Some even have square or heart shaped pupils. But amphibians don't see color -- they only see in black or white.

  • A frog's skin reflects the same amount of ultraviolet light as its immediate surroundings. This way it can protect itself from predators like snakes.

  • Some frogs can survive in conditions well below freezing. The Grey Tree Frog. for example, can survive even though its heart stops. It does this by making its own antifreeze, which stops its body from freezing completely.

  • The male Darwins Frog takes its mate's eggs into its mouth as soon as they show signs of life and they stay there until they emerge as fully grown froglets.

  • There are more than 4,000 types of amphibians in the world, but Europe has very few--only 45 species.

  • Many of the most brightly colored tropical frogs are colored in this way to warn predators that they are poisonous.