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"Refusing her grand hests, she did confine thee, By help of her more potent ministers, And in her most unmitigable rage, Into a cloven pine; within which rift Imprison’d, thou didst painfully remain...." -The Tempest, by William Shakespeare

My name is Kori. I'm making this page because I have nothing better to do. Hopefully I will find some intelligent things on the internet sooner or later and put them here for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure, whatever suits you)

Please click on one of the many links. Trust me, I try not to put anything boring here, so if you find yourself becoming bored, you're either;

A)Beyond all Mortal Help

B)In Desperate Need of A Life


C)You're an Idiot

try to shut me up
put rockstar shut-me-ups on your own page!

Tina the Troubled Teen


I have a new picture! It is a very recent one, of me in Hawaii. Take a look...

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