Tips for April Fool's Day

Every year, during a single day, everyone is separated into two factions- the pranksters and the prankees. This day is April Fool’s Day. If you didn’t know that it was April 1, then either you’ve been living under a rock for a while or someone played an April Fool’s Day joke on you and said that April Fool’s Day is April 2. If the latter is true, then it makes sense that you go to Elmwood; feel free to kick yourself now. Anyway, this pseudo-holiday got its start in sixteenth-century France, back when the start of a new year was celebrated on April 1. However, a dude by the name of Pope Gregory had a new calendar set up so that New Year’s Day fell on January 1. Even though he was the Pope, some people hadn’t heard about the calendar change or disbelieved who told them, so they still held their New Year’s Day on April 1. The smart people played tricks on them and called them “April fools.” That is how April Fool’s Day came into being. Now in France, kids run around and say “April Fish!” all the time. Weird Frenchy kids. Today, a common prank pulled by pranksters is putting salt where sugar should be. That’s pretty lame though, it’s too easy to think up and overused. Try some baking soda instead. Note- perform these pranks at your own risk. Here are some good pranks to pull: