Playing games in the manner of a real man involves one unbreakable law: Never, ever, ever read the manual. Throw them away. Toss 'em. While this certainly is a manly strategy, occasionally you will find yourself searching for rules, button layouts, ad troubleshooting tips. So, just in case you do find yourself in need of a little help, we've created the solution...a never-fail universal manual, just think of it like those universal television remotes. And trust us, it will work for any game.
[Name of Game] is set in the dark apocalyptic world of the near future. After man destroyed the environment using nuclear bombs and other cliches, the world became bland and dark. It has been replaced by a world where bad guys try to kill you for no apparent reason and where you can kill them with impunity.
As [fill in blank with a random grouping of words that include synonyms for death, sharp stuff, or various hard things Examples: Cutter Slade, John Blade, and Tiger Woods], your job is to move throught the barely comprehendable storyline, kill everything that moves, and do other stuff that you did in Quake, Warcraft II, or a combination of the two.
Note: Don't waste time worrying about the doesn't affect the gameplay in the slightest.