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Page -o- Pictures

This page contains pictures of my closest friends and other things that I felt like taking a picture of. Remember, these are pictures that portray the people in their natural state. If they look nasty, it's because I took advantage of the situation. You would have to if you had a camera and were really really bored. Anyway, just check out these pictures. Click on them for the Larger picture.

Reine.JPG (64078 bytes)          brad.JPG (67381 bytes)           nomi.JPG (66482 bytes)           Pat.JPG (56693 bytes)

steph.JPG (60095 bytes)          Jen.JPG (46290 bytes)           josh.JPG (41960 bytes)           Edel.JPG (50875 bytes)

Bill.JPG (33025 bytes)          Jake.jpg (71586 bytes)           jake2.jpg (70017 bytes)           jake3.jpg (47333 bytes)

jake4.jpg (51567 bytes)          jake5.jpg (51013 bytes)           lisa.jpg (53988 bytes)           lisa2.jpg (67550 bytes)

lisa3.jpg (49784 bytes)          lisa4.jpg (51153 bytes)           lisa5.jpg (63460 bytes)           lisanjake.jpg (59094 bytes)

menjake.jpg (59488 bytes)          beating.JPG (77150 bytes)          beating2.JPG (73663 bytes)          tat1.JPG (51551 bytes)

That's about it for my picture page. I'm sure I'll put up new pictures after a while. I hope you enjoyed them. I also hope that you didn't get offended by any of them. Why don't you go see the rest of my web page now. If not, that's fine. I just hope a truck doesn't take your car out while you're driving on the highway. Skump-da-Lump!!!!

g-smoksm.gif (7819 bytes)

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