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Stones and Crystals

Agate: Strengthens and tones body,mind and spirit. Gives a sense of strength and courage.

Alexandrite: Soothes the nervous system. Aligns the mental and emotional body. Crown chakra.

Amazonite: Brings joy and upliftment. Throat chakra.

Amber: Healing, soothing, harmonizing. Navel, crown and solar plexus chakras.

Amethyst: Increases psychic powers. Awsome for meditations. Crown and third eye chakras.

Aquamarine: Purifies blood, calms nerves, creative self expression. throat, solar plexus chakras.

Aventurine: Good for releasing anxiety and fear. Tranquility and positive energy. Heart chakra.

Azurite: For clear meditation, this also increases psychic powers. Throat chakra.

Bloodstone: For inner guidance and idealism. Heart and root chakras.

Calcite: Good for reducing stress and emotionally balancing, grounding. Good for all chakras.

Carnelian: Increases harmony with your inner self. Easier concentration. Naval and heart chakra.

Celestite: Reduces stress. Helps in creative expression of yourself. Throat chakra.

Chrysocolla: Communication, power, emotional balance, joy. Heart and throat chakras.

Chrysoprase: Balancing, calming, fertility. Can bring out hidden talents inside you. Heart chakra.

Citrine: Enhances the body's healing energy, helps raise self esteem, hope. Crown and naval chakras.

Copper: Helps to detoxify the body and raises self esteem.

Diamond: This is a master healer. It dispels negativity and purifies. For abundance. All chakras.

Dioptase: Gives you peace of mind. Abundance, health, well being, progress. Heart chakra.

Emerald: This will enhance your dreams and meditations and gives you deeper spiritual insight.

Flourite: Grounds excess energy. Gives you greater concentration and meditation. All chakras.

Garnet: Love, compassion, imagination. Heart and root chakras.

Gold: Very good for attracting positive energy into your aura. Naval, heart and crown chakras.

Hematite: Drive away negativity, grounding and protection.

Herkimer: This will enhance your inner visions and increase your dreams.

Jade: Excellent emotional balancer. unconditional love, courage, wisdom.

Jasper: Very powerful for healing. All chakras.

Kunzite: Can heal depression, enhance self esteem, soothing. Heart chakra.

Kyanite: Increases the ability to communicate, expression, astral travel. Throat and third eye chakras.

Lapis Lazuli: Opening of chakras. Increases psychic ability, mental clarities. Third eye, throat chakras.

Lepidolite: Helps in getting sleep, enhances expression of your inner light. Heart chakra.

Malachite: Helps in sleep, abundance and prosperity. Heart and solar plexus chakras.

Meteorite: Great for revealing past lives, expand awareness. Root chakra.

Moldavite: Helps alignment with the Higher Self. Heart chakra.

Moonstone: Really helps female problems:) also aligns emotions. Heart chakra.

Obsidian: Grounds spiritual energy and absorbs and gets rid of negativity. Root chakra.

Onyx: Balance the female and male energies, relieve stress and self control. All chakras.

Opal: Great emotional balancer. Enhances intuition. Heart chakra.

Peridot: Purifies the body. Stimulates the mind and increases awareness. Naval, heart and solar plexus.

Pyrite: Influences positive moods, harmony. Heart, root, solar plexus chakras.

Quartz: Gets rid of negativity, stimulates energy. Excellent for meditation. All chakras.

Rhodochrosite: Heals emotional wounds. Accept life and self, good healer. Root and heart chakras.

Rhodonite: Brings love, manifestation, self esteem and confidence. Heart and root chakra.

Rose Quartz: Aids in love, forgiveness and compassion. AKA the Love Stone. Heart chakra.

Ruby: Activates movement, courage, power, leadership. Heart and root chakras.

Rutilated Quartz: Helps with depression. All chakras.

Sapphire: Awakens psychic powers. Love, loyalty. Throat and third eye chakras.

Selenite: Aids clarity and concentration. Increases willpower. Heart chakra.

Silver: Relates to the Moon. Excellent energy conductor.

Smoky Quartz: Helps in depression. Relaxes you and calms you. Grounding, centering. Naval, root chakras.

Sodalite: Brings truth and increases communication. Throat and third eye chakras.

Sugilite: Emotional balancer and stress reducer. Crown and third eye chakras.

Tiger Eye: Increases insight and perception. Good luck stone. Naval and solar plexus chakras.

Topaz: Emotional balancer. Tranquility, peace, soothing. Heart, throat and third eye chakras.

Tourmalina: Protection, grounding, balancing.

Ted Quartz: Gets rid of negativity. Root and crown chakras.

Turquoise: Great for aligning the chakras. Enhances meditation, friendship. Throat chakra.

Variscite: Self confidence, abundance, calming, soothing. Heart and solar plexus chakras.

Zircon: Self esteem and emotional balance. Helps in sleep and an all around healer. All chakras.

Well these are all the stones I was able to get info on so if I missed any feel free to send me an email to let me know:) Or if I got the meanings wrong on some of them. You can never be too sure. Blessed Be!!