Milbourne NPCs
Haldelar the Miller
A middle aged strong fellow, ruddy-cheeked and barrel-chested, Hadelar and his wife Parella (dark haired, thin and attractive still) own the local grain mill. Haldelar acts as the town elder and spokesman for the town when dealing with the Carman family. Their daughter Jelenneth, is Tauster’s apprentice and they are very proud of her.
Daughter to Haldelar, Jelenneth is apprenticing with Tauster the mage in the town of Thurmaster. She has gone missing since. She was described as 20 years old, 5’4" and of slim build. She usually wears a distinctive rich blue cloak with silver claps at the neck. She also has a small signet ring with a "J" engraved on the inside.
Proprieter of the Baron of Mutton Inn, he is recognised for his incredible age of 90 years. He is half-blind and almost completely deaf, but still manages to consume terrifying amounts of food and ale at mealtime.
Andren and Barthelew
Twin grandsons of Dirkaster, owner and proprieter of the Baron of Mutton, they run the inn under the watchful eye of their grandfather. Andren was courting Jelenneth at the time of her disappearance.
Keeper of the boathouse, Cappella is a jack of many trades. She is a carpenter and appraiser of common goods. She is tough and self-reliant and acts as the town executioner when required. She is "friendly" with Garyld.
Walright and Semeren
Two skilled smiths employed at the Carman’s Smithy. Semeren is a huge man of immense strength, but a gentle man none the less.
Local carpenter and bowyer/fletcher. He is 51’ years of age and 6’ tall, but lame in one leg. He is a ranger (retired) of some repute and acts as the town Constable. He is handy with a canoe and is friendly and kind.
Priest of Tempus, Semheis runs the local temple in Milborne. He has also been kidnapped.
Rastifer is the owner of the general store. He is known for his extremely bad breath.
Nafton runs the local stables and is an excellent equestrian. He is better known however for his excellend guard dogs, which he trains himself.
Thimpsen and Gergel
The owner and son of the Silver Crown, a seedy inn on the outskirts of town.
Darius Carman
Aloof, stern and unforgiving, Darius owns most of the land and the Garlstone mines. He is neither well liked or disliked by the population.
Old Grizzler
Grizzler is a white-haired dwarf of uncertain age. He is crusty and has strong opininons about everything. He worked in the mines for many years before retiring. He is world famous for his stories.