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Teh Randomness!!

Ok... so what's up with games these days? Why oh why would I want to play a game where I have to sneak around some building, grabbing guards and knocking them out, trying not to be seen by stuff because if I do, I blow the mission? I don't! I got a friggin gun in my hand, I want to shoot the thing DAMMIT!

Ok, which sounds more fun: A game where there's a few people down the corridor, and by few of course I mean 2, one that's close enough for you to grab, and another with his back turned down the hall OR a game where you walk straight on into a hall with noone in it, but the second you step in, some big baddy at the other end kicks down the door followed by... oh... 100 of his friends while you sit there with a chain gun the size of my Jetta mowing them down? Personally, I like my Jetta, so I have to go with number 2.

Oh, another thing, if you call me, and ask me a question, let me answer it, instead of waiting for the first 3 words to come out of my mouth and then interjecting with a series of vulgar phrases that most likely have NOTHING to do with what I was going to say, or that will make you look completely dumb after I do complete what I was saying. It's just common sense people, you ask a question, you wait for a response then you make a comment/ask another question. My god, I swear if my Ex does this again I'm going to go ballistic and grab that chaingun I mentioned earlier. Ok not really... I don't think I could lift a gun that big, no matter how godly I am.

Speaking of cars, was talking to a person in my guild on AO earlier, and he tells me that he has this really nice Honda Civic hatchback which was featured in The Fast and the Furious. That's cool that he has a nice car... but he's still a Honda boy (/me feels demotions in the near future for that comment :P). I don't care if my Jetta wins a race or not, I think it earns points for not just being another ricer out there on the road. Seriously, the next supped up car you see, on the road, or in an ad, or where ever, look at it, and I bet there is a 99% chance that it is a Japan import... and one that everyone has. If it's not a Japan import, then it's a really old domestic. And if it's a euro... well you probably cheated and picked up Euro/VWtuner. And that makes you a bad person... NO COOKIE FOR j00!

You know what I miss? Something you can't buy anymore? The Arch Deluxe from McDonalds. Yeah, I miss those little greaseballs of a burger. Those things rocked. And were pretty tastey too. Still... FOO CAN'T MESS WITH THA CHEETOS PUFFS!! Oh yeah, break it down.

Bleh, you know what really sucks? Pulling 600+ megabytes of a file over a 28.8 connection. All you fools with your DSL, and your Cable and Satelite can suck on my knob. I can't get that stuff where I live. But if you really want to know what I'm downloading that's 600+ megs, it's a game called Postal 2... maybe you've heard of it? Unless you live in Australia because this game ROX so hard it was BANNED there! Oh yeah! Beat that Duke Nukem! Now in only *checks download* 100 hours I'll be beating people head with a shovel and saving former child actors from the scary police guys. Don't fuck with Gary Coleman dammit! I'll kick your ass!

Oh yeah, this is a call to anyone that is reading this. If you have an old copy of Blood, Blood2, Shadow Warrior, or any of those original FPS games that were just hella pimp SEND ME A COPY! I know that old stuff is just gathering dust in your friggin storage boxes! Why not send it to some nutcase that is bored and wants his daily dose of nostalgia! Seriously, the days of Duke3D was PC gaming at it's best! Now you may have noticed Blood 2 in that above list, and Blood 2 is the only real 3D game out of all of them. Well... that might be, but it was one of the first real 3D games out there, and it had a lot of the same stuff that the original "3D" FPS's had. That, and Caleb is just a friggin cool dude, and has about as many one-liners himself as Duke does. And that's saying alot.

That's it for this edition. More next time! Or something...