Q: What does FAQ stand for?
A: Frequently asked question you stupid asshole! But not frequently asked...

Q: Who made this cool site? (I flattered myself)
A: Of course... it's Ovan!

Q: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
A: What am I? Some kind of expert would just hang around and answer stupid questions
that were created by myself? Jeez....
Ask Jeeves! And it's woodchuck!

Q: There's a problem while surfing your site...
A: Is that even a question.... that's a frickin' concern for crying out loud!
email me and report the problem in details so I could fix it!

Q: I couldn't listen to your songs or unoffical Dragon Tales episodes...
A: Damn you Ovan, another concern... go and download realplayer at

Q: You are funny Ovan...
A: No comments...

Q: What does FAG stand for?
A: ....................Flush after gush?

Q: Why does "bush" don't have the "ush" sound?
A: Write a letter to Bush and demand to change "bush" to "boosh"

Q: Some of your links doesn't work... What should I do?
A: You smart-ass, changing a concern to a question eh? If you saw "TEMP. DOWN",
that means that you have to wait until the sign is off to go there! If not.... check the forth

Q: Is that "fourth"?
A: Yes, and I meant to do that, you don't have a sense of humor don't you?

Q: No I don't have a sense of humor.... What shoud I do?
A: Either hang yourself or go
here! (If you're using Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher)

Q: I'm not using IE 4.0 or higher...
A: Another concern eh? Well... then you're not up to date lame-ass!

Q: Can I say good bye to you and wait until you have more questions to ask?
A: Yes, bye bye!

Q: Bye!
A: Bye..................................................(son of a b...)!