AHHH!!! Proboscis Monkeys! RUN!!!


Warning: PG13 A donerakeyser!!!

Sound of the update day: Let's make techno music, I start with the drums, then you add on with some friends! (4.04kb)

The funnier section! | Dragon Tales & music | MESSAGE BOARD (new message board coming soon)|

Around this are the links!

FAQ | Links | OVANmania 3D | Discussion | The Lion King fan page

BEST VIEW IN 1024X768 resolution!!!

Last Updated: 9/3/01

Today is: a day that you'll breathe... wait... I think I did that already...



-My page reaches 1000!!! and it's... squished

Poll thingy
Are YOU obsessed with "The Lion King"?
I like it, like, but not obsessed.
no, but I'm obsessed with some other Disney movies
Screw you, screw Disney!

Current Results
Create a FREE statue of your boy/girlfriend!


UPDATED/ADDED: (* means that it's new)

NEWS- Soon there's going to be a Happy Happy Funtime Show page. A new background,
from the Heritage Festival LA Concert Choir informal pictire.

-"Soup orca live rag Julie stick expel Ali doe shuts" now in Parallel Universe Lyrics in Lion King fanpage!*

-Spanking new background!*

-More top10s*

-Games in the future3, Life for dummies2 completed!*

-So your parents just turned 50... (a must read) [in funnier section]*

-New Discussion: Harry Potter and Mary Poppins

-Lion King Fan page

-Pamphlet Lady chapter 16,17,18

Cherry pies


In case that you have other people's account for Outlook Express! (like what I have)

AIM: TimonKatpower