Life For Dummies 2: The Saga Continues™


From the people who brought you...

Britney Spears for dummies™ and Minisoft's overlooked express for dummies™!

We're gonna guide you to your... life... again!



71. Eat at Joe's

72. This site scares me too:

73. Mommy...?

74. For the Drama people: You have whole wheat eggs?

75. That was her, this is me... we're different ass can be...

76. To climb on the crate, walk up to the crate and press the action button and the up button

77. Lucky 7

78. 'Cause I'm real...

79. Baby I can't help it, keeps me drowning in your love...

80. To pee, or not to pee?

81. A normal person gets naked once a day.

82. Zap the frickin' monkey to win 20 bucks.

83. Ovan likes to play Putt-Putt

84. No, Ovan is not a retard. He's smarter than you!

85. If you're reading this... you're a dummy trying to understand life. And Ovan created this.

86. The cow says, "It's no matter if you're black and white."

*&. ..... I mean 87, stupid shift button

88. :)

89. I ate chicken, fish, veges, rice, coke for dinner on 2/14/01, Phillip agreed that if I barf... It's gonna be really gross.

90. Laugh like you meant it in the chat rooms when you typed those LOLs

91. Vote for Bush..... oh yeah... it's over right?

92. My mommy told me to eat more blockalee, it gives you stengh!

93. Not all corny stuff's bad, it supports the non-corny stuff

94. now that was corny!

95. There's no wrong way to rub Christina

96. But there's always a right way to eat Reeses! Except shoving it up your ass...

97. Did Ricky said that Christina Bangs?

98. If cows really squirts milk out of their nose when they laugh... can you drink those milk?

99. It would be easier if I started Life for Dummies by... 1,2,skip a few 99,100

100. Oh Oh it's magic, you know! It's getting old! ...Dammit!!!! I'm not funny!!!!! AHHHHH!

101. Dalmations

102. same as above

103. Repeat after me, "after me"

104. Don't break a pencil with your forehead. Submitted by Scott.

105. Is there anyone died by farting?

106. Phillip.... are you looking at porn again?

107. And again... Ian's phone number is: ***-**7*

108. I'm a... slave for you... I can't deny it, I'm not trying to hide it...

109. Phillip said, "Ovan spelled backwards is Navo."

110. Yeah.... and Phillip spelled backwards is Pillihp!

111. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

112. "Peaches and Cream"

113. By going to, you will uh... see this spanish site...

114. No entry found for "navo" in the dictionary. -

115. No entry found for "pillihp" in the dictionary.

116. No entry found for "sex" in the dictionary. just kidding...

117. Phillips @ trademark used for a screw with a head having two intersecting perpendicular slots and for a screwdriver with a tip shaped to fit into these slots

118. I remember putting vinegar and baking soda in my mouth in science in 7th grade

119. I remember falling down from chair and farted in Math in 6th grade

120. Remember to watch "OVANmania" live everyday with your host Ovan on the Only Imagination Network

121. by brushing my hand on the keyboard... ghjkl.rszhdxtfgh

122. "I don't hear you Johnny" -Carl from Johnny Bravo about 6:53

123. 4567890

124. you don't get it quite well don't cha?

125. Here's a real tip: By pressing Alt+Ctrl+Delete twice, you'll get your computer restarted!

126. This will be the first time the word "gourmet" appear on my site.

127. According to my research... there's a lot of bitches in my school.

128. 1 + 2 + 8 = 11

129. Baaaaaaaaaaa.... uh... thank you Sheep!

130. (leave blank) I mean... oops!

131. Leave my poor hamster alone you big juice box you!

132. Hi, my name is, what, what name is, who my name is jiggajiggajigga Khomeini

134. technicly... you're looking at laser beams

135. Try and print this page out..... you'll run out of black ink!

136. I mean... why do people steal jokes?

137. And why was the keyboard made this way?

138. qwertyu, iopasdfgh, jkl, zxc, vb, n and m, now I know my qwe's next time won't you type with me?

139. Who's the real McCoy? Who's McCoy?

140. BK... Got the Urge? Got the Urge to what? Herbal?

141. lick, swipe, lick, swpie, lick, swipe, push...

142. Playboy advance, sex... advanced!

144. Liar liar penis on fire...

145. Ring around the assy, a pocket full of rubbies...

146. If you injured some parts of your body, your mom kisses it... (think!!!)

147. John Peterson

148. Try kissing the ones you hate

149. Try pushing the red button

150. Try mixing Nitrogen with that..... shiny stuff...

151. Try me, buy me, guide me, hide me...

152. People didn't wonder why Eminem is not in "What going on", they already know why...

153. Bad Bin Laden... no cookies for you...

154. B is for Boobies, that's good enough for me...

155. If you got -3 and see me on your math home work, it means that you don't have to see
your teacher 3 times.

156. Ultra Tri-Spin turbo kick: A + B + Lt + Lt + Rt + B

157. Take a spin with your Spleen

158. If you're typing, does it mean that your fingers are hopping on the keys?

159. it's a pattern!!!!!! 1(+4)=5(+3)=9

160. Lesbians, lesbians, everybody have fun with lesbians.

161. always wash your hands!

162. It's fun to challenge homeless people. (who's the weirdest)

163. You can never cry a whole river.

164. The water level won't rise if you fill the toilet.

165. If you're cornered, try going by the sides.

166. Some monkeys are dangerous

167. If somebody invites you to swim in gasoline with them, deny their offer!

168. If something smells, check yourself.

169. If your throat hurts, try shutting up.

170. hangnails pops balloons.

171. If you're experiencing a de-ja-vu, touch some boobs, you'll touch them twice.

172. Swim upward when you're drowning

173. If a teacher hit you, tell a student!

174. A basketball and a golf ball won't go together, even if they have dents and bumps.

175. Do not make purchase if the package is torn or opened.

176. Don't urinate into an active volcano.

177. A punch card won't hurt you, the punching machine will.

178. The meat market is not a good place to have a shoot-out.

179. Oshiri Pemu Pemu

180. rubbing toners on your body is not a way to to tone your body.

181. If you can catch a fly, find the princess!

182. Only lame people uses famous movie quotes.

183. Not all unmarked video tapes have only one reason

184. Everyone's related to the homo habilis

185. If a phone rings, answer it.

186. There no action term for your cheek's job.

187. Sometimes, blow doesn't mean blow.

188. There's nothing in the world that makes you want to poop.

189. always relief yourself before you jump

190. Everyone have eyes behind their back, which is the front.

191. to-may-to, to-ma-to, canopy, can of peas, sex, f***

192. electricity is not a way to jump-start your day

193. a locker doesn't locks, a lock locks!

194. The real Chitty Chitty Bang Bang can't fly.

195. Santa can't fly, his reindeers can.

196. The last of us is in the past.

197. Softcore is always better than hardcore in the candy business

198. Next time, try zurfing at a rave.

199. All that matter is... everything is made of matters.

200. See #1