CHAPTER16- Tomorrow...

The birds are chirping like hell this morning, are they high or something?
Today is the day that we'll find mommy, whoever she is...

It happened so fast... I found my Father, now I'm in his home... YAY!
I saw Dad's face, he looked worried, maybe it's the newspaper. Or is it that
it's impossible to find Mom? It should... because I've gone this far. She wouldn't
be... DEAD? No, it can't be, she can't be dead. But what if she is? What would I do?

We started our Mom finding day by asking people near-by, they said they
don't know where she is... all right, that's a start... or what I think is a start...
so she's not around here anymore. After Daddy told me what happened, it's obvious
that Mommy's not going to come up to me and say: Jennifer Lopez, I am your Mother.

4:07:06.4PM, a car almost hit me, the driver is a woman around 40 years old,
Latino, License plate: IHTECFE