CHAPTER17- What now?

What now? a car almost hit me...and... and... [twinkle, twinkle, chirp, chirp]
[blink, blink, fade to black]

This sounds familiar... [beep, beep, beep] [inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale]

I heard something next to me... "you again?"

I couldn't talk... where am I?... "You should eat more sugar you know..."


"It helps keeps you going."


"Are you listening to me?"


"I know you're listening..."


"Hey, they've changed nurse... this one's prettier. Too bad I can't get up and rape her..."

Nurse? Oh no! I'm in the hospital again... where's Dad? What's this banging noise outside?
What's going on? I can't move and the banging is driving me crazy... "Mutha f***a gimme
my candy!!!"... Oh, it's just dad fighting with the vending machine.

"erp." I can talk now... "uh... hey... why are you here?"

"Oh nothing," he responded, "got hit by a car."