CHAPTER18- Ow...

I constantly having this pain in my guts... so I called the doctor.
He said that I need to remove my appendix, you know.. some people need
to get their appendix removed... because... because why? What about
their tonsils? Um... It's just that they need to be removed, yes...

While I'm still in the hospital waiting to get my appendix removed and stuff,
Dad is helping me to find Mom. I'm pretty sure the woman driver in that
car who almost hit me is my mother, with the driver license that says: I hate Coffee...
No, it can't be that obvious.

A few days later, I can finally do the surgery, Dad is here to watch me,
they strolled me into the room and, and... and... ooh! flowers...
rainbow... pony... pink elephants... Mary Poppins...
Where are you going Mr. rabbit? Where?

It was a successful surgery, and I need to rest some more... YAY!

"Are you ok?" Daddy asked.

"Yeah, only it hurts more now from the surgery."

"Here's some candy I took from the vending machine while the doctors
are working on you."

"Thanks... I like lemon drops..."

While we both sucking the saliva and mouth-heat melted juice from
our lemon drops in our mouths, I asked, "Where did I come from?"

A few minutes passed, I was already on my fourth lemon drop...

"Tell me!" I urged.

"Um..." he sound a bit hoarse, "you see, it started when we both were living together,
I was masturbating in the bathroom and wiped my sperm with the last few squares of
toilet paper left... and your mom, can't find anymore TP, used the "second-hand" TP
in the trashcan to wipe her "happy cave" after she finished peeing..."

"But I thought that your sperm will turn to syrup after it's ejaculated into a vagina"

"She accidentally shoved the TP up her "yum yum"... so technically..."

"Yum yum? isn't it that Asian product, long biscuits that you dip in chocolate icing?"

"no, that's Yan-yan"

"What does it mean in Chinese."

"How should I know? I'm Mexican!"

"Me too!" We hugged... Ow!