TV Twist 2!

Let's START!


Oh... the Dragon Tales featuring Sisqo is here!


COPS- lazy special!

#4364 Our Chief is here to talk to you some crap... so grab some donuts and watch!


Sesame street- same thing!

#4362 you know... Mulder and Scully!........that piece of sh...cake!


ER- Tom Green special!

#3565 removing Tom's other nut! It's Dr. Kovac's vault I tell you!


Friends- slept with Monica again....

#6536 uh... you're not gonna watch! Same old lines but different areas!


Franklin- the race!

#6735 great!!! The rabbit want's to challange Franklin again...

but the rabbit won cause he's with the... sopranos?


Little Bear- Intresting!

#6778 Little Bear VS Big Vinne! Who will win?

The corny pizza caboose or the intresting porridge little bear


Blue's Clues- I'm Blue I'm a dee I'm a dye...

I have a orange? house with a light blue window... the truth special!

#5743 Steve reveals that he was adopted and he found Blue in a dump


The Crocgdhndzgne Hunter- C'mon Maates!

#7536 How to work this thing?



Back to funnier

HOME... mate!