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BMX Frame Building


This is just a start, but a basic idea on frame building.

Things you’ll need.

AutoCAD $300-0
Tube Notcher $200-$140
TIG Welder $2000-$1500
Frame JIG $600-$300
Pipe Bender $400-$30
Pipe Cutter $200-$30

cheap cost est. $2000
good set up cost: $3700

The first Thing you need Is AutoCAD. You'll need this to design the frame. You put in the frame geometry and it will do the rest of the work for you. Learning to use is a little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's kinda easy. AutoCAD 2000 is the best and it has a allot of step by step help on it.

note- it is software, software can be copied, but that’s illegal. So don't do that.

The Bike Forest web page has a Online Bike CAD Program to use for free. It’s ment for Mnt.Bikes but kinda Handy

Next Step Frame Specs:

measure everything on your bike you’ll need to know standard things like, Bottom bracket size & length, wheel size, fork length, seat post size ect....ect...and all that other shit

basic Info:

13" from bottom of head tube to center of fork and axle.
Btm.Bracket- 2.25 O.D. x 2.5 legth
seat post for 1"- 1.125"
990 off set- 9" head tube- 1.5 x .083 x4"


I've been real busy not allot of time to get on the net. so here's a good web page to get started-

Stephanie Monfrey's Framebuilding Website

It's mostly road bikes and Mtn.Bikes but you'll get the idea.

Chapter 2

A good tubing suppliers:

Shapiro Supply

Nova Cycles (you need to be a licensed bussiness to buy from them)916-624-6549


For cuttin tubing i prefer the cheap hole saws from Sears. They Go dull before breaking and last longer.
Talk to Race Car shop builders they know allot fabrication and there's always 1 or 2 in every town. They might even have scrap tubing to give/sell to ya.