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En el Nombre del Todopoderoso Nsambiatulendo nsukururu’ Sambiampungo, Sambiabilongo Soberano, Yamboaki que kuenda Nfinda yo rezo Kongo, tu entiende como quieras, mismo nchila llega lejo,

ba guiri yo, yo wiza como Ngo…


(Kimbisa prayer to the Indian Spirits)




The native inhabitants of the Caribbean Islands, los Indios, are very cultuated by the Kimbiseros Espiritistas.

Our Kimbisa Temple, due to the presence of a fundamento nganga made with a native American Spirit, established a strong and powerful link with the Indian Spirits of both Cuba and Unites States of America.

Traditionally, Indians and Africans, always had a strong relationship, like the Salem’s Witches, with a Cult based upon Kongo and Native American beliefs.

In Cuba some Palo Branches like the “Ntoto Changani” made a pact with the Taino Indians and since then they are also known as “Siete Billumba Indianda Cuaba”, the Villumberos of the Indian Cuba. Palo and Indian Spirits are very tied.

Usually the Indios called during the ceremonies are Ndoky spirits and they are very powerful and wise Entities.

Many of them had strong “tratados”, relationship, with Sarabanda, the Kongo God of War and Forests and Ngurunfinda, the Kongo Deity of Plants.

The magick of the Indians is very simple and powerful, they like to heal people and give good medicine, they are Spirits of few words but even, they can be very nasty too.

The Indios remind us a world with which we had lost the contact, the world of Mother Nature. They teach us respect for the Earth and Her creatures.


Nsala Maleko Ndundu Yamboaki, Ndoky kuenda Mama Nfinda…