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The Munanso Siete Rayos Nsasi Kongo Ndoky Malongo is a Palo House located in the North of Italy. This Palo House is from La Habana, Cuba. We work in close alliance with the Munanso Changani Ntoto of Tata Manuel Kongo, an Elder of the Kongo Path. In the Kimbisa Temple of the Saint Christ of the Good Journey of Italy we develope Nfumbe-Egun (Ancestors) and Mpungu-Orisha (Gods) Energies  carrying Fundamentos Ngangas of Siete Rayos Nsasi, Our Patron God, Saravanda, Lucero Mundo, Tiembla Tierra, Madre de Agua, Mama Chola Nguengue, Coballende, Centella Ndoki, Tamakwenda Yaya and  Osain Ngurunfinda. We practice Palo Cristiano and Palo Judio. Under  the aegyd of the Kimbisa Spiritual Guides  such as San Luis Beltran we follow the 14 Rules of the Brotherhood of the Saint Christ of the Good Journey as stated by Its Founder, the Cuban Master AndrĂ©s Facundo Cristo de los Dolores Petit, in the year of Our Lord 1853. We work to spread the Kongo Tradition of the Kimbisa Rule and the practice of Spiritual Healing and Evolution of the Souls into God's Consciousness. All our members are called "Apostles de Luz", Apostles of Light because we worship the Crucified Christ and We believe in His mission of Light, Life, Love and Liberty. The Kimbisa Temple's leader is called "Padrino, Padre Maestro or Pater Magister", Father Master or Godfather. He's in continous contact with the Spiritual Guides of the Temple and has the initiatory powers and is the owner of the Tradition and the Wisdom of the Kimbisa Order.  Tata Luwango is its Kongo name. His Disciples are called "Ahijados", Godsons and Goddaughters, Munangeyes in Kongo. The Temple's Master is helped in his Spiritual, Magickal and Religious functions by the Guakankisi, the right harm of the Tata Luwango. Also there is the Mayordomo Bakofula, Mutambre, Primer Capacitado or Primus Capacitor. The Bakofula is second only to the Godfather and helps the Master in the Liturgies and the Rites of the Kongos. There are other "plazas", jerarquical degrees  such as the "Yerbero", the Herborist and so on. We offer initiation and especially training into the Kongo Tradition of the Cuban Slaves following the Kimbisa's main Rules of Peace, Tolerance and Truth. From the deep forests of Central Africa, integrated and transculturated by the diaspora of the slaves  the Kimbisa Order of the Saint Christ of the Good Journey is following the Ancient Path of the Traditional Healers, Shamans and Medicine Men. We can help people to solve their personal problems regarding business and money matters, love affairs, health and general luck. For those who are really  interested in Our Religious Tradition we can give Spiritual Readings and Sessions,  initiations into the Kimbisa's Necklaces, Kongo Warriors, and scratching (initiation) as Ngueyos (Novices) and Tatas/Yayis (Priest/Priestess) with the possibility to receive Fundamentos Ngangas of all Kongo Spirits.  Blessings and Nsambiampungo tacutara!