Now with fancier formatting! Caid’s Review Service – Memories of Duum Artist – El-ad (IrCarX Iirion Claus) Amir (I totally spelled that right first try, too ) and Groteam Well it’s been a long (long, LONG) time coming, but I finally got around to reviewin’ teh duumz0r, mad props to el-ad for putting up with my incredible procrastination.j this is an interesting map with an interesting story to tell. I played it like I usually play maps – for the fun and the action, I didn’t really pay attention to much of the why or the how. Once you think about this map for awhile, you’ll realize it’s REALLY goddamn trippy. Like I’m talking go out for a party and wake up in Tijuana 5 days later without any clothes. Case in point: the hall of mysteries (last area)… WTF is up with that, it reeks of brain seizure. (not that I’m saying it reeks just that it reeks of brain seizure… oh nm) if you read the NETRICSSA message, you’ll also find that it might all be a dream!!! That sam fell asleep and woke up here! (next stop Tijuana…) to celebrate how much I suck and need to stop being so lazy, I’m going to do this review Iirion styles.. on with it then. The Good: This is a solid single player map that keeps on coming. It has a very nice progression from easy to hard, and the way the spawns are set up, it keeps you on your toes. There is a much different vision that croteam’s in the way the enemies are placed which causes the player to start doubting himself after awhile (and if you were here for the horror mod thread in the mods forum, you’ll know that that’s an excellent strategy to freak people out). The pillar room is where the bulk of the fighting takes place. Good call, el-ad! It’s really freaky fighting in there, there’s that rare and very enjoyable feeling when you’re running to get a health power up or some ammo, and you know there are enemies behind you that could kill you instantly, but if you just get there you could win, and suddenly your heart stops and you’re applying so much pressure top the keyboard it’s not even funny any more. Another good thing is the handsome rewards after all the battles, makes you feel like you’ve really accomplished something. As well, ammo counts are really nice. The Bad: The texture work is nice, but woud have been better if there was more architecture. There needs to be an upping on the architecture meter here, lots of boxy rooms. Other than that, the l;evel itself is fine. I would have liked to see more indication of where the entrance to the hall of mysteries is, it took me awhile to figure that out. Perhaps an animated texture would help. The Ugly: ...Not much I can say ugly wise... The Pool: Oh yeah, dey iz a p00l, and it iz da best p00l evar. r00t! Overall: