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Sam's Club

SeriousGrandpa says:

Here's another map by INTRUDER. It's a warehouse map for 6-8 players with lots of boxes. Features the "Storm the machine" track by Froager. DL the map and kick some Brad Pitt ass!



James 'mr man' Hutton's review:
THE LONG ANSWER: lets get straight into it, sam's club is fast, fun, and an all round good deathmatch level. unfortunately ive only been able to play this with 3 other people at a time as gamespy continues their mission to make me want to kill myself...however i shall persevere... weapon layout is good..youve always got a decent piece of metal in your hands to frag some one, and the rooms are connected well, allowing good easy movement throughout the level. textures are a little bland, but you wont notice that after the first few seconds. action is fast and furious. in a 4 player game we'd hit the 20 frag fraglimit in a few minutes. i usually won, so thats ok. this map even managed to be enjoyable in a 1 on 1 player game, i usually hate 1 on 1, so thats pretty good. the inclusion of a secret is also pretty cool, although i figured out how to jump up there before i realised there was another way.

THE SHORT ANSWER: its a fun ride, get on board.

HIGH POINT: watching someone go through the secret entrance, then shooting a rocket at where they come out, which hits them the moment they do so....triggering much mirth on my end and much confusion on their's.

LOW POINT: losing to your girlfriend :/


-mr man-


El-ad 'Iirion Claus' Amir's review:
THE GOOD- The map is composed of a big empty area surrounding claustrophobia-causing complex. I especially liked the abundance of ammo- there are tons of ammunition packs (including one "Serious" pack) but they' re not clustered together like Desert Temple, but scattered all over the place. Another neat option is the many hiding locations, with many sharp corners and groups of crates (featuring Sam's bomb) which allows a patient player to get some easy kills.

THE UGLY(camping locations)- You can easily camp near the Serious pack or the Rocket Launcher (once you find how to get there, he he).

OVERALL SCORE: 9/10 (Nothing is perfect :))

-Iirion Claus-



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