This is a small fragmatch/scorematch map. It's based on the
doom map called "dead simple". Tis map is small,
fastpaced, and fun to play with a couple of your buddies.
DL it, have fun, and don't forget the beer :)
THE GOOD- This map is straight forward, and it's all
about action, action, ACTION. It's quite small, and features
two floors, with the top floor being small and full of weapons
while the bottom floor is a bit larger, and has a main hall
full of weapons and a surrounding corridor full of shotguns
and armors. You'll find yourself running around frantically,
waiting for a rocket or grenade to land on my head, dodging
from side to side while trying to get to the next powerup.
The best part of the map is on vs. matches. You can't hide,
because the entire map is seen from almost any location, and
you can't camp because every point is accessible from almost
every other point, so it's a true test of skill- who is faster,
who aims better, and who has more bandwidth.
THE UGLY(Camping Locations)- None that I could think
Doom Flashback: There was a level in Doom 2 called Dead simple.
This level is much like it. The level is a square - there's
an outer ring and an inner 'temple' - and an area on the roof.
As far as weapon and armor balancing goes, this map isn't
bad. There is a healthy variety of weapons scattered throughout
the level. If you're not picky about small inconsistencies
in map design, such as bullets making bulletholes in the sky
and green light that comes from nowhere, and just want a quick
frag session with 2-8 players, then this map is for you. With
a little more revision, such as the removal of some of the
statues that really get in the way, and the addition of one
or more extra ways to get up to the rooftop, this map could
have been much better than it is.