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user : chubbie_piggie
pet : cHuBBieKoR
NP : 0

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Here you can see all the pets you own together. The pet whose name is highlighted in - bold - is currently your active pet. This means it is the pet you will be playing with. When browsing the site, most of the features can only be carried out with one pet at a time.

To make a pet active, click on its picture. Your inactive pets will be shown as faded images. To look up more detailed information on a creature, do a pet lookup by clicking on the pet's name.

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Species : Grundo
Colour : yellow
Gender : Male
Age : 24 hours
Level : 1

Health : 7 / 7
Mood : delighted!
Hunger : very bloated
Strength : average
Defence : armoured
Move : average
Intelligence : dim witted


- cHuBBieKoR -

Species : Korbat
Colour : Red
Gender : Male
Age : 24 hours
Level : 1

Health : 7 / 7
Mood : delighted!
Hunger : bloated
Strength : quite strong
Defence : average
Move : quite slow
Intelligence : average



Species : Grundo
Colour : blue
Gender : Female
Age : 21 hours
Level : 1

Health : 6 / 6
Mood : cheerful
Hunger : bloated
Strength : average
Defence : below average
Move : fast
Intelligence : dim witted


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