Characters **
WaterA body, hauled out of a river and certified dead, begins to speak; repeating the word 'water', over and over again. A church exorcist and his apprentice are called in to investigate. The exorcist soon realises that the spirit in the body isn't a demon but the deceased's own soul refusing to leave. Before he can act to release the spirit, a freelance exorcist arrives. The freelance exorcist antagonises the apprentice and uses some extreme and unorthodox methods to deal with the situation. Things start to get violence, the exorcist's equipment flies against a wall, the apprentice is struck and blooded by an invisible force and the freelance exorcist's demon summoning invocation starts to take effect. And when it is revealed that the deceased was drowned long before they were dumped in the river, it becomes clear that the freelance exorcist knows exactly how he died and why. |