Yes, my name is Slater Disvar. What the fuck do you care? You're about to die, so knowing my name is useless to you.
Fine. I'll humor you and tell you my story. Not because it matters that you know but because I might as well let you know. I'm not gonna let any crucial information slip. Only established fact.
I suppose you expect me to start with where I was born and my childhood. Quite frankly I don't give a damn about any of that shit and it's not worth my time. If you really want to know, build a time machine. I'm not gonna waste my breath. I've killed enough people to know how valuable it is.
Then, what is worth knowing is none of your goddamn buisness. But god knows that you don't care. Fuck, I wasn't born yesterday. You care about the fucking quirked "good guys" who struggle to uphold their "morals," in spite of all the problems they face, and eventually triumph.
Fuck that.
Well, I'll tell you what I've done with your "Protagonists." I'll tell you how I've interacted with your "tortured heroes." That's all you care about, right? Don't fuck with me, I'm not in the mood. Don't give me any of that "I care about your story" shit.
Iago MacBeth and Dameon Disvar. They're the key "protagonists," right?
Dameon Disvar wasn't always what he is now. The background info is that I taught him, he couldn't measure up, he stabbed me in the back and worked with the police to catch me. I almost killed the fucker that night, towards the end... towards the end I decided that I should wait and come back for "revenge." To make him suffer for his betrayal. HAH! To this day, he still thinks that he got me against my will.
Why the hell aren't you laughing? This is hilarious! I'm desperately clinging to my composure to keep from rolling around on the floor!
heh... anyway. I waited there for years... I hoped to give him a sense of security. I did kinda underestimate him. He was smart enough to know nothing could hold me. He fled from New York and went to Seacouver. It wasn't anything special to find him, really, I don't know why he did it.
There he'd met a girl named "Iago." Yes, she's the heroine. God, you're annoying. I set out more to use her as a tool to cause Dameon pain... but she got involved, so she became a target...
Yadda yadda, made 'em suffer, they hated me, blah blah blah.
Eventually -- I can't comprehend why -- Iago came to trust me. Idiot girl. She was hurting, though, so she ran away from her life to Paris and left me to tell Dameon.
Left me to tell Dameon.
Listen to that. Doesn't it just roll off your tongue? It tastes good to say it. "She left me to tell Dameon."
It just-
Of course I didn't tell him, you fucking moron!!
It just crushed him when I told him she was dead. He'd fallen in love with her.
That's almost as funny as Dameon thinking he beat me against my will! He fell in love with her!! That's just great!
Well... He was pretty effectively Catatonic.
Oh! I forgot to tell you about Loki! Dear, sweet, if rather dim Loki... She met Dameon, something fucked up happened with her life and so she moved in with him for a while... Then she moved out, and shortly after she had moved out, Iago ran away and asked me to tell him, blah blah blah --
The point, of course, is that she had developed feelings for Dameon. My brother is such a heartbreaker. That's a joke, hun.
Loki was trying to bring Dameon back for... a week? Two? Three? I can't remember. One time I went to take Dameon's head -- I figured I'd taken him to the limits of pain and the game of cat and mouse had come to its end -- when Loki's brother (I have no idea where the fuck he came from) came in and challenged me.
What the hell? He was an idiot.
I let the battle sway, because it's far more interesting when the challenger thinks they have a chance. At key moments I would whisper to him about the situation, about why Dameon was in his condition, and that Iago was alive and in Paris...
I ran him through and left him dying in his sister's arms. I don't know if he chose to die in her arms because of his family's history of incest, but that was where he died. He whispered at his loudest volume for her to come to him. There he told her how to bring Dameon back to his old self. With his dying breath, he willed his broadsword to her.
How beautiful. How sweet. How mellowdramatic. How cliche.
They ran to the airport where I was waiting for them. Loki's words of Iago being alive brought Dameon to an active state.
Everything until I was in Paris is a blur... I can't quite recall what happened. But I remember... I remember Dameon's eyes... and...
FUCK! This isn't any of your goddamn buisness!
I found Dameon with Iago... she was so cold to him... it was delicious, really.
At this point we returned to the way things were -- they try, to no avail, to resist succumbing to the suffering that I inflicted. This time it was complicated by a love triangle, but that's neither here nor there. Nothing particularly interesting happened until... until Iago became convinced that she wanted my "evil."
Key misconception. I'm not "evil." Even if I was, I couldn't help her become "evil" on account of the fact that it's not any more inside her than anyone else. She's a bit mean and she's intolerant to anyone's touch, but that hardly makes her "evil."
I humored her, and gave her a brief "initiation process" just to make her feel comfortable. Or otherwise. I made her kiss me -- her kiss me, not the other way. That's about as uncomfortable as anything ever has been for her, I'm sure of it. Not the most... but on the level with the worst.
Eventually, the inevitable happened. Iago realized that she didn't have the strength or the peace of mind required to turn on the people dear to her or even to kill Loki, whom she hated out of jealousy for Dameon -- though she was trying to hurt Dameon. This is a really fucked up group.
More pain and suffering... I played nice for a little... Val showed up, but I didn't mention her and she didn't do anything important... the next significant event was...
The next significant event was when Dameon snapped again. His rational -- what peace of mind he possessed died and a beast came out. It -- and I say "it" because it wasn't Dameon -- had tremendous power. It hurt Iago a lot. Not as much as I had over all of my time with her, but in the few hours he spent that way, he did more than I had done in any time period 5 times its size.
Of course, Dameon came to. I don't know how, and I don't care... but Iago had sworn not to forgive him. This wasn't a time for her to be stubborn, though, and when she cut him with her words after he'd returned to his body, he was so vulnerable... that he ran off and made a tape for each Loki and Iago and he wrote a note for me. These items told us about his death.
I wasn't buying it for a second. I found his obituary, but that didn't mean shit. I went off in search... I found him after four years... He doesn't know that I found him, nor does anyone else.
Oh, this I'll say just because I like explaining how I can overcome a battle even with myself. Shortly after Dameon lost his body to "it," I'd started to gain a few odd traits. They didn't really show -- not much anyway, but they were some of the inherent flaws in humans. I gained some of them. Over the 5 years while I was gone, however -- the 4 looking for Dameon and one more, just because I wanted to take a break since I was getting really sick and tired of dealing with the same people -- over those 5 years, I removed them.
Think of it this way... I was a cup of blood, and some water started to drip into my cup... Now there's no way that a single drip of water can enter my cup.
Well, when I came back, it was no time at all before Iago showed up, now very pretty, claiming the name "Isobel."
I waited for timing that I thought was right -- just after she left a conflict, and confronted her.
She was immune to her old weaknesses. She didn't flinch from my touch, not even my kiss. In fact, her resistance to becoming upset by someone's touch was superior to that of most people... I kissed her violently and she showed little but a bit of disgust.
I touched her where I'm certain she's never been touched. My body came to know all of hers. The reason was that I was testing her limits, and I wouldn't stop until I'd found them. I never found them.
I'd touched her breasts -- I touched all of her, in fact, and not only with my hands...
And she never screamed. I'd chained her to things so that I wouldn't need to bother with restraining her myself and worked her body for hours, and nothing happened.
I didn't know quite what to think about this... but I thought I could see how to hurt her again after about a day... Though I didn't plan to use it right away. It seemed that she had somehow... enjoyed my touch... and I wanted to understand that before I broke her. Though that wouldn't take long.
Dameon was still absent and I had Iago wrapped around my fingertips...
Isn't an unfinished story painful? Now I'm going to kill you.