Who Are The Ramblers?

The name RAMBLERS and their mascot, a SCHOOL BUS, originated long ago when Winthrop High School had no gym or playing fields and had to travel in an old bus to play other schools. Today we have our own sports facilities, but have kept the nickname and unique school mascot.

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In Touch With Winthrop

This web site is maintained by the staff and students of Winthrop HighSchool to promote pride in their school and serve as a learning experience in the area of electronic publishing. Part vehicle for self-expression for its student creators and part bulletin board, the page gives Internet browsers, world-wide and across town, insight into life in a small town high school. Staff and students hope that visitors to their home page will send their comments and suggestions via e-mail. They hope you enjoyed your visit to THE RAMBLER HOME PAGE and will come back often.

Substitutes Needed: The Winthrop Public Schools are seeking substitutes K-12. FMI contact Colleen Akerman at 377-2670 or 377-2228 Ext.111 or contact Sue Welch at 377-2296 Ext.101. A great opportunity for college students home for vacation and community members interested in education. Earn some extra money while supporting your local schools.

Other Local Links of Interest:

{Winthrop Public Schools Page}{Winthrop Business and Professional Guild}{Winthrop Farmers' Market}

WPS Comprehensive Plan