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If your wondering why I’m writing you this email, then your intuition is failing, because you already know what I’m going to say. New Years Eve, yes, this is when life ended for me, and I became who I really am in true fashion. You’ve always known exactly what my morals are, and the mistakes that I’ve made. You know what I think about drinking and smoking, and securing my future for the better. Seems I’ve taken a step back... in the wrong direction I must say. Lately I’ve been drinking more than I’ve ever dreamt possible, and, unfortunately it’s gotten the best of me. Frankly, there is no easy way to explain this, except for that I’ve met someone who is more of a friend than anything else to me. I haven’t fallen in love, but I spend a lot of time with this person, and on New Years, yes, I drank, yes, it got of hand, and yes, I’ve become everything you and I hate, tainting our relationship indefinitely as I've done with others in the past. If its any consolation I’ve paid for my sins, broken the one promise I’ve made to you, which no person should ever have to make to anyone. Considering the extenuating circumstances of my life though, it has become a necessity for me, and I’m a person who lives by punishing himself in ways most people could not imagine. What many don't understand, is that its not actually doing it that makes you remember what you’ve done. It's the pain that follows, the pain you feel when someone grabs your arm and has no idea of the atrocities you’ve committed to yourself that makes you remember exactly why you deserve to be punished. In some ways you and I considered things working out between us to be perfect timing, although now I realize that not to be the case, in fact, things were to late. My relationship with *Jane changed me. I should have walked away, but I would rather sacrifice myself for someone else instead of protecting my own interests. Which is exactly what I did, and now I’m going to pay for it for the rest of my life. As of now, my life is over, everything I have ever worked for I’ve thrown away. I imagined this perfect life, one with you, and children, and a house and all those wonderful things that follow. But now, I’ve given up that perfect life, I’m not sure I really wanted it in the first place. Not that I didn't want it, I just couldn’t handle it. I’m tired of trying to be perfect, tired of trying to make myself in to something that I’m not, something I see in my mind that I can never be. I’ve spent the last twenty years doing absolutely nothing with my life, and now I’m paying the price for it. I’m not the person everyone thinks I am. I’m not good at Chinese, I’m not good with computers, I’m not a nice person and I’m definitely not someone that other people like. If I was someone else who met me, I’d probably hate myself, although I’ve never really hated anyone, just felt sorry for them I guess. Everyone always feeds me these bullshit about how I’m so wonderful, and that I’m such a great person. Well how the fuck would they know, how the hell would they know who I really am. Everyone always has all these secrets, like their life is a god damn conspiracy. I’ve never lived like that, nor do I ever intend to. I don't understand why people have to lie about me. Its not easy being a half-breed English American that every British person hates. I’m nothing, nothing but a half-breed stupid American, who crawls underneath the skin of every British person here, and would rather see me dead than blabbering on about whatever it is these ridiculous Americans seem to talk about in their spare time. Since the hours of last night I haven’t been able to clearly collect my thoughts, and I’m not sure I will be able to for some time. This always seems to happen to me, I make it six months to a year and I snap. Unhappy, just as before, and unable to cope with my own life. It’s amazing, I can cope with the world around me, but myself just seems to be too damn difficult. How is that possible? What makes me so difficult to deal with? I’m a control freak you know, you’ve seen that in my eyes, and in my words. You see how particular I am about everything, and if it doesn't work out, I don't even want to be bothered. Who can live with someone like that? Maybe my father is the same way and I don't realize it. Maybe that's why my mother left. I haven’t spoken to her in almost half a year, yet for some reason I still have not found the words I’m am looking for to express why I’m so disgusted. But in actuality, when you look at the entire picture, I’m no better than her. My father always warned me to look out for women like her, who would pull the same shit that my mother did with my father. I think he should have told me to look out for myself, “beware of becoming too much like your mother”, is what he should have said, because that's exactly what I’ve done. You will hate me after this, there is no doubt, I’ve betrayed your trust as I’ve done in the past. I swore to myself that I would never make the same mistake I did with *Jane, and that my life would be different. But what I was unable to see was the years of depression that followed, and fact that alcohol makes it ten times worse. If I was to kill myself, I would have to be drunk, there is no way I could ever lower myself to that point without making it ten times worse. Yes, I’ve had a rough time here, and this person has definitely helped me through a lot of it. We are not in love, we are two people who care about each other as friends, and value our friendship more than anything. If your wondering what happened between us, its not as bad as think, no clothes were shed, no words exchanged, just a friendship that was taken beyond that threshold that some people cross because there is no other way to explain why your friendship is so strong. If kissing is considered a sin, then yes, I’m guilty. But this was not some random act, someone I just picked out of the crowd and asked to do something stupid with me. This is a friend, someone I care about, and would do anything for, just as I would for the next, except that this person has been there for me here. She has helped me through thick and thin, with a sincere heart, and I’ve have only expressed my gratitude to her in the most honest and most sincerest way up until now. I think the smartest thing we ever could have done, was the same thing *Mike did when he left for Japan. Left things open, and if it was meant to be in the end when I came back, things would have been fine. No bitter jealousy, no words of hatred exchanged, just the opportunity to meet new people and take advantage of all that life has to offer. At this point in my life, I don't know what I want, I always said I should have wound up alone in life, and maybe I will. I don't deserve anyone...... and you...your one of the best people I ever could have met, so for me, it's the extreme best for the worst. Me, of course being the worst. Apologizing doesn't make sense, because it doesn't offer the feelings I wish to convey. So, if you can understand how I feel, which would be putting yourself in my position and feeling the way I do, then you know exactly how I feel, and that words just wont work. You and I are carbon copies, which is a great thing, because I don't even have to explain how I feel sometimes, you just know. I’ve betrayed you, and I’m telling you, because I know you trust me, and I would never break that. Even if we were only friends... even if we were enemies. At this point, I’m not sure what to do, I need to find myself first, and that is going to take some time. I’ve lost the better half of myself to a relationship that almost killed me, and now it only plagues my life to the point where I have no control. This is going to be it, this is the turning point in my life, it happens now, there is no more putting it off till I feel like it, or working it out “someday” it needs to happen now, if I ever want to see another...happy...day. I want you to know that I am happy with you, and that all of this is not about you, it’s about me. I’ve had some serious problems, ever since high school. Things that I have not been able to deal with because I care too much, and other times, don't care at all. There isn’t a day that goes by here that I don't think about you, that I don't wish you were here with me. I guess hitting a low like this once again, has spurred what has taken place, which is why I need to find how to deal with this, and be happy, be myself, and stop worrying about the things in life that don't really matter, and start worrying about the ones that do. I will not lie to you, I’m afraid, of losing everything, but sometimes, that's the way life is, and has to be, and if that's what happens, well...then I’ll deal with it and move on. It's the only option I have, and I’m going to take it. Please, let me tell you, one more time, that you are, the most amazing person in this world that I have ever met, and I value that more than anything else in this life, and there is nothing that will ever change that. If, you choose, never to speak to me ever again, believe me when I say...I understand. This whole thing, yes is extremely hard for me, I hope you realize that, and I hope that you realize that I’m not the same person, I’m changing, everyone does...I just wish we could have changed together. Words cannot express my sincerest gratitude if you’ve made it this far in reading this, I can only hope you understand where I am in my life, and that, timing, is not was it always seems to be. I love you, with all of my heart, and all of my soul, and it probably sickens you to read these words from me at this point, but they are true, they always have been, and they always will be. Forever in your debt for the gratitude you have shown me on this earth: *Pathetic Guy ý/þ/üöòh¢(ý h™Cñ0Jh™CñKµë S Š ½ ð & D y ¬ ã  L v ¡ Ø  D u ¨ Ü  úõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõõgd™Cñgd™Cñþ/ý D y § Ü CyªáN„ŽÄô*\’Çû.b–Ì7j¡Õúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúgd™CñÕ @w|³æO†¹éV…¸ï%WŽÄø,cp¦ÛDxúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúgd™CñxªÚ Bx¨ÜF|®äK€´ëOhŸÕ ?m£Ø >úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúgd™Cñ>o¤ÙE{­â J } ´ ê !!V!!Ã!ú! 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