All characters are fictional recreations of existing characters, screen names copywrighted ©2002 for NYBN. This was done in Cheetachat. Rolling 10 sided dice syntax is /roll #:10, where the # is how many dice you want to roll. It can only go up to 6, so you have to continue rolling until you accumulate the appropriate dice. *Marie Vicorus sits in a park with midnight tolling in the background. She is whiping a bloody knife on her gown, and there is a body not far away behind a trash can. About twenty yards away, Johnathon - - that poor sap's partner in crime - - is watching her from beside a tree.* *Johnathon suddenly turns from behind a tree with a bit of a grunt, pointing a Glock 17 (9mm) in Marie's general direction. He pulls the trigger and the end of the barrel blazes and backlashes. attack phrase >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 6 10-sided dice: >10, 2, 7, 9, 2, 5 >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 2 10-sided dice: >3, 5 attack roll >>> Marie_Vicorus rolls 5 10-sided dice: >8, 5, 1, 1, 2 dodge roll >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 4 10-sided dice: >1, 7, 2, 1 damage roll Marie_Vicorus As she had heard something go off her body moved quickly falling from the bench. She had not known what it was that went off. for her not hearing anything but a slightly klink as the bullet hit the knife without her knowing. it until she hit the ground. She had brought the blade up to look at it and saw it bent. In -Playing-, you may have noticed that there are a succession of links beginning with the phrase "Easy Access:", these are pop-up window tables and charts to help you choose what will be rolled depending on your action, and what maneuvers can be done. *Stepping forward, muttering something in his three seconds of shock about the Bitch and his Partner - Firing more, a three round burst, he follows Marie down to the ground with the barrel of his gun. attack phrase >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 6 10-sided dice: >3, 2, 4, 2, 4, 8 >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 4 10-sided dice: >5, 8, 9, 9 attack roll Coyat_imyr_Neter . o O ( difficulty 7 for three round bursts ) >>> Marie_Vicorus rolls 5 10-sided dice: >9, 4, 9, 7, 4 Defense roll >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 4 10-sided dice: >2, 2, 4, 5 damage roll Marie_Vicorus She rolled on the ground hearing more noise come her way. She heard as the bullets when into the ground one by one hitting the dirt. She continued to roll until she came to a stop and moved up to her feet as quick as she could. defense Now you should have a feel for the order of combat. It is Attack > Attack Roll > Defense Roll > Damage Roll > Defense. Because Marie Vicorus is mortal, she cannot "soak" Lethal Damage, if it were bashing or Marie was a vampire, she would be able to roll the amount of dots in her Stamina(+Fortitude if she has it) to negate some of the Damage Roll's success. *Johnathon had closed some distance by then, and while she began to get to her feet he rushed her, swinging a clinched fist toward her face attack >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 5 10-sided dice: >3, 9, 4, 3, 4 attack roll >>> Marie_Vicorus rolls 4 10-sided dice: >8, 1, 9, 10 defense roll Marie_Vicorus She had caught sight of him moving in on him and noticed his fist moving towards her she brought her arms up as the arm went up to block his move and the other hand's fingers moved to curl about his arm. Defense/Counter-Attack >>> Marie_Vicorus rolls 3 10-sided dice: >9, 4, 6 Damage Roll >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 3 10-sided dice: >2, 3, 5 Soak Roll *Johnathon lurched back, throwing is freed arm wildly without control when his fist was caught and twisted- You see that "Johnathon" rolled his attack appropriately, and Marie Vicorus appropriately rolled her Defense. Because the successes in Marie's Defense roll negated all of the successes in the Attack Roll and had a success left-over after negation, Marie became dominant and was allowed to attack/counter-attack (moving from a Dodge to an Attack in a turn). Normally she would only make an Attack Roll which would be followed with "Johnathon's" defense, though because Johnathon was throwing himself into her (only failing to injure her), he wouldn't have the opportunity to defend, so Marie followed suit with a Damage roll. Removing three health levels from Johnathon, and possibly breaking his wrist. Marie_Vicorus She did not bother to hisate as her fingers clamped down on his arm with the other hand. her knee bending slightly as her leg came towards his midsection in order to kick him back. attack >>> Marie_Vicorus rolls 4 10-sided dice: >9, 1, 2, 1 attack roll (Failure) *Johnathon, with the kick passing by his hip, twisted around and threw his arm infront of Marie as to hit her in the face with his gun. Defense/Counter Attack >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 6 10-sided dice: >2, 9, 5, 1, 9, 5 attack roll >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 1 10-sided die: >4 Damage roll >>> Marie_Vicorus rolls 5 10-sided dice: >3, 2, 10, 3, 2 Soak roll Marie_Vicorus she frowned as her leg had moved past his and her arm had moved up to block that of something she saw move coming at her. She wanted to keep herself from getting hurt but she was risking it so far. He was starting to outwit her. Defense Why did Marie fail that one Kick and again hand dominance over to Coyat? You should know by now that a 1 in a Roll negates a success. Two "1"s negate two successes, and so on, eventually you will fail and have no successes. If you have no successes to begin with and you end up with a "1", you Botch. *Johnathon grimaced and pressed against her, her leg had passed around his hip after all, and pushing his armed hand against her risen forearm - he pulls the trigger - the barrel pointed toward her shoulder. attack Coyat_imyr_Neter . o O ( difficulty 4 at point blank range ) >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 6 10-sided dice: >9, 2, 5, 4, 6, 9 >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 2 10-sided dice: >1, 9 attack roll >>> Marie_Vicorus rolls 4 10-sided dice: >9, 1, 3, 5 defense roll >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 6 10-sided dice: >4, 2, 6, 6, 9, 9 >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 3 10-sided dice: >7, 3, 2 damage roll Coyat_imyr_Neter . o O ( 5 health levels ) Marie_Vicorus She did not figure there would be a bullet in the gun and she screamed out as she felt it hit her arm and knock her to the ground. Her back hit with a thumb as she looked up towards that of the man blinking. Shooked almost. defense. Remember that mortals cannot soak lethal (bullet) damage. 5 Health Levels checked off will (putting a " / " in a box for every health level, 2 Health levels X's out a box) will bring her down to Injured. Injured has a -1 beside it, which means that she must subtract one die for the rest of her actions. *Johnathon stood over her, looking at the almost rotten corpse of his friend -- "Bitch" he said just above his breath, and he curled back his lips to reveal terrible fangs with a terrible hiss, taking the time to kick toward her side. attack >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 4 10-sided dice: >10, 4, 1, 1 attack roll >>> Marie_Vicorus rolls 5 10-sided dice: >2, 1, 8, 3, 8 defense roll Marie_Vicorus seeing the foot coming at her caused her to quickly roll in the opposite direction. A slight sound came from the back of her thoart as she made it away from him and started to move up to her feet lightly wobbling.defense *Johnathon was soundly pissed, and voicing his displeasure after witnessing a policemen pull into the distance, he lifted the barrel of his gun and fired Three Times. attack >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 6 10-sided dice: >2, 7, 2, 6, 8, 9 >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 4 10-sided dice: >2, 2, 4, 9 attack roll Coyat_imyr_Neter . o O ( 4 successes ) >>> Marie_Vicorus rolls 4 10-sided dice: >1, 9, 6, 4 defense roll >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 6 10-sided dice: >9, 9, 3, 2, 2, 9 damage roll Marie_Vicorus Her hand had moved up to her shoulder to take care of it perhaps or to show that he had been successful in hitting her there but as it did she felt a sharp pain to her stomach. Her mouth came open as she looked up at him with her mouth open. defense *With Marie on the ground in the park, Johnathon took the time to walk up to her. He wasn't hungry, he was Angry. trading dominance pausing a turn Know now that Marie is at "Mauled", or is sometime soon (it is very late), which puts her at -2 dice for every action. Marie_Vicorus She coughed lightly as she had brought her hand to her stomach. She needed to get to a hospital quick and soon, but she was sure he was not going to let her go. As sson as she would come close enough her leg came up and out towards his knees in order to break them and make him fall.attack >>> Marie_Vicorus rolls 1 10-sided die: >7 attack *Scowling, Johnathon curled his off-hand Fingers to mimic claws and swipes awkwardly at the approaching leg- he having to bend over some. counter attack (he is relying on an attack roll to negate her attack so he doesn't get hurt, stupidly. >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 5 10-sided dice: >7, 4, 3, 8, 9 attack roll >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 4 10-sided dice: >5, 7, 4, 5 damage roll Marie_Vicorus she had not expected this to happen as she felt something against her leg. She only guessed he would swat it easily away and he would hear her cry out in pain as her body would fall more the side now. Her side and part of her back to him. defense *Johnathon, dropping the gun to the ground, the policeman only a forest line away, Johnathon leaned and curled his arms as to hold hold her around the waist. attack >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 5 10-sided dice: >7, 3, 1, 3, 9 attack roll Marie_Vicorus she felt his arms about her as she tried to squrim lightly and moaned because of the pain on her stomach. Her hands moved out as she let out a loud scream, or an attempt to as she started to move away from him as quick as possible, pushing back the pain. defense (attack failed) *Johnathon with her only a foot from Johnathon, he lunged himself above her - bearing down toward the side of her throat with a sickly hiss. attack >>> Coyat_imyr_Neter rolls 5 10-sided dice: >2, 3, 1, 1, 6 attack roll Coyat_imyr_Neter . o O ( shit ) *Johnathon's jaws clicked together, she rolling enough and out of his range. The policeman, some yards away, fired a gun in warning, "Hey you! Freeze!" ST ending it Coyat_imyr_Neter love ya, thankyou, the end Some key things to remember: * 1's negate successes * Close&Ranged Maneuvers/Weapons and Damage/Armors/Health Chart all have an Easy Access: table in -Playing-. Make use of it when fighting. * Mortals cannot soak Lethal Damage. Vampires can. No one can soak Aggravated damage (fire, sunlight, acid, claws, fangs) unless you have Fortitude. Fortitude alone may be used for a Soak Pool * Damage Rolls AND Soak Rolls are always made a Difficulty 6 * The Order is Attack > Attack Roll > Defense Roll > (Potentially)Damage Roll > (Potentially) Soak Roll > Defense Phrase. |
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