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Maneuver Traits Difficulty Damage
Bite Dex+Brawl 6 Str+1(a)
Block Dex+Brawl 6 (R)
Claw Dex+Brawl 6 Str+1(a)
Clinch Dex+Brawl 6 Str (C)
Disarm Dex+Melee + 1 Special
Dodge Dex+Dodge 6 (R)
Dex+Brawl +1 +1 Str+1
Parry Dex+Melee 6 (R)
Strike Dex+Brawl 6 Str
Sweep Dex+Melee/Brawl +1 Str(K)
Tackle Str+Brawl +1 Str+1 (K)
Weapon Strike Dex+Melee 6 Weapon

Class Armor Rating Dice Penalty
Class One (reinforced clothing) 1 0
Class two (armor t-shirt 2 -1
Class three (kevlar vest) 3 -1
Class four (flak jacket) 4 -2
Class five (full riot gear) 5 -3

Armor adds its rating to the character's soak dice
pool against bashing damage, lethal damage, and aggravated damage from fangs and claws. It does not protect against fire or sunlight. However, armor also subtracts a number of dice from dice pools related to bodily coordination and agility (most Dexterity-based dice pools). This is reflected in the penalty listing. Attackers may make targeting rolls to hit unprotected portions of a defender and thus ignore the armor (ST assigns difficulty penalty - typically +1 or 2).

Health Level Dice Penalty Movement Penalty
Bruised Bruised a bit but suffers no penalty due to damage
Hurt -1 Superficially hurt and suffers no movement hinderance.
Injured -1 Suffers minor injuries and movement is mildly inhibited.
Wounded -1 Suffers significant damage and may not run.
Mauled -2 Badly injured and may only hobble about (3yds/turn)
Crippled -5 Catastrophically injurred and may only crawl (1yd/turn)
Incapacitated Character cannot move and is likely unconcious
May do nothing but spend blood points.
Incapacitated vampires with no blood enter torpor
Torpor (Vampire) Deathlike trance, he may do nothing, not even burn blood until a certain time has elapsed.
Final Death Character Dies Forever

Melee Weapon Damage Conceal
Sap+ Strength + 1 P
Club+ Strength + 2 T
Knife Strength + 1 J
Sword Strength + 2 T
Axe Strength + 3 N
Stake Strength+1 T

+Denotes a blunt object. Blunt objects inflict bashing damage unless targeted at the head. If so, they inflict lethal damage.

*May paralyze a vampire if driven through the heart. The attacker must target the heart (difficulty 9) and score three damage successes.

P: Can be concealed in a Pocket

T: Can be concealed in a Trench Coat

J: Can be concealed in a Jacket

N: Can not be concealed on the person.

Ranged Maneuver Traits Accuracy Difficulty Damage
Automatic Fire Dex+Firearms +10 +2 weapon
Multiple Shots Dex+Firearms special 6 weapon
Strafing Dex+Firearms +10 +3 weapon
3-Round Burst Dex+Firearms +2 +1 weapon
Two weapons Dex+Firearms +2 +1 weapon

Accuracy: The amount of dice added to your attacking dice-pool.

Range Type Damage Range Rate Clip Conceal
Revolver, Lt. 4 12 3 6 P
SW M640 (.38 Special)
Revolver, Hvy. 6 35 2 6 J
Colt Anaconda (.44 Magnum)
Pistol, Lt. 4 20 4 17 + 1 P
Glock 17 (9mm)
Pistol, Hvy. 6 30 3 7 + 1 P
Sig P220 (ACP .45)
Rifle 8 200 1 5 + 1 N
Remington M-700 (30.06)
SMG, Small* 4 25 3 30 + 1 J
Uzi (9mm)
Assault Rifle* 7 150 3 42 + 1 N
Steyr-Aug (5.56 mm)
Shotgun 8 20 1 5 + 1 T
Khaca M-37(12-Guage_
Shotgun, Semi-auto 8 20 3 8 + 1 T
Fiachi-Law 12 (12-Guage)
Crossbow** 5 20 1 1 T

Damage: Indicates the damage dice pool. Versus mortals, firearms are considered lethal damage. Versus vampires, firearms are considered bashing damage unless the head is targeted, in which case it is considered lethal.

Range: This is the practical shot range in yards. Weapons may be fired at twice this distance, but the attacks are considered long range (difficuly 8).

Rate: The maximum number of bullets or three-round bursts the gun can fire in a single turn. This rate does not apply to full-auto or spray attacks.

Clip: The number of shells a gun can hold. The +1 indicates a bullet can be held in the chamber, ready to fire.

Concealment: P = Can be carried in the pocket; J = Can be hidden in a jacket; T = Can be hidden in a trenchcoat; N = Cannot be concealed on the person at all.

* Indicates the weapon is capable of three-round bursts, full-auto and sprays.

**The crossbow is included for characters who wish to try staking an opponent. Crossbows require five turns to reload. Unless the crossbow is aimed at the head or heart, it inflicts bashing damage on Kindred. It inflicts lethal damage versus mortals.

Material from WW2100 by White-Wolf Incorporated and Vampire: the Masuqerade. © Copywright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. All rights reserved