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Before joining, I'm requiring that a respectable knowledge of BABE's system has been aquired. If you are not familiar with the game mechanics, please take the time to thoroughly explore WRITTEN IN RED, PLAYING WITH ..., GATHERING FIRE WOOD, and CREATE A CHARACTER. Much ignorance cannot be afforded, some training and observation will be granted at any request but there is not enough time nor patience to relay the entire system. There shouldn't be any dispute between playing your character and storyteller interactions, rules, and reactions to the New York world.

All characters must be original and developed for this game alone. There will be no crossovers allowed. Also, every character is subject and subservient to the Gehenna Storytellers (the Three Hosts) should disputes arise, or misdemeanors occur, that hinder others from having a good time.

When a character is submitted you will receive an e-mail detailing some game-related issues:

*You will receive a "Rumor." Wherever your character is standing via allegiance, lifestyle, background; an overheard rumor relating to the above will be provided to force you a step-furhter into the secretive intrigue of vampirism.

*You will be given a detailed description of your general surroundings (whichever area your Haven is near), "phone numbers" to certain figures (whether it be the common Sherrif, or soemone more important) according to your rumors and Background.

Please only create Two Characters at Maximum for New York by Night: Anymore will be a hassle and restrict the development of your two. Your two must not: Know one another, have seen one another, have heard of one another, live near one another, and they should never meet. This prevents character-crossing.

Lastly, participate in the Dead Letter Office, just for kicks. Much game information can be dramatisized and great experiences can occur.

You dig? Please Proceed.