Hard-And-FastRules This section addresses the various game-mechanical factors that distinguish the thin-blooded from other vampires. Main subjects are listed in alphabetical order. "Anomalous Biological Activity" A thin-blooded vampire can sometimes reactivate part of its mortal metabolism. Minor effects (such as growing a five-o'clock shadow, menstruating or feeling hungry for real food instead of blood) can spontaneously occur whenever a thin-blooded vampire expends many blood points in a short time. The most common trigger is healing an aggravated wound -- especially if the vampire spends a willpower point to heal more than one health level of aggravated damage in a night. Such minor, spontaneous effects are best left to the Storyteller's discretion. If a thin-blooded vampire wants to reactivate some mortal biological function for a night, she can spend a Willpower point and at least five blood points. (This doesn't suffer the doubling penalty that most vitae expenditure receives.) Being seen to spit real saliva now and then or to need a shave are good ways to protect the Masquerade or throw witch-hunters off the track. Aging Despite "anomalous biological activity," thin-blooded vampires normally do not age any more than their stronger-blooded sires. Eating Food The thin-bloodeds till cannot digest mortal food or drink, but they can at least hold it down for a few hours before they must vomit it up again (a normal vampire vomits within minutes). If Storytellers need a more definite rule, the character must make as uccessful stamina roll (difficulty 7) each hour to hold down the food. If the roll fails, she throws up the food, generally amid a bloody shower of vitae. Generous storytellers may allow a thin-blooded vampire to actually digest food if the player expends a willpower point and five blood points to reactivate her character's digestive system for a few hours. In that case, the vampire gains no more than one blood point of sustenance from a full meal - rather an expensive trade. Pregnancy and Conception Only vampires of the15th Generation can become pregnant or get someone else pregnant. Deciding when sex results in pregnancy is left completely to the tender mercies of the Storyteller (assume it will though >:)) A vampire who deliberately wants to get pregnant, or to impregnate a woman, can expend a willpower point and five blood points to reactivate the necessary anatomy. She still receives no more than 20 percent chance of success, even with all other factors optimized. The resulting child is born a dhampir, a self-sustaining ghoul from birth ... assuming the conception, pregnancy and birth take place unhindered. Such strange pregnancies only have a 50 percent chance of carrying to term. Otherwise, they miscarry. This rule applies whether the mother is a 15th-generation vampire or a mortal. The storyteller really ought to make this decision according to what would make a better story, though, instead of leaving it to the fall of the dice. Can a 15th-generation male vampire impregnate a 15th generation female vampire? Intuition says that this can't happen -- a pregnancy should require a spark of genuine life. Then again, there's something wonderfully weird (or disgusting, or horrific, depending on one's point of view) about two vampires having a baby. This possibility is left to the discretion of individual Storytelers. Characters (and their players) should never know the exact limits of a thin-blooded vampire's reactivated biology :) Blood Usage Kindred of the highest generations have 10 blood points, but some functions cost double the normal number of blood points. Also, thin-blooded vampires cannot necessarily expend all their blood points as they please. 14th Generation 14th-Generation vampires can use their last two blood points only for survival through the day, sustaining ghouls, giving the Embrace or feeding another vampire (for instance, to create a blood bond). They cannot spend those last two points on a Discipline, raising Attributes or healing wounds. This is purely a factor of generation, though, regardless of whether the character has the Thin Blood Flaw or not. 15th Generation A 15th-generation vampire can spend its last FOUR blood points only on waking up or feeding another vampire (the former will never blood bond the latter, though). To use other functions of vitae, they must have at least six blood points in their system (remember, every other function has double cost). Waking Up The blood point cost just to survive through the day remains the same for the thin-blooded: one blood point every evening. Blood Bond Fourteenth-generation vampires without the Thin Blood Flaw follow the normal procedure for creating a blood bond: Feed one blood point of your vitae to a mortal or another vampire on three successive occasions. Other thin-blooded vampires, however, can never blood bond another being. Creating and Sustaining Ghouls Vampires with the Thin Blood Flaw cannot create or sustain ghouls. Neither can vampires of the 15th Generation. Doubled Costs This rule applies only to the 15th-generation vampires, or 14th-generation vampires who actually have the thin blood flaw. Any discipline power that uses vitae has double cost; i.e, if a normal vampire would have to expend one blood point to use a power, a vamprie with thin blood must expend two. This also applies to raising physical attributes: Each additional dot of strength, dexterity or stamina costs two blood points instead of one. Healing woulds also has double cost. To heal an aggravated wound, a vampire with thin blood must burn through 10 blood points! That's very bad for the highest generations; they need to "refill" at least once before they can finish healing a single aggravated wound. Disciplines A 14th-generation vampire cannot learn any discipline past the fourth level. A 15th-generation vampire is limited to the third level of their Disciplines. The only ways to surpass those limits are Golconda ... or lowering one's generation through diablerie. The Embrace The thin-blooded differ from other vampires in two significant ways where the Embrace is concerned. Giving If a 14th-generation vampire with the Thin Blood Flaw tries to Embrace a mortal human, 80 percent of the time the mortal simply dies. A 14th-generation vampire who lacks the flaw can embrace normally. A 15th-generation vampire cannot Embrace at all. Receiving Normally, the Embrace takes place very quickly: Less than a minute after she tastes Cainite vitae, the bloodless and dying mortal rises again as avampir. By the 13th generation, though, the Curse of Caine has weakened so much that sometimes it takes effect more slowly. minutes or even hours may pass between mortal death and undead rebirth. A thin-blooded childe might remain a corpse for the better part of a night and day, only rising as a vampire upon the next nightfall. After the childe awakens, howeer, it takes normal damage from sunlight. The sun never destroys a nascent childe, though: An obscure Providence makes sure that the change never takes place during the day. no one knows why, though several vampires have made guesses. More than half of all Seers had a delayed Embrace, compared to one in five for the highest generations as a whole. Once more, however, no actual rule determines when a childe has a delayed Embrace: The Storyteller has total discretion.Delayed Embrace exists to add drama and mystery to a character's prelude. If a charater sires a thin-blooded childe in the course of play the Storyteller must decide whether or not a delayed Embrace would improve the story. A delayed Embrace becomes especially dramatic when the sire has the Thin Blood Flaw: Will the prospetive childe revive, or is she really and truly dead? A delay also adds tension when Embrace happens near dawn, and the sire suddenly faces the challenge of hiding the body until the next nightfall. Insight Only the thin-blooded can have the prophetic power called Insight. What's more, if a Seer -- a character with Insight -- lowers her generation at all through diablerie, she loses her insight. Whatever strange power links the thin-blooded to the great beyond, diablerie breaks the connection. In rules terms, Insight is treated as background. Staking Some features of the thin-blooded stay the same, even for the 15th generation. A stake through the heart affects the thin-blooded just as it does any other vampire. Sunlight 14th-generation vampires suffer aggravated damage and a normal chance of Rotschreck from sunlight. It doesn't matter whether they have the Thin Blood FLaw or not. Fifteenth-generation vampires however, do not take aggravated damage from sunlight. Instead they take LETHAL damage -- the same sort they would take from a blade or bullet. They can soak the damage from sunlight with their Stamina, without the need for Fortitude. Sunlight still never inflicts more than three health levels of damage per turn, even with Maximum exposure. The intensity of the sunlight still dtermines the difficulty of the soak roll. Faint sunlight, each as twilight or a heavily overcast day, carries a soak difficulty of 3; but bright, direct sunlight still carries a soak difficulty of 10. A botch on the soak roll aslo still means the vampire has caught fire and automatically takes extra health levels of damage thereafter -- and this fire damage is aggravated! Perhaps because they don't take such serious damage from it, sunlight also is less likely to provoke Rotschreck in 15th-generation vampires. Their difficulties to resist Rotschreck from sunlight are always two less than they would be fore other vampires. As a result, 15th-generation vampires can endure sunlight far more than other neonates. bright sunlight is still pretty much a death sentence, but a quick dash through a shady lobby hardly bothers them. A 15th-generation Kindred with a good supply of blood for boosting his stamina and healing wounds can survive extended exposures to weak sunlight. This galls orlder and far stronger vampires, who would burn if a single sunbeam hit them. Note, however, that fire itself still does aggravated damage to 15th-generation vampires, and may cause normal Rotschreck. WAKING UP IN DAYTIME Thin blood gives no advantage in awakening or acting during the day.