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Long Night Moon

It was in the night of the long night moon
that i heard the starlight softly croon
the words filled my ears with a whistful tune
and down i lay in night times womb

i looked up to the glittering sky
and watched a satalite float by
i felt as if i may just cry
as i looked into the heavens so high

then from my mossy bed
i saw some bats fly overhead
i las so still, as if my body were dead
i watched so qietly so they would not dread

but then as they began to dance
i realised from their human stance
they were not bats as i thought at first glance
but faeries that flew as i fell in a trance

and as the dawn drew ever nearer
i had to wisk away a tear
for as the sky grew oh so clearer
the faeries flew away in fear
