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beth's ku korner

A wee bit of info about BKK: The middle of the '02-'03 season, I decided to remove Beth's KU Korner from internet. I was getting tired of updating it, I was going to be in college the next season, I wouldn't have time to update it, no one ever came to it, etc, etc, etc. But then, one gloomy afternoon (actually, it was quite nice out, but let's pretend it was gloomy) on April 10, 2003, I, um, accidently deleted the front page of BKK. I mean, geez, the Delete button was right next to the Edit button-- anyone could've done it. So, after banging my head against a cement wall a few times, I decided, "What the heck! I'll just close BKK a few weeks early!" but...I couldn't quite bear to just totally delete the entire BKK. I put a lot of work into it, and I like to think that every other year, when someone stumbled upon it, they got a kick out of the jokes and such. So, here we are. I kept all my favorites (i.e. the jokes and 'fun' stuff) and will more than likely continue updating them when I get a good one. How's that for a little history lesson? BTW, as of right now, I haven't moved everything over to this account, so bear with me for a while longer.

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