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You might be a phan if. . .

82. You know JoJo was in bounds... 81. You've been known to substitute "ph" for "f"...
80. You've ever gone to "Late Night with Roy Williams"...
79. You petition to change the national anthem to "I'm a Jayhawk"...
78. You treat a KU flag much like you would an American flag...
77. You actually support KU's football team... (Brad Pitt)
76. You frequently paint your nails red and blue... (Kel)
75. You have red, blue, and yellow lights that you turn on on game days...
74. You skip school just to watch KU...
73. You own atleast one KU tie...
72. You bleed crimson and blue blood (especially blue)...
71. You haven't even considered going to a college other than KU...
70. You listen to "Hawktalk" every Monday night (except, Tuesday nights if KU's playing on Monday)...
69. You pray every day just to thank God you're a Jayhawker... (RoyalJay)
68. You yell at the TV while watching KU play...
67. You send your kids to Roy Williams' summer camp...
66. You only take off your Jayhawk necklace to sleep... (Kel)
65. You pay thousands of dollars for season tickets to all the KU games for the next 10 years (even if they are in the nose-bleed section, you're still THERE)...
64. You always think that KU's going to win, no matter who the oppenent...
63. You know more about Kirk Hinrich than you do your brother...
62. You check out and seven other KU sites as soon as you get on Internet...
61. You have ever been to Valley City, North Dakota, on vacation to see what kind of a town Jeff Boschee grew up in...
60. You get braces, just so you can put red and blue on your teeth and get a retainer with a little Jayhawk on it...
59. Your computer has a KU wallpaper...
58. You find something with purple on it, so you burn it...
57. You have KU wallpaper in your room...
56. You own KU Monopoly...
55. When looking through a rack of sports apparel, you visibly shudder when accidentally coming in to contact with K-State or Mizzou gear... (Kel)
54. You know who Ryan Gray is...
53. Everytime you hear or see the Mazda commercial, you think of Kirk Hinrich (He does look an awful lot like the "zoom-zoom" kid)...
52. Your cell phone banner as KU on it... (Kel)
51. You can only remember locker combinations and ATM card codes in Jayhawk numbers... (Kel)
50. You only watch Pro Basketball if an ex-Jayhawk is playing on that team...
49. You believe that Jayhawk shortbread cookies should be used for communion. (Kel)
48. You have KU shortbread cookies... (wichitajayhawkfan)
47. You have KU pasta... (And neither 48 or 47 will ever be consumed, they're just for show) (wichitajayhawkfan)
46. Your pets wear a Jayhawk collar...
45. You have more than 10 KU hats...
44. You can't type "banshee" or "collision" without accidentally ending up with "Boschee" and "Collison"... (Kel)
43. You call the players by their first name...
42. All of your clothes have the crimson and blue or a Jayhawk on them...
41. You ever tried to buy a late model car that's red with blue interior or vice-versa...
40. You find out your sworn enemy shook Ryan Robertson's hand, so you worship her...
39. You tape all the games and the Roy Williams' Show...
38. Your air freshener hanging in your car is in the shape of a Jayhawk...
37. You willingly wash your daughter's lucky t-shirt (which actually looks more like a rag) at 11 o'clock at night because KU plays the next day. And you hate doing laundry...
36. You have all the home pages with Jayhawk mentioned on them bookmarked...
35. On Senior Night, while the game is going on, you run out on the court, carrying a sign that says "Good luck, Seniors!" and attempt to shake the seniors' hands...
34. You've ever told the kids you're babysitting to "You're not being very Gooden children. Stop it or I'm going to spank your Hinrich! Stop Zerbeing your sister!"... (Kel & Shorty)
33. Your e-mail and passwords have something to do with KU...
32. Your license plates have something to do with KU...
31. You watch a "movie", it's really a taped KU game or Roy Williams' show...
30. You have ever "waved the wheat" at a highschool basketball game...
29. You and the star quarterback of your high school get banned from taking any more school fieldtrips after running off from your teacher and classmates during the group tour of the KU campus, because the two of you wanted to go to Allen Fieldhouse but the stupid campus tour leader said no... (Terra)
28. You have a sign in your front yard that says "Jayhawk parking only"-- and you really mean it...
27. You hear the words "wood grain" and think of Nick Collison...
26. You can't have a conversation without mentioning KU...
25. You have a Jayhawk tattoo...
24. You buy alteast 100 copies of Floor Burns: Inside the Life of a Kansas Jayhawk "just in case"...
23. You listen to Bob and Max...
22. Your e-mail address has something to do with KU...
21. Your answering machine greets people with "Rock Chalk!" or something else pertaining to the Jayhawks...
20. Your wallpaper is Jayhawks pics cut out of newspapers... (Kel)
19. You microwave food in intervals associated with the players' numbers... (Kel)
18. Someone asks to see your beloved Rex Walters autograph, and you tell them ok, but be careful not to smudge it, and hand them rubber gloves...
17. You know what "IRWT" means...
16. You sing your kids to sleep with the Rock Chalk Chant...
15. Your pets' names are have something to do with KU...
14. You pronounce the word "Missouri" like "misery"...
13. You refuse to wear anything purple...
12. You have ever said "Go KU!" to some K-State fan in South Dakota...
11. You have a KU fan page...
10. You get chills when you walk in AFH...
9. You cry on Senior Night, when KU loses, and on the last game of every season...
8. Your 2-year-old daughter hit another 2-year-old because he didn't know what a Jayhawk was... (SWKSJHAWK)
7. You clip your toenails so that you can tell Drew (Gooden) he's your inspiration... (An explanation -towards middle of story)(Kel)
6. You throw a hissy fit because your cell phone ringer doesn't have an option of "I'm a Jayhawk"... (Kel)
5. You've ever yelled "Luuuuuuuke," "Puuuuuugh," or "Drewwwwwwww"...
4. Your kids' names have something to do with KU...
3. You know who Bob and Max are... (see also #23)
2. You can name all the KU players, their numbers, and the year they graduated...
1. You started crying when Roy said "I'm stayin'"...

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