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Next Full moon January 24

Pheeb§ Héll Høle

About me: To everone that I know and are friends with, I am everyones little sister. They watch out for me, make sure I don't get into too much trouble (as if that really happens I always find some way to get into trouble), I love my friends. I don't really care about myself but if someone needed me I will be right there. I don't care if they are in Cali or even Australia. If they need me I am there. If someone ever needs anything they come to me. Advice is something that I am known for. Me mum and dad are great (sometimes) but there again I'm a teenager I'm not supposed to agree, get along with or even like them all the time. I am some what of a strange individual. I speak freely. If I don't really care for someone I am not going to try and hide it I will full on tell them. I'm not nessicarly a shy person but I tend to hide if there is too many people around. I don't really like people much they piss me off.... I can hold my own when called for and I don't take shit from anyone. If I were to go down it will be fighting. I am a poet. I love to write, read, and draw. I am very outgoing. I absolutely LOVE to cuddle. Cuddling, snuggling, and hugging is (my opinion) harmeless. I will cuddle with almost anyone. I love to be held and just again cuddled. But don't let this fool you I can be very evil. Oh yes all must bow down to the QUEEN EVIL MANIACAL BITCH!!!!!!! That my friends is me, just incase you didn't know. I enjoy the darkness and being out in the night. To me the night is better then the day. There is so much more freedom during the night. I also like sharp objects and fire. Two of my most favorite things in the world. I do smoke occasionally use to all the time but I am trying to cut down. I am BISEXUAL!! That means I like both girls and boys but lately I have been going more for girls. I am single and loving it.

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