Go skinny dipping
Build a fort
Smoke oregano-It doesn't get you high
Get high
Get drunk
Get high off of learning-Read a good book
Write a song
Sneak beer from the fridge, but one at a time so you dont get caught
Sneak over to your friend's house to uhh "study"
Practice escape routes, but don't let the window bite you
Go on the trampoline for hours, but don't fall off or twist your ankle
Read this site over and over until you memorize it
E-mail me more ideas
Turn up some music to full blast, scream the lyrics, and JUMP HA! great song Van Halen kicks ass!
Flash cars from your front window
Play hacky sack every chance you get
Play hacky sack inside the mall
Get kicked out of the mall for playing
Go over to the movies and play there
Play in school every free moment
In school, write lyrics down so you at least look like you're working
Get a note book and write lyrics in it
Write messages on your graphing calculators to your friends
In a quiet, public place play with the ringtones on your phone on the loudest volume
Download music from Overnet-www.overnet.com
Convince your little sibling that there are monsters in their room
Randomly mumble random things when talking to people especially about the alien invasion occuring in 56 minutes
Make up clubs with your friends and make up rules for it
Make up a language with a few people and use it in class or when talking to people you hate
Go to the movies and mall every week and complain about doing so
Make up away messages-as many as you can
Try drinking a whole pot of coffee-mmm COFFEE
See if it really does stunt your growth
Go to Walmart and have cart races through the aisles
Go to various stores and try to beat your friends at getting kicked out first
Watch Dane Cook (he's hilarious)
Read and memorize the phobia list
Call everyone you have a number to
Instant message everyone you have a screen name for
Watch Muffin Films-www.MuffinFilms.com
Borrow someone's cell phone to call your 5th cousin in Italy
"Tell all the English boys you meet about the American boy back in the states The american boy you used to date Who would do anything you say"-sry spasm
Wonder why everyone on your buddy list has their away message on Maybe they're avoiding you Ask them about it
Look at porn
Wonder why the world is against you
Concur it's the way you walk and never walk again
Stare at the sun until it goes black
Watch the clouds go by
Make a coffin and sleep in it
Moon your principal
Moon walk
Practice your Polka outside with your music all the way up
Drink some more coffee
Wonder why your left hand shakes
Take out your anger by smashing all of your AOL disks- Come on you know you have more than a few I personally have at least 27 within my reach
Ride your bike to the movies
Ride your bike evrywhere-only if you can't drive
Go on google(www.google.com) and search random things and see what comes up
Blow bubbles
Make up stupid equations and then convince others that they're true EX-camel+cow=llama
Instant message SmarterChild or AustinPowers and take your anger out on them Its actually pretty funny
Tell someone who you haven't talked to in 4 yrs that "smoking's bad, YO"
Sign up to millions of sites, but put down someone else's e-mail address
Learn to play the guitar
Form a band
Count every penny in your house
Make some cents
With a group of ppl try to get arrested for the most stupid thing any of you can think of
Go streaking
Make up acronyms and use them when talking to ppl but don't let them know what they stand for
Tie someone's shoelaces together
Read the dictionary
Take apart small electronics
Call your mom
Battle crocadiles, snakes, and DINGOS!
Eat tons of waffles
Call up your EX and tell them you love them Then call them again and tell them you hate them
Stand on your head and countdown from infinity
Steal your siblings cds and hide them around the house See how many they can find
Stalk random people..hell even people you know!
Jump into the freezing ocean at 11 o'clock at nite in your boxers
Go swimming at 11'oclock at night in either your boxers or bra and undies
Piss off a Polish dude HERE'S HOW--Go on the swings at Ocean City, Sit with a few friends, Converse, Loudly say that you are gonna sing "i believe I can fly". When the Polish dude just stands next to you, you know you did it. Extra points if he says to stop doing that or you'll get kicked off when you donno what you did.
Jump into a fountain
Eat nachos
Play with a camera phone (make a ballet if your cool enough)
Do the jaguar
Walk around school aimlessly
Fall off your chair
Go to the lake!
Other places to look at
Muffin Films!
Dane Cook
Game House
CBGB and omfug
Tomorrow's End-Marc's Band
Overnet-Music download