About the Webmaster

this means me! *snickers*

I like long walks on the beach, and Fuzzy Navels by firelight....Nah! Just kidding!  As you have probably been exploring my site (isn't it so beautiful?  I can't help it so much of my blood and sweat went into it! I have to gush!) you know alot about my on-line life.  As you have managed to get this far then I'll give ya this: my Aim name is Goddess of 7s.  Drop me a line some time huh?  So me personally huh?  Well I'm overweight, but been trying to lose recently and have already lost 30 lbs!  Go me!  Trying for more.  I'm actually really proud of myself.  I'm not a vain person, I'm losing weight not as my Uncle would say "to snare all the guys" but because it's better for my health ( alot of my family has health problems related to being over-weight, it's a good incentive).  I have faults like any other person, but I'm proud that I'm enough of a person to admit them and try to work on them.  Of course some people think things I do are faults that I don't.  Like my mom hates when I get all anal about the shopping buggy being put up properly, to the point where I usually spend about a minute stacking them properly.  Or how the dishes have to be stacked just so.  It buggs my mom to death, but I like to think it just makes me quirky.

I don't really care what people think about me.  Seriously it's taken alot of work getting into that mindset.   American's are so mindwashed into thiking other people's opinions that they get tied up in all that crap about fads, clothing and status.  When I dress up I do it to make me happy, not the people around me.  I leave you with one last thing: if I were to be a fruit I would be a kumquat because even though it's small it packs one hell of a punch!



Butterfly in Italian (Italy) is farfalla.