Title: The Shock of Reality
Author: Goddess of 7s
Summary: Reality has it’s ups and downs and for most people doesn’t evolve meta humans.  Virgil faces a reality where Static can’t help.
Spoilers: the very last episode (unsure of the title) where Virgil’s dad finds out about the Super hero bizz.

Rating: umm R to NC-17 Rape is mentioned and eluded to, but not described rating by part with apply if I feel that it is a extreme change.
Pairing: eventually Richie/Virgil
Warnings: Violence, lots of angst, rape and eventually descriptive sex (the parts will be labeled clearly!)

Disclaimer: "Static Shock" belongs to the WB, DC and many others. I don't own them, don't make any money off of this, it's all for fun, please don't sue me.  But if it convinces you to make new episodes then by all means do so.
Distribution: Let me know!  I would like to visit.  Also at my personal page https://www.angelfire.com/weird2/butterlfywings

A/N: I usually write CSI but for some reason this story popped into my head I didn’t even read Static Shock before this idea, I tracked down what little fiction I could find and decided to put my CSI story on hold and share this with ya’ll.  If you have any fiction recommendations, please feel free to share.


Virgil was dead tired, couldn’t even muster enough energy to chuckle at the thought.  He and Gear had been up for 3 days straight battling a new meta human.  He couldn’t be bothered to remember her name right now.  The final battle had lasted for hours and he didn’t even have enough juice to light bulb right now.  By the end they were having to resort to Zap Caps and Gear’s tools.  They had flown most of the way landing in an alley between their houses and changing into their street clothes, changing from Static and Gear to Virgil and Richie two 15 years olds in desperate need of sleep.  Barely conscious of the thought Virgil again thanked his Pops for being so understanding of his superhero hours.  He might even let him skip the first few periods and sleep in late.  He walked forward in a methodical plod too tired at times to even open his eyes as every step jarred his tired body.  His mind even more exhausted then his body felt it didn’t hardly react when someone grabbed him from behind holding his arms to his sides. 

He struggled briefly against what felt like bands of steel wrapped around him pinning his arms down, but he couldn’t find any leverage.  He watched in shock and terror as two big bruisers approach as he was dragged further into the alley.  He knew a helpless situation when he saw and knew that he’d need help for this one.  He opened his mouth prepared to yell his throat hoarse, hoping that Gear was close enough still to hear the calls.  Unfortunately the thugs weren’t as stupid as one would hope and gagged him before he could even get going.  He kicked out trying to keep them away but they just dodged and laughed, insanely reminding Virgil of hyenas as they closed in on a kill.  Panic and roaring filled his ears to the point where he could barley hear what the thugs were saying.  He almost wished he couldn’t hear what they were saying at all.  “Looks like we caught us a pretty one.  Can’t wait until I break into that sweet ass.”  The apparent leader stepped closer his intentions known.  Virgil felt a surge of adrenalin hit boosting his engery.  For a short moment power built around them but it quickly died down, leaving the thugs confused but not harmed, they seemed single minded in their pursuit as the shrugged off the weird power surge and grinned at him their mouths open, grinning maws that swallowed him whole and in the distance, or maybe it was right there, Virgil heard the sound of jeans ripping and felt the cold night air on his legs.


It had been minutes or hours since the thugs had left, Virgil wasn’t sure how long he waited curled in the corner of the alley shivering, hoping that they wouldn’t be returning.  The lighting of the sky told him that maybe it had been hours and that Pops was gonna be worried.  They were gone, he told himself and himself replied, what if they weren’t?  Finally he could take the cold and uncertainty no more and gather up the energy to stand.  His pants refused to stay up, ripped as they were but he couldn’t walk exposed.  He rummaged a bit through the garbage, bending over made his head dizzy, and pulled out a bit of rope frayed on both ends, but usable for his purposes.  Passing it through the intact belt loops on his jeans he made two passes and tied it in a double knot in the front.  His pants still sagged a bit on his left hip and gaped open in a few places, but he felt more protected.  He trailed his right hand along the wall using it as support and guiding as the world seemed weird and distorted.  He then began the slow and painful trek home.  His brain basically on auto pilot.


Mr. Hawkins had fallen asleep on the couch again.  This seemed to be happening more and more now that he knew that Virgil was Static.  He trusted Virgil more now then ever and probably gave him too much leeway because of the guilt he felt for being so hard on Virgil before.  How was he to have know that the asking for a raise in allowance was to buy a new uniform.  He had asked to see what they did everyday that wasn’t on the news and had no idea the work that they both put into the superhero business.  He was mightily impressed with the layout of their abandoned gas station.  There was a washing machine and dryer, shower, mini fridge and even an old beat up couch that pulled out into a bed.  He was less impressed with why they had all these things, most of it seemed to involve avoiding people, mainly him, from finding out the truth.

He woke to the sound of the door opening, noting the time on the clock he controlled his anger and instead asked where Virgil had been.  There was always a good explanation now a days.  Virgil didn’t respond verbally but he turned and faced his dad.  The first thing Mr. Hawkins noticed was how off Virgil looked like there was no one home behind the vacant eyes.  The next was the state of his clothes.  He was covered in garbage with pieces of paper and part of a banana peel in his hair.  His pants were being held up with a piece of rope and there was blood on them.  “Virgil?”  He looked in looked into his face and saw something that he had never thought to see in his own child’s face.  He had talked to several kids at the center that had been raped, several girls and even a couple of guys.  They all had this look of trauma that he had never seen present in any of the faces of other kinds of trauma, a look of darkness that he now saw in Virgil’s face.

Sharon came down tying her bath robe around her.  “What are you doing up at 5:30 in the morning?”

Sharon I have to take Virgil to the emergency room.”

“What why?  Daddy what’s going on?”

“Look Sharon I don’t have time to explain, if you want to stay home from school and wait for us to get back you can.  But right now we need to go.”

“But Dad-“

Sharon I’m sorry but we have to go.”  He didn’t wait, he was even more worried because as he had watched Virgil hadn’t reacted at all.  He reached out slowly and rested his hand on Virgil’s arm and waited to see if there was any reaction, when he didn’t react violently he gently grasped his upper arm and guided him to the front door.  There was fine tremors running up and down Virgil’s arms so the grabbed one of Virgil’s warmest coats and wrapped him in it hoping to off set the shock for a little while.

The ER wasn’t exceptionally busy, the doctors and nursing staff were considerate and low key after he explained what he suspected had happened.  Virgil remained passive through the ordeal until the nurse insisted that he remove his pants.  He had started to freak out and thrash but he had calmed down and the fog had lifted for a few short minutes, “Pops?”

“Virgil.  I know that you were..attacked.  You might not want to talk about it now, but the doctors need to check you out.  Don’t fight them, please, I know how hard it is.  I’ll be right here with you through the whole thing, I’ll make sure that they don’t hurt you.”

“Pops, I’m afraid.”  He offered his support the best way he knew, he pulled Virgil into a hug and just held him.

“I know son, but no matter what happens I’ll always be here and I’ll always love you.”  Virgil looked up and not exactly smiled but his lips lifted a bit and tears shown in his eyes until they overflowed and ran down his cheeks to dangle on the tip of his chin until he buried his face into his father’s shoulder where he sobbed silently.

When the doctor came in to do a rape kit on Virgil he offered a mild sedative and painkiller which Virgil gladly accepted.  During the examine Virgil remained tense holding Pops hand tightly enough to bruise.  Virgil was exhausted but too tense to sleep during the examine but with the combination of drugs, but mostly the safety of having his dad here was what really made him feel safe enough to drift off.  It showed how much of Virgil was really in Static, despite how many bad guys had received the beat down, the countless number of days saved Virgil still felt the safest with his dad holding his hand.

The doctor came and talked about check ups and antibiotics.  Following on his heels were two cops.  Pops tried to put Virgil’s hand down so he could step out in the hall to talk to the cops but Virgil stirred and groaned.  Instead he motioned them closer.

“We can talk here just be quiet about it.”

The cops were dressed in suits and flashed they’re badges at him.  “I’m Detective Jims and this is Detective Carlton.  You reported a rape?”

“Yes.  Virgil my son came home early this morning and I could tell that he had been assaulted.  I don’t know if he’s ready to talk about it yet.”  He looked down at his son lying on the bed frowning with a crease in his forehead from bad dreams.  “Can he wait to give his statement for a couple of days? Let the shock settle down and give him time?”

Detective Carlton, a Hispanic man, spoke, “it’s better to do it as soon as possible.  Perhaps you try and come down to the station tomorrow evening.  We can have a sketch artist there to help.  You’ve taken the first step for your son, but you can only take him so far.  He has to have the strength to continue.” 

Pops smiled down at Virgil, “he’s stronger than even he knows.”

The detectives thanked him and gave him a card.  The doctor gave him prescriptions for pain pills and antibiotics plus samples enough to last him a day.  After 20 minutes of paper work he wrapped Virgil up in the hospital clothes given them after the police had taken Virgil’s clothes as evidence.  The trip back was quiet with Virgil drifting in and out of sleep.  Pops helped him stagger up the stairs to his room and dress him in pajamas where he then crashed out on his bed asleep almost instantly.  Pops stayed for a short while to make sure that Virgil was really asleep and wouldn’t need him.  He walked down the stairs to talk with his daughter sitting on the couch worried.  Sharon we need to talk.”


          Daddy came down the stairs after what seemed like hours but was probably only half of one.  He looked so haggard, he’s been looking more and more worn down over the last few months.  Something is going on between him and Virgil.  I’ve noticed the long looks and how Virgil’s allowance has increased.  Daddy is always letting things slide too.  Virgil will come home late from curfew and Daddy won’t say anything.  It makes me so mad!  What’s so special about Virgil?  I wasn’t feeling any of that anger right now.  Just worry beating down on me like sleet.  I just had no earthly idea of why Virgil needed to go the hospital.  When he came home he was limping a little and obviously gorked out of his mind.  I could tell from the resigned way that Daddy came down the stairs that very bad news indeed was to come.  Some insane, worried and frightenly realistic part of my brain started running scenarios like maybe Virgil had cancer or was dying or or or the list went on with each possibility more unlikely and violent than the last.  I followed Daddy into the kitchen planning on forcing him to tell me what was going on before I lost what was left of my mind.  After all the truth couldn’t be any worse then the things I was imagining right?


          Sharon must have started to pick up on the seriousness of the situation because she just sat at the table silently, waiting for me to start.  I stalled for time by deciding to make a cup of tea.  I managed to kill 5 minutes that way.  I never understood how Virgil couldn’t tell me about being Static or being a bang baby.  Over the last few months we had both tried to find a way to tell Sharon but the longer we took to do it the harder it became to tell her.  It was a vicious cycle and the reality of the world had forced my hand.  Sharon,  God I have no idea of where to start, I gripped the mug of tea letting the heat seep into my cold fingers, wishing that it could warm my worrying  heart.  “Virgil, he has well-” I stopped almost relived to not have to continue when I thought I heard something from up stairs.  Now I’m positive that is Virgil yelling.  Whatever he was saying, if he was saying anything at all, was rendered indistinguishable. 

          I raced up the stairs, noting the twinge of pain in my left knee, knowing I’d be paying for this mad dash later and not caring.  Now that I was closer to Virgil’s room I could clearly hear what he was saying.  “No!  Stop!  Don’t, stop!”  Repeating over and over in no pattern.  I hadn’t closed the door tightly when I’d left so all I needed to do was nudge it a bit to open.  Virgil lay on the bed twisting around, the sheet that had been draped over him was tangled about his legs causing Virgil to panic more when he couldn’t move them.  There was bits of lighting streaking from Virgil’s fingers, but it was weak, more like exaggerated static electricity then actual voltage.  I knew that the process of waking up would be harsh on both him and Virgil but I’m unable to watch my son in distress so I dove in and grabbed him in a hug shouting his name hoping to wake him up.  Virgil struggled against me at first, but soon the struggling tapered off and turned to sobbing.  Virgil started talking but with his face buried in the crease of my neck making only a few words audible, “3 of them…tried….couldn’t stop…worthless.”  Eventually the crying tapered off into sniffles and I went to put Virgil back on the bed but Virgil tightened his arms around my neck and asked in the smallest, littlest voice I’d ever heard my son use, “please Poppy don’t go.”  Poppy, God Virgil hadn’t called me that since he was six and half.  I know my back is going to bother me about this later, but I don’t really care I settled down in the bed, half propping myself up on the pillows and wall. I had Virgil, or at least as much would fit laying in my lap with his arms looped around my neck.  Virgil’s hair kept getting in my mouth and nose making me infinitely glad that Virgil took a shower at the ER.  I cradled my son, who in some ways would always be my baby, to my chest, taking a moment to be thankful that Virgil was still alive.


          I stared in shock at the scene I had just witnessed.  Virgil was cuddling up with Daddy as if he were a five year old seeking comfort from a nightmare.  I heard what Virgil had said but my mind skittered around the meaning unable or unwilling to consider the meaning behind the words.  Instead I focused on something infinitely more manageable and tangible and that’s the little bolts of lighting that were coming from Virgil’s hands.  I had been certain at some point that Virgil was Static but some how that brat managed to get an illusion or something to trick me.  That stinker!  What he couldn’t just tell me?  I felt my ire cooling however as I watched Daddy comforting Virgil with soft words and softer hands.  Whatever had happened it was bigger than Static, or no not bigger than Static, but big in a way that affected Virgil, Daddy and me more than Static obviously had since Virgil had managed to hide it from us for so long.

          Virgil quieted and the sniffles trailed off into mild snores and from the way Virgil was draped over Daddy we weren’t going anywhere.  Eventually Daddy looked up at me, his face marred with frown lines, he must have seen something in my eyes, some kind of knowledge because he didn’t bother to tell me Virgil was Static.  Instead he started to speak in low tones, gently stroking Virgil’s hair.  By the word rape my knees started to wobble and I had to sit down.  I ended up sitting on a pile of dirty laundry and a notebook from school.  The binder was cutting into my leg, I couldn’t be bother to care, it detracted just a little from the pain in my heart.  How could this happen?  Every girl thinks sometimes about the risk of rape.  The Center had seminars occasionally about ways to protect yourself, how you should shout Fire! instead of Help! because people didn’t respond to help.  Never had I seen a guy attend one of these meetings.  I had never thought of the possibility of Virgil or any other guy at risk for rape.  This all seemed so unreal, but watching as my baby brother cuddled closer to Daddy whimpering slightly I knew that every word of it was true.  That the harsh reality of everyday criminals had broken through into our family.  The truth hit harder then any punch to the solar plexus and I started to sob.  Knowing that Daddy couldn’t leave Virgil but that I needed his comfort more than I had ever had in the past I scooted along the floor to lean against Daddy’s leg and his hand came down to rest on my head to offer as much comfort to both of us that he could.


Damn V has it lucky.  Ever since Mr. H found out about the hero thing he’s been cutting Virg  so much slack.  My dad would never understand, but fortunately for me trickle down economics works better in a small family setting.  V’s raise in allowance got me those suspension coils I’d been lusting after.  Mr. H was so great about me sleeping over all the time, he’d helped bandage us up a couple of times.  Sure I was a little jealous but it was hard to stay that way for any length of time since V shared everything with me including his Pops.  I couldn’t help the envy that snuck up on me because V was lying home in bed and I was sitting through the physics from hell.  Wrong, wrong, okay that was right but still 2 out of 3 is kinda bad.  I watched the time slowly ticking away, wasted second, wasted second, wasted second, God I’m sure as hell inventing a machine that speeds up time, or maybe a solid hologram AI interface so I don’t actually have to attend physics.  I spend the rest of the period doodling the complex equations in my notebook.  The bell rang and bounced out of my chair like there was a spring in my ass and sped out the door like there was hounds of hell at my heels.  My mind was screaming FREEDOM but my feet were actually acting on it.  The first place to head was V’s house for sustenance and to pick up one lazy ass well rested friend for some patrol and practice.

V’s house was close by bus further by foot but a truly fun flight away would be the best.  I quickly found a place to change into my uniform and then I was in the air lying on my back kicking up dust and shouting to the heavens.  I pin wheel and sky rocket through the air celebrating living and reveling in the euphoria of freedom from mind numbing school.  I couldn’t resist and found myself yelling at the top of my lungs “Yeeeeeehhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!  Far too soon I  was forced to land, seriously considering a detour from my chosen path to stay in the air a little longer but I bolstered myself to land knowing that when I next took off I’d have a partner in joy.

          I walked into V’s house like it was my own, in a way it was almost, every day of the week you could find clothes, books, and hygiene material of mine about in nooks and crannies of V’s room and in the bathroom like I actually lived here.  If you go on time spent I did actually live here.  Bored in American History last week I calculated in my head time spent at various major places.  V’s place was a the top of the list at 37.65 percent closely followed by The Abandoned Gas Station of Solitude at 32.47.  There were some various other places but my hours ended up second to last at 17.29 percent at home and 15.72 of that was spent sleeping or attempting to sleep, any way you cut it my house was a place I stored my stuff not my heart.  Sharon was sitting on the couch cuddled up in a hand knitted blanket that I knew her Great Nanna had given Mr. and Mrs. H on their wedding day.  Their was a box of tissues next to her and a wad of used ones on the couch.  From the looks of her p.j.’s she hadn’t gone to school.  Sharon?  Are you okay?”  Maybe there was some virus going around and Virgil was more than just tired.

          She looked up at me her eyes blood shot, “no, just I, you should talk to Virgil.”  I decided not to question her further from the look of seriousness on her face.


When I woke up my head was clean of the soft cottony feel of drugs and shock.  I also felt just a little warm, my clothes were going to be so sticky when I got up and even though I felt pressure building in my bladder I couldn’t muster the energy to move from the warm safety of my pops arms.  I lay there as long as I could stand reveling in the strength and love offered by his arms.  I looked up at Pops with his glassed cocked funny, his head tilted back at a painfully acute angle.  I know his back would be killing him for pulling this kinda stunt, but he did it anyway for me.  Looking at him I felt my heart swell with love for just a moment driving away the darkness.  The relief lasted only 1 second maybe 2 before reality came crashing down, but it gave me hope.  In the superhero business you become nothing if not pragmatic and if I could go 2 seconds not thinking about IT then maybe next time it’ll be 5 then 10 until I can go minutes without thinking about IT.  That’s how I thought about IT, big bold capital letters I couldn’t bring myself to even think the R word.  Reluctantly I disengaged my arms from around Pops neck trying not to wake him.  I tried to soundlessly slide off Pop’s lap to the floor unfortunately moving cause the dull throbbing in my ass to spike uncontrollably and I couldn’t stifle it all so a low moan escaped.

          humm….Virgil?”  Pops shifted and muttered.

          “It’s okay,” even though it’s not, “you can go back to sleep.”  You deserve the rest.  The trip to the bathroom was arduous and made me feel like a shuffling invalid.  I stared in the mirror trying to see the difference I feel but the only thing that looked back were a set of over-tired eyes.  I couldn’t see what made that face in the mirror special.  With a white mask on, it was very special, always goading bad guys to try and stop him, break him.  Without the mask though, there was no reason to look twice.  It was the randomness of the attack that galled.  I haven’t been safe since I became Static.  Though most of the danger was to Static himself.  Oh it still affected me directly with dangers ti Sharon and Pops, but this wasn’t caused by my secret identity or by me being Virgil.  It could’ve been anyone walking by that alley, it just happened to be me.  Tired of staring at the stranger in the mirror I began the long trek back to my room.  Pops has settled more in my bed trying more than sitting more in my bed lying more than sitting now.  I wasn’t really tired but I wanted to be close to that warm bulk that offered so much security.  I carefully slipped in-between Pops and the wall having lots of practice from when Richie slept over.  I curled up in the top corner near his head.  I mostly propped myself on my hip, sitting up a bit so I could look out the window .  I sat there trying to let the sunshine and the scent of coffee and aftershave chase the darkness from my thoughts.

          I must’ve drifted off because I woke to the sound of Richie on the stairs.  It was comforting in it’s familiarity until panic set in with the knowledge that I had to tell him.  For a brief second I contemplated not telling him, for knowledge of something like this changes a person, but that would never work.  Richie knows me better than myself sometimes.  He would know something was wrong and it would hurt and worry him to not tell him.  He’s been with me through so much I couldn’t stand to do that, to consciously hurt him.  The door creaked open, no knock, not that that was unusual.

          The jubilant energy that usually followed him after school was subdued, he already knew something was up.  “Rich,” my voice soft, not loud enough to wake my Pops, “last night,” I look away from his expectant face, the sunshine outside my window is safer.  I know Richie won’t stop being my friend over this but a part of me that’s gained voice since last night says, what if he does?  “After we separated.  There were these guys.  They um they grabbed me.  I couldn’t fight them.  I was so weak.  I let them, they, god, forced themselves on me.”  I had to look at Richie , but I had to not look.  My emotions were all over the place and I couldn’t decide what to do.  Then Richie stepped close deciding for me when our eyes met in the reflection in the glass.


5 minutes ago Richie’s POV


          The first place I looked when I got into V’s room was the bed.  I was more than surprised to see Mr. H laying there snoozing away fully clothed and wearing glasses.  Virgil was curled up almost like a cat at his head and would at times reach down and touch Mr. H like he was making sure he was still there.  I caught Virgil’s eyes for a quick second before they skittered away, besides the worry that I saw in them there was something else, that I had never seen before.  Something dark.  He started to speak his voice low and soft I had to strain to hear him.  “Rich,” he turns his face toward the window completely, I’ve never seen him like this, this pain is so great, like when his mother died.  “After we separated.  There were these guys.  They um they grabbed me.”  I’ve never understood the expression my blood ran cold until now because I swear my heart was somehow pumping ice.  “They um they grabbed me.  I couldn’t fight them.  I was so weak.  I let them, they, god, forced themselves on me.”  God I couldn’t think, that hadn’t happened to me in what seemed like forever.  I focused on the word that seemed the most important, forced.  He said it in such away that it meant something special, there was a long quiver in there that made it breathless and I turned over the meanings I realized that he meant rape.  My mind blanked, utterly void, there was more stuff in a vacuum.  Then I saw Virgil, I saw the shame he felt and the fear and made it my own.  Virgil had always shared everything with me, even his burdens.  This was no exception.  I stepped forward to take up part of the yoke.


Virgil wouldn’t look me in the eyes.  I didn’t want to admit how much that bothered me.  Now that Virgil was more aware he seemed to look away his attention flitting about resting briefly everywhere and anywhere except my eyes.  I’ve always been thankful that Richie and Virgil can be such good friends to each other but never this aware of the feeling.  It was one of those things that you just noticed in the back of your head, like we’re almost of toilet paper, or the laundry needs to be done, I’m glad Richie and Virgil can be there for each other.  I had thought about it a bit when Richie when Richie had run away and again when I had found out about them being bang babies, but somehow the feeling always seemed to be how much Virgil was there for Richie.  I was starting to realize how there Richie was for Virgil.  Of course this realization didn’t help the awkward silence almost seemed to be a physical entity, like a whirl pool it gained force the longer it went on.  I shouldn’t have been surprised, though I was, that Richie was the one with the strength to break it.

“This isn’t going to be easy.  V and I, we did research after that girl Amy came to the Center.” 


Amy had been in her early 20’s so she had stood out, it’d been right before the big bang, he and V’d been shooting hoops in the gym waiting for Mr. H.  She’d stumbled in and Virgil hadn’t even turned around, concentrating more on his jump shot, “center’s closed.  Come back tomorrow.”

“V,” I elbowed him quietly in the side, he turned and opened his mouth to be offended but when he’d caught sight of Amy he paused.  She was covered in dirt and blood her shirt torn, hugging a ripped jacket close, she clearly needed help.

“Richie, get Pops.”  I jogged over to the side door and yelled for Mr. H.  He wasn’t that far away but for a few seconds, but when I looked back things had been getting worse.  She was backing away from V as if he had the plague.  Virgil had his hands up in the Universal surrender symbol, but she just…cowered before him.  She reacted even more violently to Mr. H.  He figured out what was going on and called Sharon.  That night he’d rather awkwardly given us both The Sex Talk (which was pointless since they explained all of that in the 5th grade) but Mr. H started to get in depth.  I guess working at the center caused him to become not only good at this but also through. He covered gay sex (it was gross but in the back of my head I’d always kinda wondered), lesbian (so, so embarrassed) and rape.  This topic had the most time spent on it.  Afterwards we’d all felt a little horrified and Vigil and I had uneasy dreams.  The next day we decided we wanted to know more.


I must’ve zoned out a bit too long because Mr. H had to repeat himself.  “You did?  Why?”

“Well V and I wanted to be ready in case some one came in like that again.  So we know what to do.”  I laughed but the sound was anything but joy.  It hit the 35 minute mark for how long V had been in the shower.  I frowned and excused myself.



I’ve spent many an hour here in the shower.  Especially after I became Static, I’d wake up sore and stiff in the morning and the long pounding heat of a shower just a little warmer than standable was just the thing to make sitting still for 8 hours bearable.  I’ve never run out of hot water before, or at least not until today.  The water didn’t just turn from hot to cold it was a slow slide and I didn’t realize how cold it was until I was shivering.  I just felt so….dirty.  I went through half a bottle of shower gel but I just didn’t feel clean.  I knew knew that it was more psychological than physical but I couldn’t seem to stop scrubbing.  Richie bless his heart and his brain had probably calculated how much time I could spend in the shower before the hot water ran out.  Because he came bargaining in, or well not barging, okay it was barging, but barging has always implied loudness or intent to harm for me.  Richie had neither.  “V!  You’re shivering!  You need to get out of there!” 

I looked over at Richie his eyes wide and his breath hurried, “S-s-sor-r-rry Rich-ch, I just c-c-c-couldn’t seem t-t-to get cl-cl-clean.”  I held out my hand trying to show him the filth through the clear shower curtain.  Richie sighed in exasperation and grabbed a towel off the rack, pulled the curtain aside and pulled me out of the shower, taking no notice of getting himself wet.  He quickly shut off the shower and the wrapped me in the towel.

“Bro,” worried was written across Richie’s face.  Hold on, when did my internal narrator get so dramatic?  He was worried but that doesn’t mean that someone had been decorating his face with a marker.  Richie and I are closer then brothers I can tell if he’s worried without writing for God’s sake!  He gets this I dunno furrow right between the eyebrows, when he’s really worried he tilts his head just a tiny bit to the left, as if a new perspective would improve things.

“It-it-it’s-s-s ok-k-kay-y R-r-rich,” I cup his face with my hand, his skin is so hot it sears my hand.

He sighs just a bit, his shoulders slumping a bit, indicating that I added more weight to his shoulders than took some away.  “Yeah, V, it’s okay.”  He wraps an arm around me and guides me out of the room, heat from his skin seeps in through the wet blanket.


It was hard watching Virgil get dressed, almost as painful for me as it appeared to be for him.  The slow movements and winces, I think I utilized every facial muscle control I had available to not wince in return.  I could’ve just left the room, but V didn’t ask me to and we got dressed in front of each other all the time.  I guess that a selfish part of me wanted the least amount of change to occur from this.  I just feel that if I change the way we do something it’s like admitting defeat.  V and I, were not ones to give up. 


When Mr. H had woken up we’d all talked and Virgil decided to get the worst over with and go to the police station tonight.  Or it was tonight when we were talking, it was tonight now and frankly I couldn’t tell if Virgil’s shuffling limping pace was entirely from pain or a stall tactic.  Either way it was defiantly time for a pain pill.

The report at the police station was an entirely different kind of painful.  At first the police officers didn’t want me there, but V insisted.  It was slow and tortuous to hear Virgil describe the rape again.  God he was so strong.  I wonder sometimes, I don’t know if I would have had the strength to walk in tell all that stuff to strangers, knowing it was being recorded and written down.  Maybe some day I’ll ask V where he gets his strength, but somehow I think I already know the answer.  The men didn’t wear a condom which helped with prosecuting them but until the test results came back we had no idea of the STD’s Virgil had been exposed to.  From the quick look of horror that flashed across his face, Virgil hadn’t even thought about that.  None of us really had.  A small hysterical part of my psyche whispered, “at least we don’t have to worry about pregnancy.”  Even though Virgil had only been up a few hours he went right to bed and to sleep when we got back.  I think beyond physically tired he was mentally tired. 

However much I wanted to stay I needed to get out for patrol, at least a short one.  Hugging Mr. H there was no need for words and as I walked out the door I saw him picking up the phone and knew he was calling the list of physiatrist the detectives had given us on the way out.  I knew that this time it wouldn’t be a flight of joy but one of duty.


It had been three days since the attack and Virgil just kept getting more and more withdrawn.  I’ve never seen my baby brother so…small.  Even though he hadn’t lost much body mass (meals seemed to consists of Virgil pushing food around his plate) he still appeared reduced in size.  While the shuffling limp had improved everything else seemed to get worse.  The entire family was suffering from Virgil’s nightmares.  Richie even stayed over sometimes to help.  He was a fixture in our lives even more now that Virgil was…acting how he was.  It’s hard to explain the way that everything changed but it did.  What seemed to surprise me the most was Virgil’s lack of energy.  I dunno if that’s why he appeared so tiny but he’d always had this irrepressible energy, out spoken and loud.  I remember how much I always longed for him to be quiet, about how he would yammer on, goading me, making rude comments about my food.  God, I don’t know what’d I do to hear one of Virgil’s complaints about my food, but it would be something major, cutting my hair, becoming a nun  something anything to have just that little piece of normalcy back.  Virgil’s first appointment with the psychiatrist is today.  Somehow he’s even more quiet, which I’m not sure how that’s possible considering his previous non-talking status.  He’s like a waif or ghost drifting around the house, fading into walls, curled up in corners, taking up as little space as possible.

Daddy had called around and found this woman, Dr. Whatistis, I don’t really remember since she has everyone call her Maggie.  She sounded really different, cheerful and friendly.  She used to be a child psychologist then her daughter was raped and she focused on helping victims of violent crimes.  She sounded perfect but she had to pass one more test: Gear.

I hadn’t really thought about the realization of Virgil being Static, if I had I would have figured out that Richie was Gear but I hadn’t.  So when Richie comes in battered from a fight rambling on about fuel blockage and crash landings I almost fell on my ass.  He muttered right through Dad bandaging his wounds and from how Dad didn’t even blink this was probably a common occurrence.  I managed to compose myself while these two go through their routine.  Daddy gets around to mentioning Maggie and Richie perks up, paying attention to what he’s saying.

“Virgil might have to tell her about being Static.  I should do a background check just to be sure.”  I watch in shock as this metal monstrosity just emerges off Richie’s back.  He pulls out this visor and starts reeling off commands too fast for me to hear or maybe its too complicated for me to understand.  Then it really hits me, I mean I knew, but I didn’t know, that Richie is a genius.  In less than 5 minutes Richie had given this woman the all clear and I have no doubt that if I asked him to tell me how many fillings she has he could and even which teeth they were in.


I didn’t want to get dressed.  I feel like I’m floating around in a miasma of emotions.  I can’t deal with them all, there’s too many and too much of each.  So I do nothing.  I know that I’m falling further into depression, all these emotions I feel drift, floating away on a fog of indifference.  The piece of hope I managed to muster had been buried and tainted by all the emotions surrounding it but I couldn’t muster the energy to care, every thing feels so much better rapped in muffling blanket of apathy.  It even buffered the pain.  The antibiotics made me nauseous, but didn’t say anything, it didn’t matter.  I couldn’t seem to force food past the lump in the throat.  It worked both ways, food wouldn’t go down, words wouldn’t come up.  Pops and Richie think that this woman, this doctor, Maggie can help.  I have faith in them, but this darkness feels too permanent, I don’t see a way up, only a way down.  I could never tell either of them, I couldn’t hurt them like that, but I think about it sometimes.  Joining Mom, or maybe there is no life after death, but a peaceful sleep that lasts eternity sounds awfully, terribly good right now.

I didn’t think I could find the energy to get out to the car.  Maybe Richie, Pops and Sharon gave it to me.  The car ride was too noisy, even though no one talked.  I felt crowded even though no one was touching me.  I was being contrary but I couldn’t stop.  The waiting room was done in blues and greens. I’m sure it was meant to be soothing, it didn’t work very well.  We waited a half hour in cushioning chairs that were much better than those plastic ones in the emergency room.  I think that they make them plastic so the blood, piss and vomit comes out better.

Maggie was 54 but acted 20.  I didn’t want to like her, but it was hard not to.  Even though her graying hair was pulled back in a sever no-nonsense bun her personality was free and loving.  She didn’t ask about the attack, she didn’t even ask about me.  She asked about Richie, Pops, Sharon, she talked about herself whenever I couldn’t bring myself to speak.  She didn’t make me feel like I had to speak.  She’d pause waiting to see if I responded if I didn’t she just moved on, not even acting disappointed.  The session winded down and I walked out of the office feeling no different than I had walking in.  My family sat in the seats looking up expectantly and I turned away unable to deal with their hopes and expectations.  I spun in anger as Maggie called them into her office, telling me to stay behind.  I felt unrepentantly territorial that they were in there with my therapist.


Maggie was just how I had imagined her from the phone call.  Her office was a reflection of that.  There was no desk just a ring of chairs with pillows, plants and pictures about.  She sat with us a serious expression on her face.

“Virgil’s very depressed right now.  He didn’t want to talk about himself at all.  The only time he really perked up was when we talked about you guys.  Now I know he hasn’t been in school since the rape, but I think on Monday that he should go back.  Staying home any longer is just going to allow him to wallow in this depression.  You have to help me on this, he can’t be coddled, keep up his house work load, expect him to keep up his grades.  Making excuses for him just allows for the depression to be more effective.  You also have to be patient, don’t be too harsh and I know that grounding is a common punishment method, but I don’t think his movements should be restricted, if he actually wants to go out I think he should, but he should be punished if he does something wrong.  Give him more chores, assign work at the Center that you manage; getting him out of the house is going to be half the battle.  Now do you have any immediate questions that I can help with?”

“Nightmares.  He has these nightmares.  I don’t know if there’s anything that you can do to help, but I think the lack of sleep compounds all the problems already present.”

She nodded thoughtfully, “well that’s to be expected.  I’ll bring it up at the next session, see if Virgil would be amenable to sleep aids.  I would like to meet with Virgil 3 times a week.  At least for the first month.  I think we can scale back once he starts to settle better, we have to play it by ear.  If anything happens feel free to call me.  I want the family to meet with me once a week and I think Richie should continue to come.  Virgil’s very close to you and I think that you will play an important part in his recovery.”  I think we were all a little in shock at the short, succinct speech.  She herded us out the door and directed me to the secretary.  Even with insurance paying 40 percent it was expensive.  I was going to have to dip into savings if I’m going to keep paying.  It was worth it, not even worth a second thought.  Only Virgil was worth the second thoughts and the third thoughts, and frankly Virgil pretty much occupied all extraneous thoughts right now.


I almost went into shock when Virgil walked into the classroom.  Richie has been like a ghost these last three days and if Richie has been a ghost Virgil has been invisible.  When I asked Richie about Virgil he just mumbled something about being sick.  Virgil just sat there, his eyes vacant and pointed at the wall.  “Daisy, eyes faced forward.”  My head snapped around and I dutifully stared forward sneaking the occasional glance back at Virgil.

Virgil slipped out the door quickly and silently, maybe he’s been practicing his Richie impersonation.  I call out to him to welcome him back, or well maybe I was more curious as to why he was out.  Virgi-“  I couldn’t even finish, Richie appeared in front of me, he’s always covering Virgil’s back, making excuses for whenever he flakes off, not that it matter much recently, Richie has been just as flaky.


I knew without asking that Virgil didn’t want to talk to Daisy.  Other people might not have seen the slight tightening of his back that means he’s getting ready for a throw-down, but then most people don’t fight beside him every day.  I knew that if he was feeling that much hostility that inference was needed.  I also knew that beyond knowing the latest gossip Daisy was also concerned about V, so I way-laid her nicely.  V and I had talked and the story was going to be that he was mugged.  In a way I just he had been, but what was stolen isn’t something you can just buy at the corner store so I suppose it doesn’t count to most people.

“Hi Daisy!”  I wince at the false cheerfulness in my voice but Daisy is too distracted trying to get around me.  I match her move for move and wow I had no idea that the super hero moves would pay off at the social scene of high school.

“Richie!”  The frustration in her eyes bleeds into her voice.

I try to soften my face but worry for Virgil makes me feel like rushing.  Frustrated and knowing that V’s gotten away she turns to me and crosses her arms her whole demeanor screaming “go ahead tell me another lie”  So I do.  “V, he was mugged had to go to the hospital and everything.”  I see the serious concern flash across her face and hastily add, “he’s okay now.”

The concern slides into confusion, “why is he running, getting mugged isn’t anything to be ashamed of.”

Uh oh we hadn’t discussed this, think fast, c’mon, got it!  “He’s embarrassed because he wasn’t able to fight them off.  I know it’s silly but it’s a sensitive topic so maybe we could just not mention it?”

Daisy eyed me like she was suspicious and drawled out a long oookkkkaaaayyy deciding to accept it by the time she finished.  I watch her walk away and once she’s turned the corner I slump in relief. 


The last class of the day takes forever to get here but I was still shocked when the bell rang.  I had been jumpy all day.  Paranoid about being around so many people aware of the constant bustle surrounding me, but if you had asked me what the teachers had said I wouldn’t have a clue.  I was so tired of it all.  I wanted to be normal, or at least normal for me.  It was finally sinking in though that I couldn’t get back to there.  I could only go forward and I didn’t really feel like doing that.

Richie’s been great though always there, covering for me and watching my 6.  The jitters faded a bit when he was around, even on a subconscious level I trusted him to make sure that nothing happened.  It was a big day for me because now that school was out I was going on patrol.  Rich and I decided to easy into it by going slowly, first patrols for maybe an hour and in daylight easin’ slowly back into Static duties.  Changing into my Static costume felt like breathing pure oxygen after drowning for four days.  When I was Static I was always so much more confidant, saying or doing things that I might not as Virgil.  Especially now.  Static hadn’t been attacked, Static was strong, fast and the bad guys feared and respected him.  I didn’t feel that as Virgil and as I flew around the city, free of the constant fear, I felt alive.

The more I flew the more joy that filled me burning away the fog of indifference, I wasn’t scared, traumatized Virgil anymore, I was STATIC!  Big, bad and larger than life.


Static hasn’t been around for the last few days, neither hide or hair has been seen of him.  It was the perfect time for a crime spree.  First place to hit: Gleeman’s Jewelry.  Valentine’s day was coming up and they should be well stocked.  I was making my escape with a bag full of loot when he showed up.

He stood over me shading out the sun.  “Now I don’t think that an ugly mug like yours is gonna get you enough girlfriends for all those rings.  Maybe you should just return them and go peacefully.”  Does Static even believe the crap he’s spouting?  A burst of electricity explodes next to me on the wall.  Guess not.  Well damn.  Static got his game on.  He’s lobbing ball lighting at me faster than I’ve ever seen him.

“Are you sure that it’s me you have a problem with hero?”  I dodge down a storm drain leaving the loot behind and laughing at Static’s incoherent scream of rage.


When I arrived on the scene Static was no where to be seen, that is if you don’t have super sharp trained to look for and knowing the habits of eyes.  Fortunately I was the only one in said possession of such eyes, which worked out well.  I could find Static when I needed him and the bad guys couldn’t.  Judging from the scene a major beat down took place and I knew he would head back to a safe place to lick his wounds.  He was at the first place I looked the Gas Station of Solitude.  We have to come up with a better name.

It wasn’t Static sitting there.  It was Virgil in his Static costume.  There’s a finely hued difference.  It somewhat has to do with posture and set of jaw.  It was also mostly indefinable.  V had his mask off and was staring at it.  It looked like maybe he thought the answers to the universe or how they make fat free cheese were in the mask. I knew they weren’t.  Trust me you don’t want to know how they make fat free cheese.  I’m still working on all the secrets of the universe, fortunately algebra affords much time to work on it.

“Bro, what happened?”  Vigil looked up at me his sable eyes solemn, ahh not the secrets of the universe just the secrets to his soul.

“I don’t understand.  Richie I put on this mask and it all goes away.  The fear, the hate, the disgust.  I stopped being a victim and started to be a hero,” he held the mask up to his face and then pulled it away, “but as soon as it falls away all the emotions come rushing back.  Then I’m just plain ol’ Virgil.”  His eyes are shining, overbright and I imagine the world is a watery blur to him right now.  “I’m so tired Richie.  I’m tired of hurting, of how I flinch at loud noises.  I’m so goddamn tired of the nightmares!”  V was working up a good head of steam, practically screaming, but I didn’t say anything because I knew he was venting and he needed it.  “I’M TIRED OF THE FUCKING TEARS!  I CRY ALL THE TIME!  I SOB INTO MY PILLOW AT NIGHT SO POPS DOESN’T HEAR!  I JUST CAN’T TAKE IT ANY MORE!”  He broke down into incoherency screaming and crying and bleeding from his heart. 

I slowly enveloped him in my arms offering support and security the only way I could right then.  My uniform top got wet enough from his tears that I could feel it on my skin.  Eventually he slowed down and the sniffles slide into soft snores.  I shook him gently to a semi-awake state and stood up from my crouch leading him over to the ratty sofa we’d scrounged from the dump.  Virgil settled against me heavy, warm and reassuring.  I knew he was physically exhausted from his big throw down and sitting through classes all day with a still healing body.  He was emotionally exhausted from his venting but I knew he needed it.  Despite how cool Pops is, V could never really let go like that in front of him.  More than anything the attack caused me to appreciate V and the fact that he was alive and with a mind like mine it rarely stopped or slowed down but I took this moment in time to just appreciate the fact that my best friend was lying against me alive and while his psyche might not be whole, no one ever said superheroes were sane.


It was after dark and Virgil and Richie were supposed to have been back hours ago.  After I had found out about the superhero thing Richie had made me special shock box.  I knew better than to just call Virgil about picking up milk or something similarly mundane but I was well and truly worried.  “Gear?  Static?”  The only thing I could hear on the line was static and it wasn’t my son.  I tried for another few minutes and decided that I needed to take more action. 

The first place I would look would be their hang out at the gas station.  As I drove there worse and worse scenarios ran through my head.  Things that had happened as Static, things that had happened as Virgil most of them involved lots of blood.  I rushed into the gas station careful to park out of sight, no reason to attract attention to the hide out.  I practically slide to halt when I saw the sight before me.  Richie and Virgil, still mostly in their costumes, were curled up on the couch leaning against each other and sleeping peacefully.  We’d all been getting less sleep due to Virgil’s nightmares so I couldn’t begrudge them the sleep.  I hastily scrawled a note telling them they could stay over if they wanted and that I would call Richie’s mom.  Virgil really needed the rest because tomorrow was his next therapy secession.


Virgil still wasn’t comfortable with me, but trust is hard to earn with the traumatized.  Virgil was bright young man, very strong, but slow to trust.  I think once I got that I would really start to make some progress.  We touched on several topics, most unimportant, when I brought up the idea of sleep aids he seemed to dislike it but listened to my suggestions and agreed to try it.  I think that he considered it because of his family they seem very close and supportive especial after the death of a family member.  I think he was worried about his father getting enough sleep.  I could tell that he wanted to tell me something but he withheld.  I didn’t want to push him yet, it takes a long time to build a rapport.  We were nearing the end of the session when Virgil asked me a question.



“If I tell you something would you promise not to write it down anywhere.  Or type it or tell anyone?  I mean you would swear?”

I felt slightly amused by the question, it was a little more paranoid than I was used to with the not writing it down bit, but I got that question from every patient at one time or another.  Virgil just asked a little sooner than expected.  Usually the question comes before a large secret is revealed, or at least they feel like it’s a big secret.  Once I told him that yes I would not even write something down if he asked me not to, he instead just nodded thoughtfully and leaned back in his chair choosing to spend the next ten minutes telling me about the new Plant Man comic.


Several Weeks Later


It has been almost a month since Virgil has become my patient.  He’s slowly opened up and revealed more about himself and what happened to him.  The monthly meeting of rape victims is coming up later this week and I convinced him to attend.  This particular meeting has been extremely tense.  I feel like Virgil is wanting to tell me that big secret he’s been holding.  He’s been pacing around like crazy not sitting for more than 2 minutes before jumping up and pacing again.  We’re coming up on the end of the session when he turns to me, decision written across his face.

“Maggie.”  He took a deep breath to fortify himself, “Richie and Pops both think I should tell you something, that it would help with the therapy sessions.  I just, you have to not write this down or tell anyone.  Okay?  Promise?”  I felt nervous and excited if he trusted me enough to tell me this then that spoke a lot about how things were progressing.  I nodded not wanted to break his train of thought.  He held out a hand and watched in amazement as light pooled in it and formed a crackling ball of energy.  I looked up at him eyes wide, probably the size of saucers.  “I’m Static.”