This is an archive of an ongoing  Angel/Buffy RPG. 

Click on the picture of the character to see

what's going on from his/her point of view.

picture/Ripper_buff.jpg (26259 bytes)Ripper

                                leather_Giles.jpg (24538 bytes)   Giles

                                                                                        angel_profile_large.jpg (13629 bytes)   Angel

                        picture/vamp_Spike.jpg (27046 bytes)   Spike

                                                                                     Alex     picture/Alex_greenery.jpg (39608 bytes)


                                    picture/Xander_wet_shirt.jpg (36099 bytes)      Xander         

                                                                                    oz_profile.jpg (42716 bytes)       Oz

                                Buffy image.jpg (29005 bytes) Buffy





Butterfly in Afrikaans (South Africa) is skoenlapper.

·          Butterflies can see red, green, and yellow.