Xander watched from the safety of his brother's arms as Spike and
Ripper went out onto the porch for a smoke. Even though Alex had
relaxed greatly he was still tense and angry. Xander remembered the
feeling of wanted to go out and bash heads, but didn't feel that now,
that meant that Alex probably did. He so didn't want to go out. He
knew that he would only be a distraction, a detriment, with his
bloody luck ~I so know that I didn't just sound like Spike in my
head~ he'd end up with a case of exceptionally loud hiccups that
couldn't be cured. ~Well that settles that, I'm not going, but Alex
isn't going alone either…Stupid, blasted phone! I'm comfortable and
pondering life! Go away!~ The phone didn't stop ringing, so with a
world weary sigh Xander shifted so that he could get out of his
brother's embrace and to the only working phone in the house.

"No..." Alex mumbled pressing his forehead against his twin's. "Let
the machine get it." He cupped his hand to his brother's cheek and
softly spoke. "I gotta get outta here, before I lose it." He shut his
eyes tightly, and gritted his teeth. The walls were closing in on
him, and he felt the pressure falling down on him, surrounding him,
inside him. Explode or implode... He wasn't sure which... "I gotta
get outta here, now." ~Need to work some of this off.~

Xander looked into his twin's eyes a little sadly. "I know." Xander
really didn't want to separate from his twin. But he knew his twin
needed this release, "At least, take Spike with you when you go out."

 Looking into his twin's eyes, Alex winced at the sadness
there. "M'sorry. Don't wanna leave you alone, but..." ~I'm not safe
this way...~ He sighed and gathered his brother close. "Okay.... Want
I should take G-man jr to? Not so sure I wanna leave you alone here
with him."

"You should find out if he wants to go, he seems really close to
Spike now, like they've bonded." ~Yep, definite attraction there,
like a moth to the flame.~

Alex drew back a bit, and raised an eyebrow. "Yah think?" He looked
over his shoulder toward the patio. "Hmmm. Let's find out..." He
turned, clasping Xan's hand, and walked toward the patio door.

Sliding the door open, Alex leaned out and interrupted the two smokers
on the balcony. "Hey, Spike? Up for some wanton destruction? I
need to hit the 'yard'. You in?" He paused looking at Ripper with a
raised eyebrow. When he spoke again, though he was looking at
Ripper, it was obvious he was talking to Spike. "He know the score?
The whole score?"


Spike sighed. He was getting good at them. Angel would be proud. He
turned and looked Alex in the eyes. "I'm in and yeah he knows I'm a
vampire. He knew before we got here. He also knows a tiny tiny bit of
this place. Not enough for my liking." The vampire turned to
Ripper. "Look, I know yer all tough on the streets of
London, but I
don't think you need to come out hunting here just yet, right? Why
don't you stay here with Xander and keep him company?" He made it
clear that his next bit was for Alex, "Of that's all right with Big
Bro there."

Ripper clenched his jaw. Great, didn't that just make him feel as if
he were back in nappies again. "Fine," he said shortly.


"Fine by me." Alex grinned cruelly at the young Brit.
"As long as he understands that if he even remotely
makes Xan unhappy..."

Alex stepped in front of his brother. He turned to
look Ripper in the eye. "I'll hurt him, badly.
Perhaps fatally even."


His eyes narrowed and he glared at Alex. "I've had better try to
kill me."


Alex snorted and grinned. "Hellmouth born and raised, Junior G-man.
You don't know what the fuck you walked into..."

He looked Alex up and down, then shook his head. "Fuck this. Spike,
I'll just head back to Wanker's place. It's got to be saner than


Spike rolled his eyes. "Oh for the love of... knock it OFF you two!"
He stepped between them and faced Ripper. "Look, I didn't mean to
have you get yer knickers in a twist, okay? Honest. If you want to
come along then do. Don't go slinkin' back to Bookboy's place if you
don't want to."

Ripper shook his head. He didn't really want to go to the older
Giles' home, but he wasn't up to facing down Mr. Testosterone all

He whipped around to face Alex. "And you... Aggressive side's all you
got eh? Well stuff it! You know what it's like 'round here and if you
lay one little mortal hand on Ripper, I'll bite it off. Chip or no.
Got it?" He ignored the slight twinge the blasted thing gave him at
that moment.

Alex growled softly at the blond vampire, eyes glittering.

"Now to clarify for the both of you..." He said, standing sideways so
he could see them both. "I was thinking Ripper has had a fuck all of
a day here. And so has Xander. Maybe Xander would LIKE it if someone
stayed and kept him company. And maybe Ripper would LIKE to hang
somewhere without a load of crap being dumped on him." He stopped,
realizing he was waving his arms about. "Fuck me, when did I get to
be the sensible one here? "


"Whatever..." Alex snorted and looked over his shoulder. He
desperately need some carnage, and if he didn't leave, it was gonna
come out here... In front of Xan. Alex couldn't have that...
Couldn't frighten his twin... Let him see the monster inside. Oh,
he knew that Xan knew, they both had the same memories, but knowing
was different than seeing it. Up close and personal. "I gotta get
out of here... Now."

"Xan?" He turned and gathered his brother into his arms. "Be
back. 'Kay?"

Ripper hung back by Spike's side. He spoke in very hushed
tones. "Get him out of here, the two of you do your thing. I'll
stay till you guys get back."

Spike, eyes on the twins, nodded. "Yeah, think I will. Damned
Hellmouth, makes everyone bloody nuts with the presto-changeo"

He hunched his shoulders and went into the living room and sat in a
chair, away from the embracing twins. All Ripper wanted at this
moment was silence, to just disappear. He began plotting ways in his
head to do just that. A flat someplace, where he could bury himself
in the bedcovers and remain so for as long as he wished. Yeah, that
was the ticket.


Spike followed him after a moment and squeezed his shoulder. "Be

"Oi! Alex! Shift yer arse an' let's go! Things to kill!" Spike called
as he opened the door. <And a bit of attitude adjustment perhaps.
With a fuckin' 2x4 if need be...ow!> He winced as the chip went off a
bit harder. "Bloody stupid thing."


"Yeah. I'm there." Without even thinking about it,
Alex quickly kissed his twin. "Be back soon, little

He grabbed his jacket, his keys and a couple of extra
weapons, and headed for the door. "Let hit it,


Spike glared at the younger man and began to set a quick pace towards
the graveyard. He could *smell* the pheromones and other assorted
mind-numbing things rolling off Alex. <Not helpin' here!>

All he wanted to do was kill or fuck something. A lot. Now. He
growled deep in his chest and walked faster.

"Hurry up." He snapped.


Alex growled in return, but matched his pace to the vampire's. The
faster they got there, the faster he could kill something. Anything.
excited him, and for a moment he pondered that... That the thought of
wholesale bloodshed was exciting.
It was an alien thought. He'd

never felt that way before the split. Not even in those dark moments
when you admit secrets, even if only to yourself. He shook his
head, time for thinking later, they were nearing the graveyard.

Spike grudgingly had to admit...to himself.. that Alex was looking
primed and ready. And moving faster than he'd seen the 'whole'
Xander move. And with more feral grace. He sniffed the air as they
entered the graveyard and was nearly bowled over by the lone smell
of the boy... He smelled excited and... not quite the way Xander
should smell. <S'not Xander then is it? Almost... must be the
split...> "Right, Mr. Hellmouth Born and Bred, try not to get bit,

"Just try and keep up, Fangless Wonder." Alex snorted and moved
ahead of the vampire. Scanning the dark, he casually vaulted over a
tombstone. He didn't even think about how he shouldn't be able to
do that... Not without stumbling or breaking his neck. Rather he
was caught up in the night... The cool air felt good against his
exposed air, and everything seemed brighter than it should. Like he
was seeing with new eyes... He heard a noise off to the left tensing,
he headed for it, hugging the shadows and moving silently... He
couldn't help the grinning.

Spike growled again but couldn't help but notice the smooth way
Alex was moving. The ease he seemed to have in his own flesh.
<Bugger! Mind on business!> His head snapped to the side when
he too heard the noise. He moved up and touched one of Alex's
shoulders lightly, letting him know he was there. He pointed to the
right of the sounds and moved silently off, circling around.

Alex nodded, waiting for Spike to flush the game. He crouched
down, and then frowned. Something wasn't right... It didn't sound
big enough... The wind shifted, and Alex cursed, just as the prey
darted out of the bushes. "Goddamn it! It's just a rabbit!!"

Spike stomped out from the small tangle of brambles and bushes.
"Yeah, so I can see. Fuck." He thrashed his left foot around until
the last bit of clinging foliage fell off. "Soddin Hellmouth. You
actually *want* something to show and you get bunnies." He
walked over to Alex. "So. Keep goin' or what?"

"Keep going!" Alex growled loudly. <Can't go back to Xan like
this..> He turned away from the vampire, and on instinct sniffed at
the breeze. "Stupid fucking vampires! Where the hell is everyone!?!
Did I miss a Goddamn Mystical memo!?!" <Can't smell anything...
Just Spike. Oh crap. I can smell Spike?> He turned wide eyed
toward the vampire,
and sniffed again.

"Jesus Christ, Alex! Could you.. er..." Spike trailed off as the boy
sniffed at him. It was a bit disconcerting, never mind the look in
his eyes. "Wot!?!?" He snapped. "The bloody hell are you doing

"Shut. Up." Alex growled, moving closer, and sniffed at the
vampire again. Tilting his head, he closed his eyes and mumbled to
himself. "Tobacco smoke and leather. Anger. Frustration. Anxious.
Concern? No, that's not right... Wigged some." His eyes snapped
open, and he quirked an eyebrow at the blond. "Horny? Awww.
Spike... Do I make you horny, baby?"


Spike froze when Alex moved closer. He could feel heat radiating
off the younger man. Then Alex had to open his mouth and
...gggrrrrr. "I'm not yer flippin' baby!" He snapped, stepping back.
Alex was *way* to into his personal space. "And who says you're
the one who made me horny? Could have been Xander. Shy thing
that he is." He smirked at the feral half.

"You-" Alex growled. Rage barely contained, blew out of control...
His vision tinged with red, he charged at Spike growling. He'd
come out to kill something tonight... And right that second, he
didn't care if it was Spike. He hit the vampire hard, lifting him
off his feet, and slammed him against a handy crypt wall.

The air Spike had sucked in as a gasp at the greenish glow that
flared in the boy's eyes just before the charge, whooshed out of him
as he connected with the hard wall. He had no idea what it was but
didn't care. He was truly screwed right now. Alex was killing pissed
and he had no way of defending himself. <Angelus always said my
mouth would be the death of me. Bastard.> He couldn't stop his
hands, however, reactions coming instinctually. He shoved out,
hoping to knock Alex far enough away so he could run.

Alex fell back a couple of steps from the rough shove, but not far
and not off his feet. A part of his brain wondered at that, the part
that wasn't howling, he should have been knocked across the
graveyard. Moving with a speed he'd never had as just Xander,
Alex dropped and lashed out his leg in a low spin kick to knock the
vampire off his feet. <Disable... Then move in for the kill...>

Spike, turning to run, was caught in the leg sweep and went down
hard. <He should have been thrown across... I am so dead. He has a
stake. Fuck.> His eyes went wide and his mind blank at the sudden
clarity of death. Why not? Everything he'd wanted was gone, why
not him as well? He stilled, waiting for the fatal blow.

Springing to his feet, Alex let fly with a brutal kick to the
torso. He snarled and kicked again as Spike instinctually curled
trying to protect himself. Another kick, and he dropped on the
vampire. He was gonna tear Spike's throat out, and then tear his
head off.

<Pain was as great a motivator as love or fear. Angelus said that
once.> Spike thought dimly. And he defiantly was in pain. His ribs
had creaked warningly at the blows and he wasn't so sure that one
little blighter hadn't snapped. Before he could even think about it,
he slipped into gameface and howled, demon coming out to play. A
fist snapped up and slammed into the side of Alex's jaw, knocking
him off. "You little shit!" He snarled as he twisted up. "I'm
gonna...." He stopped, stunned again. No pain! No flare from the
chip! "What the hell?"

Momentarily stunned, Alex laid where he fell for a second, then
started moving. Head ringing, he rolled over onto his hands and
knees, shaking his head. He hissed as waggled his jaw... It wasn't
broken, that he could tell, but it hurt like a sonofabitch. He focused
his eyes on Spike, growling, then stopped at the expression on the
vampire's face. <Huh?> He blinked a couple of times... He was
missing something..."What?"

Spike's yellow eyes fairly glowed. "No pain." He said, looking
down at the now confused boy. "No pain at all." His grin was all
fangs. "Fancy keeping this up then? Can take you now." He
growled. He crouched down in front of Alex. "Freaky glowing eyes
and all, boy.
You sure you want this dance?"

<Freaky what? No chip... Chip's malfunctioned!> Alex knew he should
be scared out of
his skin, but he wasn't. No, he was a far cry from scared. Spike
*could* take him. The
violence... The strength... The heat... His respiration quickened a
fraction. He smiled
toothily at the vampire, not knowing that his eyes bled to green for
a moment, and
growled. "Yeah." He wanted this, badly, but he wasn't sure if, 'this' was to kill the vampire or something
anymore. He edged back slowly into a crouch, never taking his eyes
off of Spike.

Spike stood and let his gameface slip away. <There went those eyes
again!> "Well then, if you've got the stones, let's go, Whelp." He
said, the picture of non-chalance.

Not quite coming out of the crouch, Alex stood slowly and
laughed. If he wasn't so in the moment, he might have recognize the
throaty cough of a giggle. Recognized it and been scared. He
swayed on the ball of his feet, and circled the vampire, laughing.

<What the unholy fuck is this?> Spike spun, keeping Alex in site.
He was being stalked. And mocked. No... that was... what *was*
that? He sniffed the air again and was hit with a wave of animalistic
musk. <He's not bloody human anymore!> "Takin' 'dance' literally,
Pet?" He asked.


Alex just laughed. The vampire was off balanced... Unnerved. That
was good. He feigned a rush, smoothly halting and shifting his
stance to throw an elbow in Spike's face. His other hand came
around smoothly aimed to gut punch the vampire.

Spike dodged the elbow, but the other got his stomach. Hard. He
bent a bit, grabbing the arm and twisted. throwing Alex off balance.
He slammed the heel of his palm into the side of the dark head,
hoping to knock him at least senseless.

Twisting his arm up, Alex broke the hold. He stepped back
growling, then spun sending a side kick straight for the vampire

Staggered from the abrupt pulling away, Spike barely saw the foot
coming. He didn't quite manage to stop it. It slammed into the side
of his throat and there was a slight crunch. He grabbed the toe of
the work boot and slammed his fist into the underside of Alex's
knee, laying his weight in, and brought them both to the ground. He
felt one of his already abused ribs crack as he landed on the leg. His
howl of anger and pain was a gurgle, trapped behind a nearly
crushed throat.

Alex howled as he felt his leg fold, and he went down hard. He
struggled trying to get to his feet, but his leg was numb from the
above the knee down. It wouldn't hold him. He growled in
frustration and pain. The vampire was his! All he had to do was
move in for the kill... Except he couldn't quite move. He scrambled
trying to rise, and not put any weight on the bad leg.

Spike scrambled and grabbed the unwounded leg by the ankle. He
jerked it back and drove his other elbow into the back of the thigh.
Then he threw himself along the boys' back, bearing down. His
hands wrapped into messy brown hair and he pulled Alex's head
back. "W...we... done... here?" He rasped out, his voice rusty and
full of steel. <Fuckin' hell! Hurts to talk!> "No... killing...


Bucking and hissing, Alex tried to throw off the vampire, but
couldn't. His legs were useless for the moment. Hissing in pain and
frustration, he almost didn't hear Spike. He froze knowing he was
at the vampire's mercy, then let all his muscles go limp. It was done.
He'd lost... And that was okay. No honor gone losing to a better
opponent. "Yeah... Done." Instinctually, he arched his throat
sideways, ignoring the sharp pull of pain from his hair, in an
obvious show of submission.

Spike tried to ignore the pain of his throat and ribs. Tried to not
stare at the offered neck inches from his face.
Tried very hard not
to let his fangs come out.
To not.... he moaned and sunk them in for

a drink. Hot blood filled his mouth and he swallowed, letting it
soothe his throat. Let the feral, salty tang wash down. He was
claiming his victory, marking his prize. It felt so good after all
time, feeding, taking in the very essence he'd been denied for so
long. He shuddered as the blood healed him, set his nerves on fire.
With a howl, he released the boy's neck, not wanting to kill him
just... he bucked against the warm body, the howl falling into a
husky wail.

Alex shuddered, and moaned. The teeth at his throat... In his throat,
had felt so right. The musk in the air was thick enough to choke on.
He knew Spike could read it easily. He laid there meekly under the
vampire, or tried to. He couldn't stop himself from wriggling
against blond, or hoarsely rasping out. "You gonna finish it?" He
moaned softly. "Winner takes all..."


Spike kept still for a moment, feeling the bones knit. Then, in a
flash, he hauled the younger man up on his knees. Reaching around,
he ripped the fly of the jeans open and pulled them down, fumbling
his own open as well. He gashed his hand open on a fang and
hastily coated his cock with blood. "Yeah.. I'll finish it." He
out and slammed into Alex.

Alex screamed twice. First for his knees, but that was quickly
forgotten and lost in the second scream as Spike brutally thrust into
his body. He forced himself to breath, and to submit. This was
right. It was Spike's right. Collapsing his arms, he tried to take
of the momentum and his body weight on his elbows. The pain
would ease one way or the other. His body would either get use to
it, or he'd pass out. Head lowered into his arms, Alex bowed his
spine to take Spike as deeply as possible, trying to relax his
internal muscles.

Spike grabbed Alex's hips and set a punishing rhythm, hard and fast.
He growled and grunted with each thrust, yellow eyes rolling back
in his head. The boy knew how the game was played, what the
winner took, and Spike was glad of it. No soft words, no soothing
and coddling. Just ferocious, hard, violent fucking. ~Never thought
this... again.. oh God...so fucking hot in him...~ "Mine." He snarled

"This...Time..." Alex grunted in pain, biting his lip so hard he could
taste his own blood. He shifted his hips slightly, tying to
redistribute his weight on to his left leg, the less injured one. His head snapped back up, and a scream ripped itself out of his throat. A scream of pleasure. He looked over his shoulder and growled at the vampire.  "Do that again! Now!"

This time is all... that counts... now." Spike ground out. He shifted

his hips, trying to make that scream come again. "Liked that did
you?" He hissed, snaking one hand up to twine in the dark hair. He
tugged Alex's head back and shifted so the boy was half in his lap.
His tongue licked across the bite marks he'd left. "You taste so
gooood, Alex." He crooned. "Almost good enough to turn."


Alex hissed as Spike shifted him, then groaned loudly as pleasure
burst behind his eyes. "Oh yeah. S'good. In me so deep..." He
moaned again and was plaint in the vampire's grasp. Spike was
him, totally. And Alex wasn't so sure he minded now.

He was a little surprised he understood the vampire's comments.
and was even more surprised that he managed to gasp out some
actual words between shaky little shouted moans. "Whatever.
Winner takes... all. Just don't stop..." He bent an arm backwards
over his head and locked into the blonde's hair. "Don't. Stop."

Thighs straining, Spike continued to thrust up into Alex, tugging at
his hair, digging his nails into one hip. He wasn't stopping, didn't
want to stop. Probably wouldn't have stopped if the Slayer herself
dug up out of the grave they were fucking next to. All he knew was
the warm, fighting body around him, the taste and smell of it's
blood, the shuddery tight sensations it gave to his cock. He felt
himself begin to crest and bit back down on the marks from just
moments ago.

Teeth in his neck, Alex let loose with a full throated howl. He was
complete and undone in one instant. It didn't matter if this was his
death, this was the way of things. The way things were suppose to
be... Pain and pleasure. Violence and blood. Teeth imbedded in a
throat. He shuddered and let the animal inside howl again. He
came... Came all over some poor slob’s grave. Came bucking,
howling and clawing at the air. Came like an animal.

Spike held tight as his climax ripped into him. He could taste the
excitement, the lust, in the blood on his tongue. The howls echoed
in his skull, the struggles, his body. He froze for a brief second as
his mind cleared.
Crystal clear. He pulled out, fangs and cock, and
pushed Alex off his lap. The last thing he wanted to do was kill this
animalistic creature. No, this one was for keeping. He howled up at
the night sky, knowing his demon was, at long last, happy. He, on
the other hand, was going to have things to answer for when the
others found out. "Fuck 'em." He muttered and slowly shifted back
to his human face. He felt dizzy and strangely at peace.


Alex crumpled and lay where he fell, shaking uncontrollably.
Clawing at the soft ground, he panted and purred softly. He
couldn't help but smile crookedly and chuckle at the vampire's
howl. He let out a soft purring cough of satisfaction at Spike, not
even considering the use of words.

Spike looked down at Alex and smiled. He pulled his pants up and
slid down next to him. A purr rose up out of his chest as he
wrapped his arms loosely around the strange boy. He nuzzled the
sweaty forehead with his own.

Purring louder, Alex nestled into the embrace, relaxed for the first
time since the split, since the change. His eyes flickered to green,
and he growled low soft question in the language of animals,
rubbing his cheek against Spike's.

Spike started a bit at the return of the glow. But the questioning
noise and the feel of the soft cheek on his calmed him. "What's
going on in there. luv?" He whispered, stroking Alex's back.

Pulling back, Alex looked at the vampire confused. He started to
growl the question again, but a little voice in the back of his brain
prodded him. He blinked a couple of time, the green melting from
his eyes, and paled. "You didn't understand that, did you? I wasn't
speaking English, was I?"


"No, Pet, you weren't. And your eyes were glowing green again."
Spike said, a frown crossing his face at Alex's worry. He ran a light
hand over the pale face. "Happened before?"

"Oh... Shit. Fuck! SonnoffafuckinHellmouth!!!" Alex pulled himself
from Spike's arms, struggling he sat up. His rant faded to a
mumbling whisper. "It's free..." He tilted his head and searched his
brain, but nothing whispered to him... No voices. No instructions.
"I don't understand... "

"Neither do I." Spike grumbled as he sat up. "Your eyes, my chip....
wait... what's free? Talk to me, Alex." He stared intensely at the
younger man.

"The hyena... My demon..." Alex answered shortly. "But it's not!
It's not whispering to me... I didn't try to eat Xan or Giles! I
Didn't even think about it... " He raised his head and took in the
breeze. "But- But I can smell you... I can tell there's nothing near
danger. " He concentrated a moment on the images of his twin and
father figure, on what they meant to him. ~Pack! They're pack, and
it would be counter productive to kill pack... Just not done.~ He
paled even further. "Oh Christ, I AM the beast and the soldier..."

Spike was at a loss. What was the boy on about? Hyena? Soldier?
Wait... wasn't there something in the Watcher's journals ~Yeah I
looked. Got bloody boring 'stuck' in that tub~ about the boy getting
possessed? "That would explain some of your behavior tonight."
Spike mused. "Maybe you got the memories of it. No, the eyes...
residual effects?
All this splitting and magic, no telling." He

doing up the boy's pants. "It's a good combination on you, beast
and soldier. Quick, strong, smart. All those things you bloody had
hidden when you were whole. Now I know where they came from."

Alex's eyes widened in shock, both at the vampire's insight and the
~Do I say thank you? No. No more than my due.~
Dazed, he considered Spike's words, thinking out loud. "Maybe...
Yeah. It kinda like have another set of memories, but not..." He
growled, frustrated at his inability to explain, to find the words. "
just know to do things, and how to do them...." He looked down
started just then realizing what the vampire was doing... "Er, I think
you killed the zipper. Speaking of- Why didn't you kill me? What
with the chip gone klablooy..."

"Yeah I sure did." Spike said, giving up on the ruined zipper.
"What? Oh, why didn't I? Didn't want to." He shrugged. "Gave a
promise to keep you all safe.
Plan on keeping it." He stared at the

ground, suddenly feeling self-conscious and stupid. A promise to a
dead girl.
A dead girl who broke his heart and would have staked

him the second he was unchipped. Still a promise though. ~And I
gave up wanting to kill... Xander, whatever shape he's in, long

"Even if you have to keep them safe from me?" Alex muttered
softly, then looked up. "I'm not sure what I'm capable of now. Am
I even human anymore?" He shuddered at the thought. "I feel
human... I think. Oh God, what if Giles wants to exorcise me?
Would there be anything left? Would I die? Right like that worked
the last time... Or try to cage me up?" His eyes grew wild. "NO!
I- You- WE can't tell them! Can't let them know..." He shook his
head rapidly in denial. ~No. No cages. Rather die than be

Spike grabbed the upset youth. "Calm down! No one said anything about
a cage. *I*
won't let them cage you!" He looked hard at Alex, eyes full of
concern. "You're human
enough, I guess. Taste it. Felt it. And I saw you with Xander. We
don't have to say
anything, mind you, but you..." He sighed. "I think you're fine, for
the most part. Has to be
something with the split.
My chip must be goin' ball's up is all.

Stakeable offense that is."
He groaned. "I'll keep you safe as long as I can." ~Until they find
out about me. Then I'm


As he helped Alex out of the cemetery, Spike looked around. His
car wasn't too far from the place. He just hoped it started. "Oh sod
this." He muttered and scooped Alex up into his arms. "Faster this
Be here till the bloody sun comes up if you keep hoppin'."

"Woof!" Alex let out a surprised exhale. He reflexively clasped his
arms around Spike's shoulders to steady himself, and looked at the
vampire through slitted eyes. He was definitely not happy about be
carried like some wilted damsel in distress. He growled slightly,
then laughed as he was caught by the absurdity of it all. It was after
all the best and most expedient way to get him out of the graveyard,
and not aggravate his leg. Smiling devishly to himself, he fluttered
his eyelashes at the blond vampire. "Oh Spikey! Your so butch!
You man, you!"

Spike rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Pet. All man. As you now know."
Damned if those long fluttering eyelashes didn't do *something* to
him. He stalked to the car, one eye and ear out for trouble. Luck
was with them for once as nothing came by to cause trouble. He set
Alex down and fished out his keys. Now if the car would start....

Bracing himself against the car, trying to keep his weight off the
bad led, Alex scanned their surrounding with all his senses.
"Nothing. I can't fucking believe it. When has the graveyard ever
been this dead? Spike, I'm thinking this is not of the good... If the
walkin dead aren't here...
Where are they?" He sighed. "Gonna have

to report this to Giles, too."

Spike got the door open and helped Alex in. "Don't complain.
You'd be bugger all against them right now." He dashed around and
slid into the driver's seat. "But yeah, we may need to look into it.
Sure Giles will want us to." He turned the key. The car wheezed.
He growled and tried again. This time it just clicked. "FUCKING
Spike yelled, slamming his hand on the dash.

"Okay, that was a bad sound." Alex tilted his head. "Your starter's
shot to shit, and..." He looked over at the dash. "Yep, your battery's
deader than you. So, we can't even push start this monster." He
looked at Spike. "What now o'vamp with the plan? No way in hell,
we'd ever get a cab to come anywhere near here... Even if the sun
was shining."

I know." Spike growled. "Dammit! Now I'm gonna have to carry

you the whole way across town. And hope we don't get jumped."
He sighed and slumped in the seat. "It's too bloody bad you aren't a
vamp. A little time and you'd be all fixed."

"Oh right!
Who do I have to call? No one since I started being a

White Hat. And yeah, cabs are not happening." He lit a smoke and
stared out the window. It wasn't like he couldn't carry Alex the
whole way, but if they were jumped, the boy would get hurt more.
And vamping him was NOT going to happen... He sat upright.
"Wait... there is something.... If you'd agree."


"Huh?" Alex's eyes narrowed as he took in the vampire's body
language. "Exactly what requires my 'consent'?"

"You'd have to drink my blood. Just a bit of it. It would heal your
leg up fast." Spike looked at him, eyes serious.

"And that won't turn me? No, of course not, you'd have to drink me
dead first for that to happen. Yeah, I pay attention to the research.
Not dumb here..." Alex looked at Spike, just as seriously. "Is that
the only effect it'll have?"

"Yeah. Well no. But the other effects would be temporary. We'd
er... be bonded for a bit." Spike said, dropping his eyes to his
"Y'know, feel each other and stuff. But only for a little while. Only
the night really, since I wouldn't be biting you and claiming." As
nice as that might be, don't know how long you'll be around.~

Alex's finger's went to the bite mark at his throat, gazing at the
vampire confused. "Didn't you- You mean..." He looked away out
the car window. "I'm not claimed... You release me." He shook his
head, speaking the last formally. ~Don't understand. He claimed
me! By rights of pack. Now, he doesn't want me... ~

~Aw shit! I forgot about that!~ Spike looked over at Alex. "That
was... that was dominance. Not... oh hell... I didn't think like
Alex... look at me."

Alex's snapped his head around, his gaze glacier . "Do you or do
you not release me?" His eyes flashed green, and his voice creaked
out cold enough to frost hell. "Renounce your claim on me?"


Spike started then his eyes blazed yellow. He fought his demon
down. No matter how loud it was screaming for him to just do this,
he needed to be rational. "Alex, how long do you think you'll be
around?" He asked calmly. "This is not something I fuck around
lightly with. What happened back there wasn't a real claim, not for a
vampire. That was a dominance display. Do you feel me right now?
No. Do I feel you? No."

"You displayed your dominance, took me, and then promised to
protect me." Alex's eyes went green and he growled. "You.
Claimed. Me. Now, it's broke. Renounced. We are no longer pack."
He flung open the door, and maneuvered his way out of the car,
quickly. He could barely walk, the pain shooting up his leg, but he
could manage a few steps at a time. Slowly, wincing, he hobbled
away from the Desoto, and from Spike.

"Oh bloody fucking HELL!" Spike growled and slid across the seat,
out the door. He got in front of Alex. "Look here, I don't know
what... hyena. It's the hyena isn't it? Well listen up, fuzzyarse,
vampires don't do things the way you do! Yeah, I won. Yeah, I bit
you. You want me to claim you for real? The way my kind does it?
Then I bloody well will! I want to!" He yelled. Then his voice and
face grew softer. "I want to. It will hurt me like hell when they fix
you, but I will." The last was a whisper.

"Fix me?" Alex barked a laugh. "Don't you get it, Life
Challenged!?! They never fixed me in the first place! Even if they
slap us back together, I'll still be here. They can't get rid of me
without killing Xan. Not anymore..." He looked down, and away,
his voice distant and soft as he spoke. "To me... By pack law. You
already claimed me. It's your right to cast me aside... So don't do
me any favors... Don't offer to take me to your side, if your just
gonna kick me to the curb again. I don't need that..."

Spike aborted tearing at his hair by just running his hands through
it. When did this thing get so complicated? What happened to
taking what you wanted? "Will you stop putting shit into what I
say?!? I fucking want you! Mine! That's what I want! I just didn't
think you... got that so I didn't... aaaaaa!!!" He threw his hands up,
twirling to stare at the sky. Maybe the stars would tell him things
like they did Dru, he was sure he was going crazy.

"Okay... I'm confused." Alex knotted his brows and tilted his head,
watching the ranting vampire. "You want me? Take and claim me.
It's that simple. I'm in no shape to fight, or resist. I already
to you. Unless you renounce the claim."


Spike stopped his conversation with Orion's Belt and turned to look
at Alex. "Yeah, it is that simple isn't it? I want you." He stepped up
close. "So let's get back in the car and get your leg fixed. Not doing
this out here and the cars closest." He slung an arm under the boy's
shoulders and helped him back to the car. When he got Alex in and
situated, he slid in himself, sliding the bench seat back as far as it
would go. He smiled ferally. "Right. You're going to drink from me
and that will start the leg knitting. It didn't feel like a big break,
probably just a small fracture so it shouldn't take long or heal
Then..." His smile shifted with his demon. "We finish it.
Completely." he bit down on his wrist and held it out. "Drink."

There was no need for a response. This was the way of things.
Want. Take. Have. Alex smiled matching the vampire's feralness.
He bent his head over Spike's wrist, sniffed at it delicately once,
then fasten his mouth over the wound and drank.

Spike couldn't contain the groan that escaped his lips. Each sucking
pull of Alex's lips on the wounds he'd made sent shivers through his
body. He reached out with his other hand and stroked the dark hair.
"Mine now." He whispered. "The blood's been shared. Bonded
together, one to one.
You will wear my mark for as long as you

live." They weren't quite the words he was taught, reluctantly, by
Angelus and Darla long ago, but his Latin and Slavic were beyond
rusty. He pulled his wrist away and gathered Alex close.

Alex made a small whining noise in the back of his throat, and
softly woofed out. "More?" It'd been years since he'd tasted blood.
True enough it only been Herbert's, and in comparison, Spike's
blood was like champagne to Herbert's ripple. So rich. ~Salty,
tangy, goodness...~ He could taste the power in it. Licking his lips,
he let out another soft whine.

Spike smiled around his fangs and tilted Alex's head back. "With
this bite, I seal it." He whispered in Alex's ear and bit down on the
spot he'd savaged before. He took two small draughts, letting the
fiery tang of the blood fill his mouth. Token drinks after the ones
from before, but they flooded him with everything that was Alex.
Reluctantly, he removed his fangs and laved the marks with his
tongue. He rested his face against the beating pulse there, listening
to it's maddening thrum, and forced his demonic features away.
With a shuddery breath, he pulled his head back enough to look
into the dark eyes of his... "Mine." He said, stroking mahogany hair.


Alex could actually feel his eyes dilate. They glowed green, and he
growled softly in the language of beasts, a confirmation. He licked
the blood from Spike's mouth, and then continued to 'wash' the
vampire's face. He was ablaze with feelings of pack and belonging,
and more. He could feel it down in the pit of his being... This just
wasn't a claiming. Spike was more than his claimant. The word rang
through his very self, and he growled it to Spike. "Mate..."

Spike growled back and bumped his forehead into Alex's. "Mate."
he confirmed. His demon agreed as his own eyes flashed yellow. He
crushed his lips to Alex's, forcing them open, slicking his tongue in,
tasting traces of his blood mixed with the savage taste that was

Alex was euphoric, giddy on the taste of blood, sex, and belonging.
On Spike. He chewed on the vampire's tongue for a moment, then
opened his mouth wide, letting Spike taste him fully. Letting Spike
take his mouth.
Through all of this, Alex's hands never stopped

moving. He stroked and caressed, groped, ever inch the
vampire's body. Growling slightly into the kiss, he was frustrated by
the t-shirt barrier. Objective. Plan. Execution. The shirt ripped,
shredded open, and Alex made a mumbled noise of satisfaction, as
he finally got to skin.

Spike hissed as warm hands made contact with his chest. He arched
his back, getting closer. Part of his brain reminded him of Alex's
leg, so he slid a hand down it, listening for a noise of pain. His
hand tugged up the t-shirt the boy was wearing. It slid up the
smooth chest until it hit a nipple, were it teased and tugged the
nub. The hot hands, all over him, were driving him crazy. He broke
the kiss and stared at his mate. Wild and beautiful.

Breathing heavily, Alex threw himself at Spike, fastening his mouth
to the vampire's. He growled softly, and pulled back enough to peel
his shirt off and toss it over the seat. Pushing Spike against the
and Alex maneuvered as well as he could in the enclosed

space, trying to meld his body to Spike's. Skin to skin. To eliminate
the spaces.
To crawl inside Spike.

Automatically, Spike's legs twined around Alex's. His hands clawed
down his back. His body arched up, seeking to press, rub against
everything he could. His lips, tongue sucked and nipped at the
mouth and jaw of his new lover. His equal. Through the bond, he
felt hot desire, need pouring at him. He moaned and clutched Alex
closer, harder. More, his mind screamed and he bucked his erection
against the dark haired youth's.

Alex's eyes rolled back into his head for a moment, and he moaned
loudly. Shuddering against Spike, he managed to pull back, to
break the vampire's hold and sit back. He wanted more. Had to
have more.
He wildly grasped the front of Spike's jeans, and with

many growling curses, got the damned things opened. Jerking them
down, he hissed in pleasure and swooped in, swallowing as much of
Spike's cock as he could...

"Ahhh God!" Spike yelled, throwing his head back. He clutched the
back of the seat and wound his other hand in Alex's hair, his hips
twitching up, deeper into that warm mouth. He began to pant,
unneeded, as his cock was sucked and licked. Groans and whines
left his throat and he was sure his eyes were crossing. "Fuck yeah,
Pet. Like that." He moaned out.

Pulling back just a bit, Alex sucked hard on the end of Spike's cock,
alternating with a swirl of his tongue around the head. He teased
the slit with his tongue, tasting the bitter precum that leaked forth,
then went down again. Taking as much in as he could, he sucked
hard again, letting his teeth scrap gingerly along the shaft once. He
started to purr and bobbed his head up and down. The sounds,
scent and tastes were intoxicating. Alex wanted to please his mate,
as much as this was pleasing him. He wanted Spike to scream.
Awkwardly, he worked at opening the button his own jeans, trying
not to loose the rhythm he built.

Spike struggled to not just grab Alex's head and fuck his mouth until
he choked. Then the
purr started and he lost all pretense of control. Hips bucking
wildly, he tore a hole in the
brittle seat leather. His head smacked back against the window and he
saw stars as he
came, howling.


Alex grabbed at the vampire's hips and drank in all that he could...
All that he could take without choking. Cum dribbled out the corners
of his mouth and down his chin, as he swallowed as quickly as
possible. He pulled away as he felt Spike's body start to relax, and
gasped for much needed breath.



Spike laid there for a moment, letting his vision clear. His t-shirt
was shredded, but his duster was still on. His pants were most of the
way down his legs and his boots were still on. He'd just cum nearly
harder than he'd ever before and he couldn't believe his *head* was
still on.

Finally, he tilted his head up and looked at Alex. His Alex. Marked
and taken, well at least earlier, and whole again. "Think the leg's
better, Pet." he finally husked out, a lazy grin on his face.


"Yeah..." Alex smiled at his mate. He unfastened the
button holding his jeans on, and pushed them down. He
inhaled deeply savoring the smell of sex and satiation
wafting off Spike. Gripping himself, Alex began to
fist his cock. His eyes were half lidded, but he
never closed them or shifted his gaze from the pale
blonde. Spike was beautiful, that was never a
question, but sprawled there, surrounding Alex with
his scent, sight and taste... He was magnificent. He
made Alex feel complete. Alex fisted himself faster,
and pinched his own nipple. "So- So beautiful... So


Spike's eyes narrowed and his licked his lips. His Alex-Pet looked so
damned sexy, so primal and exquisite that it would have taken his
breath away if he had any. Kneeling there, stroking himself,
pleasuring his own body made Spike want it to never end. And he
thought, said, that Spike was perfect. Far from the truth, but Spike
would never let anyone else know that.

He slid up to his knees and wrapped one of his hands around Alex's,
stroking the erect shaft with him. His... HIS mate smelled so spicy
and intoxicating to the vampire. He buried his face in Alex's neck
and breathed deep, taking in the mixed musk of their sex and sweat
and blood. "Yes, Pet... keep doing that. Want you to cum for me." He
murmured along the vein he was nuzzling.

"Yeah... Oh, yes!" Alex was almost sobbing out the
words. He was close, so close, it was painful.
Spike's hands and mouth. His scent... The everything
of his mate was hurtling him toward the precept and
the abyss beyond. Roughly, he tightened his grip to
prolong the sweet agony a few more moments

Spike trailed his other hand along the bite marks and up into dark
hair. Fisting some of the locks, he pulled back and licked and
mouthed down until he could nip and suckle at the dark bud Alex had
been abusing.


Alex thrashed and screamed wildly. It was to much.
He came so hard and so fast, that it was almost to
much for him. His body convulsed in orgasm, an
earthquake from the inside out, shaking everything
loose inside him. Sagging against vampire, Alex
shuddered and sighed Spike's name, seconds before his
sight faded and he passed out.


With a gentleness that would have been unexpected by many, Spike laid
Alex back down on the seat. Scooting down and out of the way, he
ripped the remains of his t-shirt off ~Alakazam... and he didn't even
take the coat off folks!~ and cleaned his lover off. He chuckled at
himself thinking like the Twins, well like Xander anyway. ~Spent too
much bloody time around him.~ He adjusted Alex's clothes and his own
jeans and curled up around him there on the bench seat.

Spike pressed a kiss to Alex's forehead. "Wore you right out, Pet."
he murmured. "Should get you home and cleaned up."


"Merrrr?" Alex lazily opened one eye at his mate.
"Masiworfle." Snuggling in to Spike a little more,
Alex purred and closed his eyes again, allowing
himself to drift. ~Am home now.~


Spike chuckled and nuzzled his head into Alex's neck. The car was
cramped, smelled like dust and sex, had discarded fast-food wrappers,
cigarette packs and liquor bottles, and was probably the last place
in Sunnydale people should go to sleep, but there really wasn't
anyplace else Spike wanted to be right now. He wrapped his arms
tighter around the boy's chest and sighed contentedly. Soon, his own
purr echoed with Alex's.

"Really shouldn't stay here." He mumbled. "S'not safe. An' Xander
will get worried. An' Ripper needs to get..." He yawned. Then he
blinked. When was the last time he'd done that? It wasn't like he
needed to air. He chuckled again. "S'nice..."


~Whaaa? Spike said sumthing? Sumthin important!
Wake up! Come on put the words together... Xander +
Worried = Bad Thing. Can't worry Xan...~ Alex
stirred and opened his eyes, blinking rapidly. "What
time is it?"

He sighed, rubbing his head against his vampire, not
really wanting to move, but acknowledging the
inevitable. "We need to go, huh?"


"I don't wear a watch, but yeah, we should go." Spike said, nuzzling
back. He couldn't resist nipping an ear as well.

He sat up and made sure they were both as done up as their messed up
clothes would allow. He popped open on car door and sat back, fishing
out a cigarette, lighting and taking a deep drag. The grin he gave
his sleepy, mussy Alex was huge and wicked. His Alex. His... demon?
human?... Fuck it, who cared?


Yeah... We should." Alex shifted, laying his head in
Spike's lap, stretching his legs out and against the
other door. He looked up at the blond, fishing the
cigarette out of his hand, and took a long drag of his
own. Exhaling, he smiled lopsidedly up at the

Alex flexed his leg against the door, and noted.
"Leg's fine. I feel- good. Yeah, good is the word."


Spike let Alex have the cigarette and lit another of his own. Then,
bending to place a small kiss on the end of his boy's nose, he slid
out of the car. "C'mon. We can do the den-up and snuggle thing later.
Need to get you back to your apartment."

"Yeah. Yeah." Alex straightened up, and crawled out
of the car, after Spike. He stretched easily,
loosening up his muscles, and sniffed at the breeze.
"We sooooooo need to make with the shower. All I can
smell is you, me and sex."


Spike snorted. "No a bad smell at all. Just not quite the place.. oh
hell *any* place would be good." He grinned.

He pulled his coat closer around him. It was a cool night, even for
California and a vampire. A shirtless vampire. Heh.


Pulling his shirt down, Alex was glad that he'd worn
one of the extra long shirts. This one at least hid
the fact that his jean zipper was busted to hell and
gapping open. He sighed and took a drag off the
cigarette he'd 'borrowed' from his vampire. He grinned
crookedly, and mimicked Spike's accent. "Right then.
Ready when you are, Mate."


Eyebrow arched, Spike took in the cheeky boy. "Mate's right." He
moved in, grabbing Alex and pressing close. "Mine. Mate." He spun
away, duster flaring and smacked Alex's ass. "C'mon. Let's get a move
on. Shower is calling an' I'm sure the other 2 are gettin' worried."

~Can't wait to see the look on Xander's face. He'll have bloody
kittens. Wait... aw fuckin' hell. He just might. Might get upset an'
that would put Alex right off. Well sorry world, Alex is mine. If
they ever get back into 1 body...~ He killed that thought. He'd worry
about that when it happened.


Alex yipped in surprise at the swat, and snapped his
teeth at Spike. He scanned the graveyard quickly, and
shook his head. "Yeah, let's go. Can't have Xan
worried. Just not good." He started on the path back
to the apartment. It wouldn't take them long to get
back, unless something distracted them. Alex smiled
at the big blond distraction. ~My mate.~


Spike, coat tied up around him, glanced over and smiled back.
~Yeah... he's mine. Damn.~ He stalked along until they reached the
apartment. He let Alex go up the stairs and inside first. All he
really wanted to do was grab the boy up and throw him into the
shower. And then maybe on the bed, on the couch, on the kitchen
counter, ... but... but first they had to deal with Xander and
Ripper. And whatever repercussions came from that....


It only took a second for Alex to get his keys out and
the door open. It took even less for him to realize
something was wrong. It was to quite. "Xan?" He
started going through the apartment looking for his
twin, even though he knew no one was there, growling
to himself.


Spike followed him in and stood, looking around. It seemed Ripper and
Xander had... buggered off. And Alex was not happy about it.
Beautiful. He sighed and looked out on the balcony. No. He checked
the kitchen...

"Hey, Alex," He called. "They left a note. Need to listen to the
answering machine."

Spike found the machine and hit the play button. Giles' rambling
tones flowed out. As the message played, Spike's eyes grew wide.

"Holy fuckin' hell! She's... Buffy... Alex!" He shouted. "Buffy's
alive!" He sat down hard in a chair. She was alive. What in the hell
was going on?

Alex frowned and, with little to no emotion, picked up
the phone. Hitting the speed dial for Giles', he
waited for someone to pick up. He refused to give
into shock, confusion, fear or the even rarer hope.
Not until he spoke to Xan... Considering the condition
he last saw Giles in, Alex didn't trust the man not to
be drunk off his ass. Faced with too many questions
and not enough confirmed factage... He needed to speak
to Xan. Now.


Spike's head snapped up. He could almost smell the warring, repressed
emotional storm get shoved away, buried deep behind his emotionless
screen. ~He's switched to soldier mode again. Bugger, but he's right.~
The vampire choked back his own confusion and stood, walking over to
his mate. Standing behind him, he wrapped his arms around Alex's
waist and laid his chin on the non-phone shoulder. He would be able
to hear what was said from there.




"Xan..." Alex relaxed a fraction of a hair.

""Are you alright?""

And then laughed softly at his twin's echo. "You first
little brother... Are you okay?"

"Well besides the fact that I'm falling asleep sitting
up, Oz is here, Buffy's back from the dead and not
really functioning, Giles has just climbed out of the
bottle, and my brother , who I so didn't have this
morning, has gone on a warpath with the local vampire
population, I'm great. Oh yeah, Deadboy's in the
living room."

Spike tightened his hold a bit. ~Oh great fucking Hellmouth! Angel.
Not what I need right now.~

"Uhm, yeah... Okay. So, Buff's actually breathing?
She's not a zombie is she?" Alex paused trying to
assimilate the rush of intel. "And hey, warpath? Not
even close, okay. Not really... What the hell do you
mean 'Deadboy's in the living room'!?!"
The last

slipped out in a low growl.

"Buffy? Zombie? Umm I don't think so....." Xander
glanced at Giles but was quickly pulled back by the
growling on the other end. "Calm down, I don't know
why Angel's here, he didn't know about Buffy, it was a
shock for him too, although I suppose he would be able
to tell if there was something wrong with Buffy, like
no heartbeat."

"If he bothered to clue anyone in..." Alex growled. He
wouldn't trust that vampire as far as he could throw
the big undead potato head. "Xan, you stay away from
Soulboy. I'll get myself straightened up, and come
pick you up. Me and Spike." He pressed himself back
against the body of *his* vampire.

Spike gave Alex a squeeze. He silently agreed with the whole 'staying
away from Soulboy. Too bad he knew he couldn't.

"Straightened up? Spike?" Now that Xander thought
about it Alex hadn't said if he was okay or not, and
the way he said Spike's name, something odd was going
on there. "Alex are you okay?"

"Uhm, yeah... I'm fine." Alex turned his head to
glance at Spike for a second. His twin already knew.
Not the particulars, but Alex knew Xander was already
on the road to cluesville. And in all honesty, even if
he could, Alex didn't want to keep this from him, or
keep him in the dark. "Xan? Have you noticed
anything... I mean about us, since the split?"

"I umm dunno, what are you talking about? Anything in
'Cause I mean there are differences, but

I'm not sure which ones you're talking about."

"The *special* friends in our head..."

"Special fri- oh, oh! *Special friends!* Yeah, umm
they're not here, has umm *she* been causing
problems?" Xander can't help but get a little freaked
at the idea of that version of him running around

"Oh, I wouldn't say problems... " Alex let loose a
huge breath, not quite sure how to continue. ~How do
you tell your twin... Your self. That you might not be
human any more?~ "Can we just say I'm very in touch
with both my furry and firearm sides now?"

"But, you're not," Xander glanced over at the people
at the table and turned his back to them and whispered
into the phone, "you're not going to hurt or um,"
Xander swallowed nervously, "kill anyone are you?" The
last part came out so quite that he wasn't even sure
if Alex heard him.

"No! Well, I don't think so... Not anyone we know,
anyway. Shit. Okay that sounded bad." Alex rubbed his
eyes. "What I mean is... I'm not gonna go off the deep
end and on a killing spree. Babies and nuns are safe.
Our friends are safe. They're pack... You know that,
Xan. I'm just no sure if I can pull the old punches,
not *not* go for the throat, if I get jumped..."

"Look. Alex, we need to talk about this, but not now,
and not over the phone." ~Yeah I need to talk to him
where I can see his face, and his body language. "Look
umm, why don't you call in sick to work and come over
here. I really need to know if Buffy's okay, and um,"
he whispered into the phone, "you might be able to
tell something Angel can't or won't see."

"Yeah... I'll- We'll be there real soon." They both
hung up the phone simultaneously. Alex stared at the
phone for a few moments... then turned into Spike's
arms. "Well... That was a *good* phone call, right?"


Spike nuzzled the slowly healing bite marks on Alex's neck. They were
going to scar up. ~Wonder if they'll stay if the twins ever get put
back whole?~ "Yeah, Pet. That was a good phone call. 'Cept for the
Angel part and the Zombie Slayer."
He kissed the marks. "An' Xander's

right, Angel would be able to tell. He shagged her, bit her. And he's
a suspicious bastard as well."

Alex grimaced. "Maybe... I always thought the whole 'cryptic
broodmaster' deal was just to cover what a huge lame ass moron... Er,
~Yep, not an big Deadboy fan here... ~

The vampire pulled back and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Gods
below, could this night get any weirder?" His eyes widened and he
looked up. "And that wasn't an invitation!" He said to the fickle
fate of the Hellmouth. "Anyway, Ripper, You 2, Buffy, Angel... Us."
He grinned. "Like the 'us' part. Not so sure about the rest." He
sighed. "We really got to go over there? Oz will probably try to jump
me again as soon as he smells you all over me. An' Angel will
probably help. And then Buffy..." He trailed off and turned away.

Making a low wordless sound of comfort, Alex moved in closer to his
mate and rubbed his face against Spike's. "Not sorry bout the 'us'
part either... Like it, lots. Everything else will fall into
place. Even if we have to make it."

Spike nuzzled back. "Don't regret it either, luv." He couldn’t' help
but love Alex's determination.

The last time... Oh... He'd told Buffy he loved her. He told her he'd
protect Dawn. And then... he'd lost his mind when Buffy died. They'd
all seen him lose it, cry like a madman for a day. They had to help
him up, keep him from staking himself or walking into the sun as it
rose that terrible day. And then he's slunk away, hiding himself in
his crypt and several bottles until tonight.

"Best get cleaned up then." He said, quietly. "Gonna need a shirt."


"Yeah. I got a couple of plain t-shirts, that shouldn't offend your
delicate fashion sense. I-" Alex paused, and took on a calculating
look, he continued on thinking out loud. "Change? Yes. Clean up? I
don't think so... Not alot anyway. I mean unless I douse myself with
enough cologne to make *me* sick... Angel and Oz are gonna know
something's up with us. I say we go in blatantly flaunt ourselves.
Stinking of Sex. Classic misdirection. Let them freak out over
that... And not notice the other little changes we've been
through... I know I said I was gonna tell Giles, but I want to talk
with Xander first. Get things okay with him."

Spike snorted. "S'long as they are... orange or anything." He sighed
and leaned in close, taking support from Alex's body. "Yeah. An' make
sure Xander is okay." ~With this and anything else.~

Alex muttered to himself shifting through the plan in his
head. "They try and jump you... I'll get in the way. Tell them to
fuck off. Adult here. And it's not like they have any say in my
life... Hello!?! Gone missing for how long!?!" He looked at Spike
thoughtfully. "Angel. He can't do any vampy like thing and sense
our link, can he?"


Spike frowned. "No. Don't think so. Never happened before.  Smell you
and me all over each other sure." He kissed Alex's lips. "Gallant one
aren't you? Ready to leap to my protection." He looked into dark
eyes. "But... they even make a move to you and I'll tear 'em apart."
He laughed then. "What a pair, eh?"

"Pair of what is the question..." Alex snickered and
kissed Spike back. ~Just can't get enough of you.~

Spike stood, pulling Alex towards the bathroom. "I'll shut down *any*
of then what comes between you an' me now. Sire, Wolfboy, Rupes...
even the Slayer." His blue eyes were hard and determined. 'So we best
just give 'em the show and see who freaks."


"A lurid but united front." Alex laughed outright,
and pulled off his shirt as he was pulled into the
bathroom. "Could be fun. Watchin' the eyes pop and
the jaws drop."

Spike laughed with him. It felt good, after so long without anything
to really laugh at. "Lurid and damned tasty." He agreed.

Dropping the shirt, he eyed his vampire for a moment.
"I'm thinkin' that showering together, in all it's wet
slippery goodness, is probably a bad idea. We'll
never get outta here, and Xander is waiting..."


Spike stopped just short of striking a pose. But Alex was right. Warm
water, soap and naked bodies would be very... time consuming right
now. "Right. You hit it first, then me. You can find some clothes
after yours and we can get on the road." He took in Alex's work
muscled chest. "An' I'd better wait in the living room." He spun and
headed back out.

~God, this is... he's mine!~ The vampire grinned to himself.
~Mineminemine and I challenge any of them to fuck this up!~


~Mineminemine!!!~ Alex couldn't help the huge grin
that stole onto his face. ~Mate and match!~

Turning on the water, he peeled himself out of his
jeans and looked them over. The zipper was in ruins,
but he might be able to salvage them. He threw the
jeans into the corner for further though. Turning to
look in the mirror, he surveyed the damage. Mostly,
he was dirty. Covered in soil and dried blood. Scraps
and cuts having all ready healed over.

He tilted his head to get a look at the bite mark.
Though healing, it was painfully visible. "High neck
shirtage for awhile for you, boy."
The huge, face

splitting, grin popped back on to his face as he
touched the mark.

"Alright enough with the goofiness. Got a mission.
Get to it." He growled softly at himself, shaking out
of the pleasant revelry. Adjusting the water, he
climbed into the shower and quickly washed his body
and hair. Just as quickly, he climbed out and dried.

Spike collapsed on the couch. Then he stood and jerked off his
leather duster. He collapsed again. Then he stood and paced. He knew
he had to look a sight, jeans all muddy, hair all muddy, no shirt,
sex all over. He grinned. He really was going to make a scene at
Giles', even with a clean shirt. The jeans alone would be testament
to something having happened.

"Probably just think we got in a scuff-up with demons or something."
He grumbled to himself. "Just have to show 'em otherwise."

His smile faded and he paced more. There was still the Buffy thing.
*If* it was Buffy. But Angel should know, right? God, he felt like a
total fool for telling her his feelings. He knew then that she
didn't, and probably wouldn't ever, return them. But he *had* to tell
her. And he was glad he did when she died. At least he wouldn't have
spent eternity wondering. But now... now she was back and he wasn't
entirely sure he was over her.

"Fuck me, I'm an idiot."

But then there was Alex. His mate. His Alex. A strange thrill went
through him at those thoughts. Yeah, he still had... something...
inside for the Slayer, but Alex was *his*. All his. The feral parts
of Alexander Harris, who, if not for Anya and Buffy, he would have
put some sort of moves on.

Buffy. Alex. Buffy. Alex.

He really wanted to beat his head against a wall, or listen to some
ear-splitting music. Or just fuck Alex into the carpet.

Oh yeah, it was *aaaallllll* Alex. He grinned.


Alex grabbed another towel and walked into the living
room, toweling his hair dry.

"Shower's yours. Water still running." Alex mumbled
through his hair as shook it out of his face, and kept
toweling it dry. He smiled. "I'm sure I've got some
plain black t-shirts... Do you want anything else? A
long sleeve overshirt..."


Spike looked over and stopped in mid-stride. A completely naked Alex.
Never before seen. With Spike's bite mark on his neck. Woof. ~Buffy

Alex hadn't even thought of the consequences of
walking out into the living room naked. He just
didn't think about it. ~Seems I lost any self
consciousness with the split.~ He grinned at the look
on Spike's face. A quick parade of emotions: Shock,
Lust, Possession, and Desire. ~Like what you see,

"I want.... you. Now." He growled and moved closer. Then he stopped.
this was *not* the way to get to Giles' place quickly. he
sighed. "Right, make that later." He unbuckled his boots and kicked
them off. "T-shirt is all. Got the coat. Maybe give my jeans a good
shake out before I put them back on."

"Right." Alex couldn't help the growley undertone to
his voice. ~Want. Mate. Now.~ He shook his head,
shaking off instinct. ~Gotta plan.
Mission up. Take
care of business first...~

He pulled the same said jeans off. After all, naked turn about was
fair play. Giving Alex a naughty grin, he sidled into the bathroom
and jumped in the shower. Washing quickly, he shut the water off and
jumped out, looking for a towel.


He was positive his expression mirrored the one Spike
had just a few minutes ago.
~NakedSpikenakedspikenakedspike!!! Sex! Now! Now!
Now!~ He growled and started to stalk after his
vampire... Who had conveniently left the door open.
Braced against the door jam, Alex fought his instincts
and himself turn and go to the bedroom, growling all
the way. ~Gotta get Xan. Gotta get Xan. Gotta get

Quickly, he pulled on a pair of clean jeans and a
black t-shirt. Looking at the white lettering on the
shirt, he let loose a woofing chuckle. "Cat- The
Other White Meat.
Forgot I had this..." Finding a

plain green t-shirt for Spike, he grabbed some socks
and headed back out to the living room.

Of course he had to pass the bathroom to get there,
and it was obvious Spike was out of the shower. Alex
leaned casually against the door frame this time,
letting his eyes drink in the sight of his mate. All
clean, wet and beautiful.
~How'd I get this lucky?~

He scratched his nails lightly against the wood, and
sighed. "Arooo?"


Spike whipped around at the sound, growling low in his chest. ~Want
now. He's dressed. Bad bad... woah! Reign it in there Spike~ He
grabbed a mental club and beat his demon back into the cage it tried
to come out of. Shaking his head to clear it yet again, he smiled
saucily. "Need a towel, Pet. Nice shirt by the by."

~NakedSpikenakedSpike...~ Alex stared at him blankly
for a moment. "Huh? Oh towel. Yeah. Towels... There
in the... Uhm, cabinet next to the shower. Right
He pointed at the small built in cabinet.

"Got a shirt for you..." He put it on the counter.
"I'm gonna go finish putting my shoes on in the
bedroom... Give a yell when your ready." He turned
abruptly, and went to room. ~One more second of
'nakedspike' and I'm gonna jump him. And that can't
happen right now. Gotta go and get Xan. See if Buff
is really real-alive. Growl at Deadboy. Talk to Xan.
Then 'naked' time.~ He sat on the bed, lacing up his
boots. ~Patience is my friend. Patience is my friend.
Grrrr! Yeah, not!~

He was trying hard not to rumble in his chest more. ~Dammit! Just
wanna take him again and hole up somewhere. Why in the hell do Vamps
have to be so big cat-ish?~


Spike grinned at Alex's retreating back. He had a feeling there
weren't going to be too many 'dressed' times between them soon.
~Good. Bloody good. Now what are we gonna do with Xander when we
bring him home?~ That thought conjured up several tasty images. The
three of them, naked and sweaty, sprawled out in the bed, hands
roaming.... "Argh." He muttered and got a towel.

He dried quickly and pulled his jeans on. ~Need to get a clean pair
soon. These are in need of serious washing.~ Then he grabbed the
shirt Alex brought. Dark green. Tsking, he pulled it over his head.
At least in the night it would look black. Running fingers through
his damp hair, he opened the medicine cabinet, looking for some sort
of hair gel. No luck. ~Cripes, now my hair will get all fluffy. Not
that I'm a member of Gels Abusers Anonymous like Angel...~

Finished with his boots Alex stared at the bed for a
moment... His bed. It was a huge bed. Anya had
insisted on that. His and Xander's bed, now. How were
they gonna sort everything out? Alex wasn't sure he
could sleep without Spike or Xander there... Needing
them both close. One big happy pack pile. How was
Xander going to react? To Spike? To everything? He
was sure his twin would have no problem with Spike...
~But the whole mated to the evil undead, biting,
hyena/soldier, am I still human deal? I foresee major
wiggins...~ Alex sighed and rubbed his eyes. ~Just
have to convince him. Need him. Need them both.~

He went to the living room and pulled on his boots. "Alex! Two
seconds and I'm ready!" ~Oi! Honey, I'm almost ready to go to dinner.
Bloody HELL! Sound like a married couple!~


Alex smiled and stood, picking up the dark blue
pullover he had fished out when getting the t-shirts.
He pulled in on and check the mirror quickly. It
wasn't a turtleneck, but it had an extra bit of neck
to it, covering up his mating mark.

He walked into the living room, watching Spike fiddle
with his boots. He smirked. "Yes, dear? You
bellowed, dear?"


Spike looked up from his bend over. "Oi! I did not bellow! Angel
bellows. I shouted." He finished buckling and lacing his boots and
stood. " Dear." He added with a smirk of his own. Inside his demon
was curled up in a ball, laughing it's ass off. He really needed to
beat that thing more often.

"Of course not, dear. Nope. No bellowing here."
Alex pursed his lips, trying not to laugh. "You ready
to go then?"

He patted his duster pockets, and heard the satisfying ring on metal
clunk of his namesake. Pulling out a battered pack of cigarettes, he
stuck one between his lips. "Right. Carnival is ready to shove off."

He hooked Alex's arm and pulled him out the door. ~All the better to
do this...~ He gave his mate's ass a quick slap and lit his smoke.


"Hey!" Alex yipped and glared at Spike. He rubbed
the spot, and then looked at his vampire. Eyes dancing
as he mock snarled and snapped his teeth at Spike.
~Yeah. I'd pull the arm off and beat to death anyone
else who tried that... Just you, Spike. Er, or Xan.
But he wouldn't... Uhm.~

"Let's get." Alex sighed. Arm still linked with
Spike, he started off toward Giles.


Spike strolled along with Alex, nearly strutting, he felt so good.
~Been a damn long time since I felt like this. S'nice.~
He glanced over at him mate and grinned. ~Oh yeah. Mine.~

He lit his smoke and tried not to hum or purr. The closer they got to
Giles', the better he felt. ~As long as no one fucks with this, it
will be rosy.~ That thought made him frown a bit, as they approached
the door. ~Well there's fuck all they can do about it anyway.~

"Go on, Pet. Knock."


Alex didn't have time to tell Spike that knocking
wasn't necessary. That he could feel Xander, and that
he knew they were there. The door opened to quickly,
and he suddenly had an armful of Xander.

Xander threw the door open and pulled Alex into a
big hug.


Sighing contently, he tightened his arms, and nuzzled his
brother's neck inhaling deeply. Scenting him. "Hey
He whispered into Xander's skin. "You okay?"


Spike staggered back as Xander and Alex hugged and hugged hard,
nearly knocking him over. He flipped his smoke away and watched them.
He told himself he wasn't jealous. They were twins of a sort after
all. He told himself he didn't want to hurt Xander because that would
piss off Alex. He beat his demon over the head with the fact that
Xander was now family and it better get used to it. The demon piped
up with a hopeful plea for the same sort of 'togetherness' that made
Alex family. He beat it again, just not as hard.

~Alex would have my guts fer garters if I even went there.~

"Right. Move the love-fest aside so someone can get in the bloody
door." He said. "Peaches here?"


Xander sighed and relaxed. He was safe in his
brother's arms. He wouldn't have to worry about
making anymore hard decisions for awhile. He could
just lean back and let Alex be Alpha for awhile.
~Oooh. We need to talk about that, but in private.
Case how bad it is first.~

"Right. Move the love-fest aside so someone can get in
the bloody
door." He said. "Peaches here?"

"No. He left with Buffy to go somewhere I guess." But
since his head was tucked down into his better half it
came out more like, "mo. E mapht mit luffie ta co
cumflare e leste."


Spike blinked. Vampiric hearing or not, it took him a second to
decipher Xander's words. "Left. Buffy. Right. Figures. Bloody wanker.
Hope he doesn't do something stupid."

Of course Angel left with Buffy. He probably couldn't wait to get
into her tight pants. No, that wasn't quite right. Probably couldn't
wait to hold her in his arms and stare sadly at the moon, all
Heathcliff and tragic. Bleh. A regular gothic romance on the moors
for those two.

He slid past the Twins, feeling like he was going to vomit. He hadn't
even seen Angel or Buffy and already he wanted to break something. He
threw himself down on Giles' couch, a leg draped over one arm. Oz and
Giles and Ripper were in the apartment somewhere, but he couldn't
care less. Right now, he almost hoped the wolfboy would smell
something and get in his face. That Giles would snap at him to stop
messing up the furniture with his dirty jeans again, like the old
bathtub days. Something, anything to get rid of the thoughts
and ...he sniffed.. smells of Buffy and Angel.


Alex growled softly at Xander's revelation, and petted
his twin's hair soothingly. Not letting go of Xan, he
gingerly maneuvered them inside, and shut the door. "No
Deadboy, huh?
Why am I not surprised? Cryptic
vanishing guy.
Grab the dead girl. Err, or former

dead girl... Whatever. Get his own answers and leave
everyone else hanging..."

Still petting his twin, Alex looked to Spike and
frowned. He could feel his mate's uneasiness and
frustration. The rise and fall of his emotions...
~Wow. Okay, he like wasn't kiddin' bout the bonding
thingie... Can I kill Deadboy for this? Well, I could
kill him, but could I get away with it? Well, yeah. I
could get away with it... Not upset the rest of the
pack? Hmmm, probably not.~ He shook his head, and
slapped the sudden surge of anger away. ~Not gonna
help right now!~

He smiled at his twin, trying to lighten the mood. For
both him and Spike.
"Think it's the hair gel? I think

it's the hair gel. Rotted Deadboy's brain. Hey
Spike? Better watch you for signs of hair product
induced senility... One 'Mighty Mousse' is enough."


Xander pulled away abit. Still in his twin's arms
Content to listen to banter, he was safe and

while there was a lot to do, it wasn't anything he
could do now. So he might as well revel in his safe-ness.


Spike's head snapped up. Logically, through the link, he knew Alex was
just trying to lighten his mood. Unfortunately, comparing him in any
way to Angel was not the way to do it. Especially not now. He glared
hard at his mate. Glared until the rest of Alex's feelings caught up
with him.

The bond was close to telepathy being so new. New enough that he
could tell Alex was thinking of killing... for him. This was new. Not
new maybe from Alex, but new to Spike in general. With Dru, he did
the killing. With Angelus, well.. they did enough killing, but never
for each other. Buffy, oh forget it. She wanted to kill him, no
matter how much he loved her.

He stuck his hands in his duster pockets and pulled it close around
him, slouching down deeper into the couch. Right, he was acting a
touch Angel right now. Alex didn't have to point it out though. But
he care. In his own bonded, instinctual way, he cared.

~Or is it just the bond? Would he give a flying fuck otherwise? Would
I?~ Spike knew he would. Stupid as that was, he would. Right? ~Just
felt so damn good to be a part of something...someone... God, I *am*
acting like the Pouf!~

He threw himself up off the couch and stalked to the kitchen. Stopped
on a dime when he saw it was occupied. Spun and stalked back out the
apartment door, passed Alex and Xander. On the stoop, he lit a
smoke , sighed and, in a blurry of motion, punched the cement/stucco
wall. The all cracked a bit. His hand crack a bit more, knuckles


"Well, that went over well..." Alex growled softly,
and pressed his forehead to his twins. Spike's blow to
the wall wasn't subtle. It didn't take enhanced
senses to hear it or feel it rattle the pictures on
the wall inside. But none of that really registered
to Alex. No, he could feel it on the inside, through

He sighed, kissing Xander gently on the forehead.
"Get whatever you need, 'kay? I'm gonna talk to
Spike, and then we're for home..." Reluctantly, he
released his twin, and smiled reassuringly. "Be right
back in."

Silently, Alex moved outside with one final grin at
his 'little brother', and shut the door behind
himself. He slid one arm around his vampire, and
grasped the Spike's wounded hand. Purring softly, he
raised the bloody knuckles to his lips and kissed the
wounds, licking lightly at the blood. "You wanna give
this party a miss? Head for home? Cause we can do
that. Right now."


Xander stared for a moment at the closed door.
Something besides sex had occurred between the two,
that was for sure. He had a feeling that he wouldn't
be able to find out about it until he got home. So he
headed for the kitchen. He grabbed his implements of
doom, and turned to the others at the table. "Alex,
Spike and I are leaving. We'll be around, if
something comes up, call, if we aren't there leave a
message. Umm," Xander turned his gaze to Giles and
Oz, "you guys have fun. And that's all I have to say
about that." Xander turned and left with a smile on
his face. Just goes to show that anyone with eyes
could see that those had some kind of chemistry going
on between them. Xander sat on the couch giving Spike
and Alex a few more minutes in case they needed it.


Spike couldn't stop the shudder that went through him. Alex's lips,
his tongue licking at his bloody knuckles... His eyes closed, lips
parted as he hissed softly. Finally, he let his eyes flutter open and
leaned in to rub his forehead to Alex's. "Yeah, I do. Don't think I'm
quite up to dealing with Angel or..." He could barely get the name
out of his mouth, "Buffy right now. Not looking forward to a huge
over-protective blowout, if you know what I mean." ~Not looking
forward to dealing with her now period. Or her great soddin' lover.~

"Got a clue. Too much. Too fast. All now. Yeah,
got sumthin' of a clue." Alex grinned ruefully, and
kiss Spike softly. "We deal... Later."

Yeah, he knew he was being chicken shit but didn't care. He *knew* he
wasn't up to facing the woman he'd proclaimed his love to, or the man
who's arms he'd spent so much time in, just now. Not while this...
thing... this bond with Alex was so fresh. They wouldn't
understand.  They get angry, pull stakes, throw him about, all in
name of protection. Of protecting Alex from him. Never mind the

flood of emotions that as sure to come when he laid eyes on either of
them. The last thing he wanted was Alex to get confused and think
that he, Spike, didn't want him.

"Get your twin an' lets' bail." He said, pulling away and taking a
drag off his smoke.


Nodding, Alex turn and placed his hand on the
doorknob. He turned back hesitantly, and paused.
"They couldn't you know... Separate us. Not now. Not
ever after. I'd kill them." He shifted his gaze and
stared into space testing his own thoughts out loud.
"Even Buffy. I- I think. Wouldn't want to... But I-"
He shrugged unable to finish the sentence.
~Your the

only one who could end this, Spike... And you'd better
kill me to do it. Cause I will you... Break my heart
and I'll stake yours.~

Spike was stunned. There it was, said out loud, not just felt vaguely.
Alex would kill for him. Kill Angel. Kill Buffy. He should have been
elated. He should celebrate. He wasn't. ~I know he's the feral of the
two, but... Am I turning him into a... killer? A monster like he..
they... fuck! Like Alexander Harris used to think I was? Like I am?~
He might have the chip. He might have gotten closer to the Scoobies.
He might want to shred anyone who looked at Dawn cross-eyed. He might
even have loved the Slayer. But he was still a vampire. A soulless
creature possessed by a demonic force. Something feared and hunted when
not hunting himself. A *thing* even God had turned his back on.

It hadn't mattered with Dru. She was the same as him. Nor Angelus,
the same.
Or Darla, or
Penn. Or even vapid, bouncy Harmony. It didn't
use to matter to himself. Alex might have the traces of a demon in
him, might not be wholly human, but... it could just be whatever
magic separated him from Xander. It. Mattered.

Spike didn't, however, want to leave him. Didn't want to see the nasty
gleam in the boy's eyes, or hear the snarl before the attack that
would surely come if he did. And he would, chip or no chip, try to
kill anyone who would dare try to take Alex from him. It had to be
the bond, it had to be lust, but Alex was *his* and maybe that was
all that really mattered. Fuck Buffy, fuck Angel, fuck the God he'd
so long ago. Fuck the Watchers, past and present, and fuck the

Werewolf too. Alex was what mattered.

He snorted and took another drag. ~Right. Full steam ahead as always.~

He turned the knob quickly, and opened the door.
"Xan? You ready? Let's make with the leaving, 'kay?"


Xander jumped up from the couch. "Yeah. Cool, k.
Byes guys!" Xander shouted into the kitchen. Xander
thought about babbling, not meaning to babble but with
the knowledge that if he really started talking about
anything important that he would also start to babble.
So he choose to keep his mouth shut. See what
unfolded. And he slammed the door on the way out.


Spike gave Alex a smirk when Xander barreled out, slamming the door.
"Let's be off then, Pets." He said as he started down the sidewalk.


Linking his arm through Xan's, Alex started them after Spike.
Watching Spike walk ahead, he openly admired his mate. The way he
flowed down the walk.
The way the duster hung on his lithe frame,

and swung to the vampire's gate. He could hear the soft creak of old
leather... Was fascinated by the way it seem to float on the air,
almost as if it was wearing Spike and not the other way around. It
was fascinating. It was mesmerizing. It was *cool*... And Hot. ~And
the winner from most dramatic billow and/or swirl in a vampire's
outer apparel goes to Spike's Duster. The Duster couldn't be here
tonight to except this award, since it's on location with Spike...
Accepting on behalf of Spike's Duster- Past winner, Angelus's Leather
Pants... Security! Security! Angel's Overcoat isn't taking it's
loss very gracefully! Sour grapes...~ He started giggling, in short
high pitched barks.


Spike stopped and turned around, smoke billowing around his head.
He raised a scarred eyebrow and cocked his head. "Right. Wot's so
funny you? Share with the rest of the class."

He grinned at Xander. "You know why he's so amused?"

"Your coat." Xander giggled. While he hadn't
been think of Spike in terms of being his mate, he
some how manage to pick up on Alex's thoughts.

they were physically linked, or more probably it was
because they were the same person a few hours ago, but
whatever the case, Xander did infact have good idea
about why Alex was amused. ~The way Alex is laugh is
weird. He's acting more and more like the Hyena. I
foresee little sleep in the future and many

Spike wasn't sure he really cared. okay, he did. But the laughter
made him feel warm inside. His mate was happy and it reflected back
into Spike. ~Ya nit! Just like yer drama queen thing does to him.
Gotta watch that.~


Spike nodded. "My coat. I see." He looked at Alex. "Right. S'my lucky
coat I'll have you know. Took this off my second Slayer." He sniffed,
holding his chin up. Then he grinned again. Looked like the emotional
rollercoaster was back on an upswing.
Maybe it has something to do

with Xander. Perhaps Alex felt more complete when he was around. ~An'
maybe I needed the brooding kicked outta

he spun back around, swirling the coat wide. "Come children, time for
all good boys to be tucked into bed where it's safe." He waited a
beat, then dashed ahead, knowing Alex might just have something to
say about that bit.


Eyes glittering, Alex growled softly. He wanted nothing more than to
give to the chase, and track his mate down. Hunt and claim. Show him
what a *good* boy he was... He looked at Xander apprehensively.
~Would he- Will he understand?~

"Run with me?" Alex smiled and bounced a little, his voice caught
between a purr and a whine. "Come on... Please?" He looked off in
the direction Spike had headed, trying to catch a glimpse. "We can
still catch him... Before he gets to the door."


Xander studied Alex for a few precious moments. And
came to the realization that he was in love with
Quickly followed by the thought that Spike was
actually GOOD for Alex.
He wanted his brother to be

happy. If he had found love, then well Xander wasn't
going to hold him back. If anyone deserved happiness
it was Alex. "Yes, you can." Xander started trotting
down the street waiting for Alex to pass him, after
all this wasn't his chase.


A smile broke across Alex's face for perhaps the first
time since the whole split had happened. A smile. Not
a smirk or half smile. He was off in heartbeat. For
a few beats, he matched his brother's pace, but then
Spike came into view. Checking the area quickly, he
realized they weren't far from the apartment at all.
The street was empty, except for the three of them.
No visible, or otherwise, threats to Xander detected.
No matter what Xander's safety and well-being was all
important to him, but that satisfied- Alex, for want
of another word, felt playful. And Alex, in a blur of
motion and burst of speed, gave true chase.


Spike heard Alex coming and grinned. He kept up the run until the
apartment complex was in site. Then, after listening to make sure
Alex was close, he spun, arms thrown wide, to catch his mate. Catch
him and pull his close, spinning with the impact of Alex's body.

Alex woofed a healthy exhale of air, as he flowed into Spike's
With a wicked grin and playful snap of his teeth, he leaned
forward and nuzzled his vampire's neck softly.


Alex woofed a healthy exhale of air, as he flowed into Spike's
With a wicked grin and playful snap of his teeth, he leaned
forward and nuzzled his vampire's neck softly.

"Gotcha." He growled, playfully, in Alex's ear. Over the youth's
shoulder, he saw Xander catching up. He grinned at him as
well. "Sun's close. Time fer me t' get inside, Pets. I do so hate
bein' turned into ash."


"Of the bad." Alex nodded crisply, and then smiled
teasingly. "Besides the vacuum cord won't stretch this far anyway.
And now that I *got* you... Never letting ya go. Mine." The last
word came loose with a whisper. He start pushing him toward the

Spike began to purr deep in his chest and let Alex propel him inside.
One in he couldn't help but wrap himself around his mate's back, up
on tiptoes to rest his head on one broad shoulder.


Xander watched, revealing in the shear joy he could
feel his brother exuding. There was a healthy bit of
lust in there too, but happiness like that wasn't
meant to be analyzed or studied, just felt. That was
one thing Xander was good at, feeling.


"Xander? Come on." Alex smiled back at his twin. "Bet you are like
bursting to make with the questions?"


Xander smiled ruefully, "yeah ya could say that."
Xander walked into the apartment and flopped with a
'whoomph' on the couch, utterly exhausted and wiped
out. "I'm also so tired that I can't think
straight--if I ever could." He looked at them
pleadingly, "I don't think I can even make it to bed.
You guys take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch."
Xander sank back into the couch. "I'm so tired that I
feel like I'm sinking in wet cement. Pretty soon your
just gonna have to chip me out." Xander sighed.


Spike was more than ready to agree with those arrangements, but, even
though Alex was his, the apartment wasn't. He frowned and slid around
to lean against Alex's side, arm still tight on the dark haired
youth's waist.

"You do look beat, Pet." He said to Xander. "An' I know you get
cranky when you... Hn. Wait." He looked at Alex. "I guess *you* would
be the one who'd get cranky without much sleep now." He blinked. "I
think. This spilt's bloody confusing." He shrugged. "You too take th'
bed, I can kip on the couch. An' aren't I the compatible one?" He
mused. His good mood was staying and his couldn't resist nipping at
Alex's shoulder. ~Oh yes. Lost my bloody mind.~


Alex bounced a little and whined slightly. "Can't we
all just share the bed? It's a big bed. Don't want
to be without either..." He pushed back against
Spike, and looked at Xander. ~Pack needs to be
together.~ Images flowed through his head of warm
bodies resting together...


Spike's eyes rolled back in his head from the flood of feelings,
nearly strong enough to be visuals, pouring off Alex. He blinked a
few times before he could focus properly. ~Christ! Denning up, that's
what he wants.~

"Xander," Spike began softly. "I think... Alex is right. We'll put
him in the middle, that way the both of you will sleep better." He
blinked again, brow furrowing, slightly. "You..." He looked back and
forth between the Twins. "Need each other close. At least right now."

He grinned slightly, trying to diffuse the intensity of the emotions
he was still feeling. "An' I swear I'll keep me mitts to meself."


Alex raised an eyebrow at his vampire. ~Did you just
promise to be good, Spike? And mean it? Wow... You
did that for me, didn't you? To make Xan feel okay
with it...
Oh grrrrrrr.~ Alex's smirk faltered and

became tender for a second.


If he could've blush, Spike would have then. Instead, he crooked a
smile at his mate. ~Yeah yeah, for you, you strange boy. God, yer
makin' me soft.~


~What!? Okay that was weird! Spike just promised to
be good. And it would be nice to sleep with Alex.
Umm I'm definatly tired. Bed. Now. Who cares if
there's a couple of extra bodies in it.~ "Okay, but
there better be no complaints about my breath. I so
don't have the energy to brush right now, hygiene be
damned." Xander heaved himself off the couch with
only supreme effort and knowledge that the bed was
only a few paces away and then he could collapse for
the day.


Alex bounced lightly on his feet once. Happy. He was
happy. His mate and his twin would sleep with him,
and all was right. He had a pack, and wouldn't be
alone. Without brother or mate. For a moment he
wondered if he could get the rest of the 'pack' to
share a den, and started giggling. He could just
imagine Giles' eyes bugging out. Okay, maybe not the
best idea...


"We'll put mint on th' bloody pillows then." Spike said to Xander,
holding out a hand to help steady the sleepy human. The image of the
three of them, snuggled up like spoons in a drawer, came to him. He
could see himself watching over them while they slept. Alex maybe
doing the same while he did, Xander nestled between them. It reminded
him of the times Darla was away and Angelus, Drusilla and he did the
same, a pile of bodies and limbs, holding and looking out for each
other. He didn't realize how much he missed that until now. He shook
his head as they headed towards the bedroom.


Xander leaned into the hand on his shoulder. He
blinked in surprise at the coolness of it. It wasn't
his brother's at all! It was Spike! ~Maybe Spike
really wasn't so bad after all.~ A sleepy Xander


Blinking, Alex shook himself out of his giggle fest. Xan looked like
he was about to fall over. ~Can't have that... Need to take care of
him.~ He slid his arm around his twin and maneuvered him the rest of
the way into the bedroom and deposited him on the bed. "Just relax,
brother. I'll take care of you..." He went to his knees and

started to unlace Xander's shoes. Looking over his shoulder, he
smiled broadly and fondly at Spike. "You need anything before beddy
bye, Spike?" ~Give you any ideas there, Spikey? Er, maybe after we
get Xan off to sleep...~ He glanced back at his twin. ~Or maybe

Xander's sleep befuddled brain was still able to
realize the leering going on around him. In an effort
to not panic, Spike seemed alot better now that he was
split in two, but he definatly didn't want to sleep
with Spike. It wasn't that Spike wasn't attractive,
it just didn't feel right. Xander wasn't comfortable
with that level of intimacy yet. He could tell that
Spike and Alex held no such compunction for each other
though. Xander toed out of his shoes, shimmed out of
his pants and climbed into bed. "Night guys have fun
*yawn*. See ya in the morn-well whenever we get up."
~And please let me get into a sound sleep before they
boink each other's brains out.~


Spike looked over from where he was futzing around with the
curtains. "Just makin' sure the warming rays of the sun don't turn
this slumber party into Xander, Alex and Big Pile of Dust." Satisfied
the curtains would do, he walked over to his mate the looked down.
Xander was snuggling down in the bed. He had the perverse urge to
find a teddy bear and tuck it into the lad's arms, get him some footy
pajamas. Xander Harris as the biggest Max from 'Where the Wild Things

He chuckled. The Wild Things were right here, ready to snuggle in
next to him. Except that, even though the shirt was clean and a
shower had been had, Spike's jeans were still a muddy, bloody wreck.
And Alex knew he sure as hell didn't wear underwear.

"Pet? Pair of sweatpants or shorts?" He raised his eyebrows at
Alex. "Don't mind sleepin' starkers but..." He jerked a thumb at
sleepy, probably sleeping, Xander. "You in middle and me keeping mitts
to self."


Alex wanted to whine, but just frowned slightly. He wanted naked
bodies. That's the way it should be... But he also knew it would
freak Xan out beyond the freak-out zone. He also doubted that either
Spike or he could be good naked. ~Not good- Incredible! Incredible
naked fun! Grrrrr. Oh wait... Amend that no naked touchy fun with
Xander in the bed. Er, dammit.~

Spike's nostrils flared. Alex was thinking nasty thoughts, then slightly pissy
thoughts. He had to agree. Beds were much better used for shagging... oh

With a sigh, Alex retrieved a couple of sets of sweatpants from the
dresser and handed one to Spike. He's take what he could get, though
he and Xander needed to have a talk. Pulling off his two shirts,
Alex glanced at the window. "Are you sure the curtain's gonna be
enough, Spike? Maybe I should duct tape the edges?" He turned to
his vampire, unconsciously rubbing at the mating mark on his throat.


He toed his boots off and pulled the green t-shirt over his head. "Hn. Duct
tape might be a good idea. Hate to wake up smokin'. " He skimmed out of
his dirty jeans and quickly got into the sweats. He caught Alex's rubbing out
of the corner of his eye. All it made him want to do was grab the boy and
ravage him right there, Xander or no.
~No. Down, boy! Well... maybe a kiss....~
He sidled over and moved Alex's hand, kissing the bite marks.


With a soft woofing sound, Alex slid his arms around the smaller
male's shoulders. Returning the motion, he buried his face into
Spike's neck with nuzzling kisses, inhaling the scent of his mate.
~Good hunter. Strong. Beautiful... My mate. Mine.~ In a span of less
than twenty four hours, he had gone from being one person: Xander
Harris. To being two: Alex and Xander. Found out that he might not
be human any more. That both the Hyena and the Soldier were part of
him- His personality.
And basically gotten married to a Vampire. Oh

and not just any vampire. Spike aka William the Bloody. ~And the
funny thing? I'm mostly okay with it all.~ Alex blinked a couple of
times and pulled back from Spike a fraction. ~Huh. I really am. I'm-
I'm not angry any more. Er, okay not a lot. Not like I was. The
only thing I'm worried about is Xan. My other half.~ Alex glanced
back toward the covered lump on the bed, and smiled gently, before
turning back to Spike. Leaning forward he brushed a light kiss
across his vampire's lips and whispered. "Mine..."


Spike let the interesting feelings roll over him. The bond was
something new to him. Sure, he and Dru had been, but this wasn't the
madness tinged one he had with his Dark Goddess. Yes, there was
obsession, yes there was fierceness, oh hell yes there was desire.
But this one didn't feel the same. Less destructive, more primal,
more protective, all beast and instinct.
All in one strange night.

He'd missed having someone close, someone to cherish and love.
~Bloody hell! Love? Do I... in one soddin' night? Maybe... ~ After
all, wasn't love something visceral, something bloody and harsh and
oh so fucking sweet? It was if you were a vampire. It was if you were
Spike. And he liked running on pure instinct, on the pack mentality.
At least with Alex. ~If I ever loose him....~

"Yeah, Pet. Yours." He whispered back. "An' you're mine." His kiss
was harsh, claiming Alex's lips, biting at them. Then he pulled his
head back. "Duct tape, luv. An' then some sleep. Gonna put you in the
middle, remember?"


"Tape? Sleep?" Alex blinked a couple of times, as his mind revolved
through the possible responses... All of which seemed to involve a
naked Spike. And an equally naked Alex. He pressed back against
Spike to nip at his throat and purr. "Aroohmmmm?"

Hearing Xander shifted in the bed, Alex looked over his shoulder
quickly. He wanted Spike right now and right there, but not at the
cost of his twin's discomfort. "Uhm, wanna go help me get the
tape? It's in the other room. Yeah, other room." Alex growled
softly and started dragging his vampire toward the bedroom door.


Spike let himself be pulled into the hallway, shutting the door
gently. "Alex, you're gonna need sleep. Sun's up an' all that." Good
Gods, his mate was insatiable! Almost vampiric that way. He found
himself, however, running his hands along Alex's sides, stroking and
scratching lightly. ~Mouth says no and just look at what your body's
doin'!~ And he was tired. The sun being up didn't help. "An' I'm
gonna need some kip time too. Bloody wrung out here." He pressed
closer, relishing the warmth pouring off his mate. "Not sure I'm up
t' this..." He mumbled against Alex's lips, "Unless..." He slicked
his tongue along the beautiful pout. ~Unless what? No no, yes yes...
like a soddin' twist you are! Oh. Oh yeah. Maybe...~ He spun around
and pushed back against the living body behind him now. Alex was just
as much an Alpha as he was.


~Yes. NO. Yes. No. Maybe... Mate's teasing me!~ Alex growled and
pushed his vampire up against the hallway wall. If Spike had said
if he had said he needed sleep... But he didn't say either of

those things. And the pressure of that beautiful backside grinding
into his crotch was speaking to Alex's most feral nature. Grabbing
both of Spike's wrists, he placed his vampire's hands against the
wall for balance and kicked Spike's legs apart. His body parallel to
Spike's, Alex cover
his vampire's hands with his own and growled into

the smaller male's ear. "Don't move..." before nipping at the tender
lobe sharply.


Spike hissed but stayed still. He really did want to go to bed, but
his flippin' boy didn't want to cooperate with that. And there was
the fact that Xander was on the other side of the door, mere inches
away. But all Alex had to do was touch him. Touch him and set his
nerves on fire. He could picture himself wasting away from forgetting
to feed just at the touch of his mate. Could picture never leaving
this apartment again just at the sound of a lustful growl. ~An' in
less than 24 hours. God the bloody things he does to
me.~ Bloody.
That brought up a whole wet and happy parcel of images. Maybe he
would share them with Alex someday.

"Not moving. But unless you wanna wake Little Brother, we gotta be
quiet." And just where in the hell did Mr. Responsibility come from?

"Then maybe you should stop talking..." Alex growled softly into
Spike's ear. Starting just under Spike's chin one of Alex's hands
drifted idly down. Throat. Breastbone. Nipples. Belly. Stroking and
brushing the vampire's soft silken skin with callused fingertips.
Petting Spike.


Spike's smirk at Alex's growl was short lived. His mouth clamped
shut to bite back the moan that wanted to escape at the hand on
his body. Shivers, however, he could not contain.

Nuzzling and nipping at Spike's neck, Alex knew in some part of his
mind what was going on. He was imprinting the vampire on all his
senses. ~This is my mate. This is how he smells. This is how he
tastes. This... This is how he feels.~ His hand dipped beneath the
waistband of the borrowed sweatpants, and wrapped his fingers around
his mate's erection. Alex stroked slowly.

Spike let his head fall forward to gently bump the wall. His
shivers turned to full trembles as his cock was played, caressed,
teased ever more erect. Alex was mapping him, taking stock, he
knew, with his hand, his mouth, his own body. They hadn't had
the time yet, hadn't had the place. Spike knew how Alex smelled,
how his blood, his cum, tasted. How his sweat and sex lit up his
senses. But next time, oh yes, he was going to spend hours just
touching his boy back.

His other hand left the wall, quickly freed Alex from his jeans, and
Spike from the sweatpants. Alex moaned, head buried in Spike's
shoulder, as he rubbed his hard leaking cock against the tantalizing
skin of his vampire's buttocks.


His mate. His boy. His Alex. But he wasn't to move. After all this
was Alex's show. Alex putting trust in Spike to not be the demon,
the killer (even with the chip, right?) he was. He'd never *ever*
done that with a mortal. The last anyone he had was... Angelus.
And that had been a whirlwind of fun and torture for one of them

Shoving those thoughts away, he concentrated on not moving.
Not arching back into the warm body behind him. Concentrated
on holding them both up.
His arms shook even more that his

body, not from the weight, not yet, but the effort of stillness. The
moan suppressed, however, finally drifted out, a soft, deep noise
of desire.


Alex muffled a pleased worfling chuckling in Spike's skin. Never had
he felt this good with someone, even when he was all Xander, never
this complete. His beautiful mate moaning, and submitting to him
Though it may have looked like a dominance game to the

casual observer, Alex knew, this had little to do with dominance.
This was about freewill and trust... the giving up freely of control
to someone trusted. Someone trusted to give pleasure. Someone
trusted to take care of, and with, the other.

Alex purred, his heart swelling with emotion, as he stroked Spike and
rubbed against him. This was how it was suppose to be with a mated
pair: Two equals who belonged to each other. Trusted each other...
And, well, the fact that they found each other physically was a
complete and total ~Score!~

Suckling on two of his own fingers, Alex traced Spike's spine with
the slicked digits. Down between his vampire's back. Down to
Down the crease dividing Spike's firm buttocks, and slipped

the first, and then the second finger, gently inside his vampire.


The moans turned to a gasp as Spike, once again, struggled to stay still.
He ground his forehead against the wall, eyes shut tight, mouth working
silently. Teasing, hot fingers sliding into him, so easy, so good... so not
His nails scratched the wall as he closed his hands into fists.

Alex was taking his time, doing this right. Doing this the way he wanted and
there wasn't a damn thing Spike could do about it. Not anything he wanted
to do really. Except beg maybe. Beg for more. Beg for anything. Beg... beg
for that heat to fill him. Fill more than his ass. Touch more than his cock.
Alex was completing him. Him, Spike, a soulless fiend. A monster. A
pathetically neutered Master Vampire.
But with every touch, every nip, every
to his flesh, Alex was showing Spike he belonged. Belonged with

Alex, was a part of Alex. A mated pair.

"yours..." He whispered oh so silently, almost sub vocally.


"Yes... Mine." Alex said softly, as he removed his fingers. A few
seconds to slick himself with saliva, and he was pushing into Spike
slowly. His groan of pleasure muffled in the skin of his mate's
shoulder. Spike was so deliciously tight, Alex feared in his
exuberance he might actually hurt his vampire... Pain was all well
and good in its place, but its place wasn't here... Not this time.
This was about pleasure. He held his hips still, waiting for Spike
to be ready, running his hands lightly over his mates shoulders and
chest before letting them rest on Spike's hips. "So beautiful...
My mate." Alex growled lowly into Spike ear.


Spike hissed when Alex entered him. A shiver of pleasure/pain coursed through
Yet, Alex was holding still. Holding still and waiting for him. Spike
unclenched his
fists, resting his hands flat on the wall again. Alex called him 'beautiful',
called him
his. No orders to move yet, but Spike turned his head, still pressed against
the wall.
He just wanted a glimpse of Alex's face. Wanted to see the change in his mate's
There it was, glittering, possessive and all for him. A soft whine escaped

lips as he pushed back against Alex's body. This was a welcome submission.


The soft whine called to his beast and made Alex want
to howl his joy and pleasure to the world. Instead he
bit sharply in warning at Spike's shoulder. No sound.
No movement. Not from Spike. All Spike had to do was
submit completely. Alex would take care of everything.
Alex would take care of his mate. All Spike needed
to do was feel. Feel the pleasure and the emotion.
The belonging.


Spike let his forehead fall back to the wall and held still. As still
as he could even though the bite on his shoulder throbbed
slightly, making him want to moan.
It was a warning; Bad Spike.

Hold still. Shut up. He'd try...

Slowly with a soft warning growl, Alex released his
mate's shoulder. He gripped his vampire's hips
tightly and started slowly to thrust, playing with the
angle until he found the one that made Spike shudder.
A moan escaped him, as his own pleasure tried to take
command, scratching at the door howling to be let out.
His grip tightened, the speed of his thrusts
increased, but he managed to keep some control. His
mate's pleasure came first, and it would. Alex was
going to make sure of that. He slipped a hand loose
and grasped his mate's cock.


Alex's body rocked his. Alex's cock pushed into him, relentlessly
hitting every sweet place. Alex's noises, his moans, his panting
breath, echoed in his ears. Alex's fingers left bruises on his hips,
and... oh fuck... stroked him.

Spike let it all wash over him. Let everything spin around his
body, his mind, until his mind blanked out and his body felt like it
was humming. He didn't notice he was biting his arm, stifling
any noise. Didn't notice his legs were shaking with the effort to
hold still. All he knew was Alex.... Alex was doing this to him...
Alex... He fell over the edge, huge shudders wracking his thin
frame, barely able to stay upright.

His mind screamed his mate's name over and over. Howled at
the sky.
Gave voice when he couldn't.


Alex felt his mate's climax slid through him like a hot knife. Could
feel it as if it was his own. A hot sharp burning pleasure, that made
breath catch and heart's seize. Howling. He could hear it and feel
in it his mind and body, though the only sound in the air was his own
harsh breathing. It cut through his control, and set the beast free
to seek it's own release. His thrusts became quick and ragged as he
tumbled toward climax. So close to begin with, it didn't take long
before the fire burning through his body took over and took him out.
He muffled a stuttered groan in his mate's skin, as he sagged against
Spike, pinning them to the wall.


Slowly, Spike became aware of hot panting in his ear and the taste of
blood in his mouth. He let go of his arm and nearly hit the floor.
Complete exhaustion was taking over. If it wasn't for Alex's boneless
weight holding him up, he was sure he would have a bad case of rug
Chuckling, he turned in the tight confines of Alex's arms. Sometimes
being that damn flexible, or not caring, was nice. He rubbed his
forehead against Alex's sweaty one. This was right where he belonged.
He placed a slightly bloody kiss on Alex's lips.
**I love you. Dunno how, don't care. just do** He thought.


Shaking himself out of the fog, Alex smiled tiredly. He
leaned into his mate with a wordless rumble and licked
the blood from Spike's face. "Mine," he whispered
infusing with all the depth of feeling that was
running through him. He loved his mate, as the way it
should be... There was no how or why. It just was.

There went that strange thrill up his spine again. Every time Alex
said that... and damn, he meant it... Spike just hoped the rush would
stay. He'd hate for his brain to dwell on this.

Casually, Alex hitched up Spike's pants and picked
the vampire up. With a twinkle in his eyes, he kissed
his mate gently and quietly stole into the bedroom.

Spike grinned. Carried over the threshold like some bloody bride. He
could deal with that for now.

Depositing Spike on *his* side of the bed with a fond
look toward his brother, Alex shucked his jeans. About
to crawl into bed, he caught sight of the window and
grumbled to himself. He had forgotten all about the
frickin' tape. With a sigh he ran a caressing hand
along Spike's cheek and whispered,"Go to sleep... I'll
be to bed soon." ~Got one more thing to do... Taking
care of my mate.~ He straightened and headed out the
door to grab the tape.


Spike followed Alex's eyes and understood. The stupid window. He
nodded and snuggled into the blankets, reveling in the feeling of
being taken care of. He didn't mind the break from Big Bad at all.
Especially when it came with a brown eyed protector like Alex, who
understood they way things were.

He glanced over at Xander, apparently asleep. It was strange. They
were the same person yesterday. They looked exactly alike. But Alex
and Xander... hell, Spike could smell the difference, faint but
there. And Spike knew he'd fight for Xander as much as he would for
Alex. It was just... different. Damn, magic drove him nuts sometimes.
Never could get a proper handle on it. He grunted a dismissal to his
brain and shut his eyes.


Alex grabbed the tape and quietly stole back into the bedroom.
Quickly, with sharp and efficient moves, he secured the window. He
eyed the job critically for a moment, before nodding. It would do...
for today anyway. A short term solution. They'd have to look into
some shutters or maybe brick it up for the long term. He grinned to
himself, and a soft happy yip escaped his throat. ~Long term...~
He's grin grew broader. He had found his mate. He had a brother... a
pack. He had a hunting ground. Right now. This second... Life was

Crawling gingerly over his mate and trying not to jostle Xander, Alex
took his place in the center of the bed and sighed in contentment.


Spike snuffled and opened his eyes at the yip and the warm body
sliding over his. Alex. He squirmed closer and wrapped himself around
his mate. Nuzzling Alex's neck and ear, he rumbled his happiness.
This was as close to perfect as it got. Warm bed, warm mate... He
closed his eyes again and let sleep take over.

"Spike, Spike, Spike..."

"Wot? Bloody hell, M'tryin to sleep."

Spike opened his eyes again. It didn't sound like Alex or Xander, so
who was waking him up? He looked down and saw the bed was empty but
for him. What the hell? The covers were thrown back and blood spotted
the sheets. His eyes got wide. Where were the twins? Where was
his mate? He scrambled out of the bed, determined to find them.

"Give it up. God, never thought I see you protecting prey, Spike. How
much lower can you sink?"

Spike whirled. That was Angelus. "You bastard. Where are they?
Where's Alex?"

An evil chuckle sounded through the room. "Alex... well see, you've
been a very bad boy, therefore you don't get any pets." Angelus
stepped out of the dark, licking bloody fingers. "He put up a hell of
a fight, unlike the other Xander. God, *he* went down easy. Sweet
Alex... well, I almost thought about leaving you some, but why

bother. You've.." Angelus was suddenly in front of him. "Had..." Big
hands shoved Spike down before he could move. "Enough." One foot
kicked his ribs.

Spike cried out. "Oh, you fucking... I'll..." No, Alex couldn't be
gone... no... he struggled to his knees "I'll make sure to kill you
this time."

Angelus laughed. "I think someone might have something to day about
that." His foot lashed out and kicked Spike again, knocking him down.

Through eyes filled with tears of pain and anger, Spike saw someone
else come in. Slowly, the figure resolved into... Alex. In
  "No..." He was Angelus' now. "Alex..."

Alex looked at him, face vampiricly blank. "He's weak. Means he's no
use. Kill him?" The gameface slid away as Alex looked at Angelus in
askance. "Me?"

Angelus smirked and nodded. Spike was frozen as Alex advanced on him.

Spike moaned aloud and curled up in his sleep...


Alex blinked at the sound of distress coming from his
mate. He had just started to drift off, when the
sound tore him awake. A nightmare? Did vampire's
dream? Spike was trying to turn in on himself.
Whatever it was it wasn't pleasant... Alex wrapped
himself around the smaller figure and started making
his own soft sounds. Guided by instinct, he started
not to purr really, it was to low and guttural for
that, but to produce a rumbling croon. A sound to
calm upsets cubs. Stroking his mate's hair, he
quietly thrummed and tried to sooth his upset vampire.
He didn't want to wake Spike, only reassure him
subconsciously... ~Mate needs sleep.~ but he would if necessary.


Spike moaned again and twisted around until his head was
against Alex's chest. He stayed in a tight ball, but pressed closer,
nuzzling. Seeking the warmth and noise.

In his dreams, Angelus was fading, Alex getting closer. But his
gameface was gone and he was wuffing under his breath. Spike
let his mate gather him in his arms and hold him close. No
Drusilla, no Angelus. Just safety and warmth...

"Alex... luv..." Spike muttered and settled down.


Alex wrenched the door open and felt his
amusement flee. "Oh look, the world must be ending..." he muttered
to himself, then sneered. "Deadboy and G-man jr. What the hell do
you want?"


Ripper shrunk back a bit, Alex's distain was like a hammer blow.
What exactly had he done to piss this twin off? It was getting
tiresome. "Look, Alex. I don't know what yer goin' through, cuz I'm
not you. But, I've had a helluva day as well, so don't bite my
bloody head off right? Swear, try t' do the soddin' right thin' an'
they piss on you. Angel here is lookin' for Spike. Everyone else
buggered off to God knows where so I got fuck all to work with. "
Ripper's low rent Cockney came pushing through, street kid all
the way. The fact he sounded like a very irritated Spike didn't sink
in. He was tired and confused and just trying to do something
right. Part of him wanted to punch Alex, the other wanted to cry.


A smirk quirked Alex's mouth. He liked the little
Giles' xerox flinching. Made him all warm and tingly.
He hadn't missed the little prick's sniffing around
Spike last night. How all buddy-buddy they'd been
acting. Toward his mate! A cold rational thought
intruded...~That was before we were joined.~ And he
sounded like Spike... Like Spike upset and hurt. That
wasn't good. Was it? It confused him for a second,
but he shrugged it off. ~Sounds like Spike. But not
pack. Smells like food.~


Angel frowned at Xander, not liking the way he was talking. "Is Spike here," he asked, trying to get to the reason he'd come though Ripper had stated it. "I want to see him." He moved foreward, but was sure that he would not be able to come in. Damn the invitation clause. It was stupid and annoying. 

Lounging against the doorframe, Alex watched Angel
move forward, amused. They both knew he couldn't get
through the door. Not without an invitation from him.
And that soooooo wasn't gonna happen. The smirk grew
and he didn't even try to hide the snarkiness from his
tone, "he's asleep. So sorry."

  Oh, wait. This was the other one. Not Xander, but Alex. That was what Ripper had called him. But, Angel wondered, was the difference?  Well, this one smelt more confident, if you could go by smell alone. He smelt of something else too, but Angel wasn't sure...or he was and didn't want to be sure of. Something, animalistic about him? Didn't matter. Angel gave Ripper a solid pat on the back, but kept his eyes on the boy. "Can you tell him I'm here?"


"Uhm, that'd be no." Alex made a show of furrowing
his brow in thought. "Nope, still no. Not gonna wake
him for you.." He casually scanned the way for
observers wondering if he could get away with dusting
Angel. He'd never liked the big brooder, even before
the split. Now, that feeling was only intensified.
It rolled around deep in his gut, sharp and hot.
~No. Not now... It'd make Xan unhappy. Can't make Xan
unhappy... Besides witnesses. Jr's right here.
Though he'd make the tasty snack. Hmmmm. Nope,
there's Mrs. Peterson. Old busy body. She'd see and
can't kill the neighbors. Not a sound tactical
maneuver. Nosy neighbors guard the perimeter.~

"So." Alex sighed to himself mentally, never loosing
the fake look of congeniality. "Unless world save-age
is needed..." Alex smiled brightly, showing his
teeth, "Why don't you go grab a tan, Deadboy?
Beautiful day. Later, Junior." He nodded at ripper
and started to close the door. "I'm going back to bed."


After his outburst, Ripper hung back. Until Angel clapped him on
the back.
A small grin spread at that. It helped diminish the idea

that, yet again, Rupert Giles had screwed up. Not that Alex's
attitude was any help. It had to be a product of the split. Ripper
couldn't help but be fascinated by the concept. Too bad Alex was
way too feral to let Ripper ask questions. Maybe Xander or

 And there was the vampire in question. Half dressed and looking
sated. Well bugger. Why did he suddenly have the feeling that
things were going to get bad quickly? He fingered the stake like
a charm and tried to figure out how things were going to go. And
nearly missed Spike's question.

"Yeah, ragged out." He shrugged. "Giles is lettin' me stay. Bloody
weird though."
~Why does Alex keep looking at me like that?

The ruddy hell'd I do now? Almost snarling at me...~

"Hang on a mo." Spike said, stepping out into the living room. He
crossed over to Alex and leaned against him. This should really
get to The Brooding Hulk, Spike in borrowed sweats and nothing
else, leaning on a Xander type. Naughty and bruised and bit and
happy the both of them.

"Ripper, this lug botherin' you?" He jerked a thumb at Angel.
"You look like you needs some sleep, Ducks. Rupes not give you
a place to kip?" Ripper did look worn out. It bothered Spike
almost as much as Angel's proprietary hand on Ripper. ~Right,
Rip's not yours, Alex is. But if Angel plays him, I'll carve it outta his
hide. Been through enough, he has.~ He turned his eyes to
Angel. "Wot yer want?"

Something in Angel's posture, his eyes nearly rocked Spike
back. The elder vampire did look like he came for a fight, he
looked... Spike had no clue. Maybe Angel was just playing him,
or... he'd have to wait and see.


Split or no Split, this person was as annoying as his twin. Angel ground his teeth in anger, trying to keep it under control. There was no point to it. He couldn't get in, and Alex was only trying to provoke him. "Laugh it up," He started to say, but before the vampire could even begin to speak, Spike was there. Angel growled, giving Alex a hate fill glare. Why did they always have to call him Deadboy? That really made him mad. Did anyone call Spike that?

    And then heard Spike and Ripper talking and it brought him to his senses. Spike was the one he'd come to see, not this snot nosed brat before him. Angel turned his gaze away from the taunting teen, and fixed them on his grandchilde....and all the anger went from him. He was just tired then, but there were other feelings as well. He wanted to come in and to touch Spike, and that was just wrong. Angel clenched one hand, feeling it tingle. "I'm not bothering him, Spike. He showed me how to get here." The vampire glanced toward Ripper and gave him a fleeting smile, before he let the hand drop and moved one step closer to the door. It was about as far as he could go, but that was fine. He wasn't even sure what he was doing here anyway. "Spike..."


Ripper nodded and stepped back out into the light to give Angel all
the shadow there was. As irritated as Alex was, this was obviously
something for Angel and Spike to work out.

"Did he?" Spike drawled and waited for Angel to continue. Ripper
didn't know the deal with Angel and him. No way could he hold
animosity for it.. 'cept to Angel.


 Angel licked his lips, thinking in his mind. ~William~ before he continued. He noted the state of dress of the blond vampire, but only in a cursory way. He also noted that Spike was leaning against Xander. In fact, that burned into his brain, bringing out another low growl.


Spike's scarred eyebrow shot up at the growl. It resonated through
him, like the possessive growls of Angelus of old. Goosebumps raised
along his spine, as he fought not to submit out of habit. The lip
licking didn't help.


No. No. No. What Spike did with other people...even if it was Alex...even if he *was bare from the waist up...and even discolored from something rough...it wasn't Angel's business.

   Angel looked down then, as images of another time filled his mind. Going out hunting with the other. Good times. Past times. Angel sighed and looked up again, locking his eyes onto Williams. "Can we talk?" He wanted to say more, but it was all so sudden. Spike would never believe it. Hell, even Angel didn't believe it. What would he say? That he'd had a sudden yearning for his Grandchide and that they should catch up on old times? That the hot pokers had made him realize how much he missed the blonde's sense of humor?  Well, no not really. That was sarcasm. But still, he wanted to say something, and so he said again. "I just want to talk."


A deep rumbling growl had begun in Alex's throat... A
primal response to Angel's.
Another alpha on his

doorstep, on the brink of his den, sniffing around his
mate... Ripper was forgotten in a bloody rush of
possessiveness, immediately downgraded to a lesser


Spike's blue eyes got wide, seeing something in Angel's dark ones.
Something that didn't say 'I'm good, you're evil and now I have to
stake you'. Something he'd waited to see ever since that damn Gypsy
curse happened. Something that nearly screamed 'Spike, I need
"Hang on a mo'. Ripper keep him outta the sun, eh?"

Spike pushed Alex back into the hallway. Before he said a word, he
 kissed his mate savagely. "I don't know what's goin'
on, but I think
I'd better talk to the Pouf." He nuzzled Alex's
chest and neck. "Not
gonna lie to you, he's got me confused." Spike
looked up into Alex's
eyes. "You're my mate. Period, right?"

The bond was alive with emotion and images... Images
that made Alex grit his teeth and growl. Soft
feelings for Deadboy... Soft words for Ripper.
Another alpha and food! Both sets of honor and
instinct agreed this was not to be tolerated.
Threats... Threats that needed to be eliminated.

Alex pushed Spike back against the opposite hallway
wall, growling harshly. The door was open, and he
knew at this angle, both Angel and Ripper could see
everything. ~Good...~ He kissed his mate quickly and
brutally. With his hand in Spike's hair, Alex
wrenched the vampire's head to one side, growled
"Mine," and savagely latched his teeth into his mate's

Spike nearly collapsed on the floor. His nails scratched the wall to
his sides as he fought to keep from going limp. The pain was
exquisite and beautiful. ~God, Alex... No..not now...~

Drawing back with blood on his lips and eyes flashing
green, Alex stared hard into his mate's eyes still
growling, "He doesn't come in here... Not welcomed.
Not here. No invitation ever. We go somewhere else."
Making it clear, he was going along.

Spike's eye were glazed until the flash and growl registered. Alex
was asserting is dominance here in his den. Expected, but Spike
wasn't sure he liked being ordered around like a pup. His eyes
narrowed and he started his own growling. ~Not. Fucking. Now. Spike.~
Gritting his teeth, he jerked his eyes away from Alex's and to the
bloody lips. "Right, He doesn't come in here." He said, one thumb
wiping the blood off. "Elsewhere's good, but I'll need a shirt and me
coat." Blue eyes raised back to strangely flashing ones. "Unless you
want me to be a big charcoal briquette."

~Somewhere else... Where I can kill them both with no
witnesses... Somewhere away from Xan... Sewers?~


The killing thoughts flashed across Spike's mind again, vivid and
final. "No killing." He snarled quietly. "Not Angel, not Ripper. He's
not challenging and Ripper's not food." ~Angel won that challenge
years ago. He was my Alpha. Don't do this, Pet.~


Angel was grateful for the added shade, and he quickly took
advantage of it. Moving into the little darkness that he could find,
the vampire leaned against the wall. He gave Ripper a nod, and then
sighed. Spike's actions only brought more confusion, and the question
he'd asked, made Angel worry slightly for his willing British helper.
What relationship they all shared, was beyond the brooding vampire,
but now his interests were beginning to be aroused. "You said you
came from a different time?" he asked, not wanting to just stand there
and stare into the air.

Making conversation might put the other at ease as well, and that
wasn't a bad thing. "Tell me more about it." he said, interested in a
way, when you're waiting and don't want to think about the fact that
you're waiting. "I'm...curious to know."


Ripper lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall, smoke blowing out
his nostrils. "Yeah,
London circa 1977. I was just walkin' down the
street when someone started chanting in my head. Next thing I knew, I
was here. More than 20 years in the future and bloody continent

He sighed and looked at Angel. "It's absurd really, thinking I'm
helping me figure out who did it. That and the disappointment in
turning into a ruddy shopkeeper and Watcher."
Ripper snorted. "Not

the path I thought I'd take. Though Shopkeeper there seems to have
had a bit of a different past.
*He* did what Dadums said, poor bloke."

Taking another drag , Ripper turned sideways, body draped
insolently, hip cocked, falling unconsciously into a street hustler
stance. "So, what's the deal with you an' Spike? I mean, Alex got his
wind up right awful there at us both."


Angel listened intently, even as a part of his mind was completely some place else. He was thinking back to 1880, when he and Darla were having their own fun, and a timid angry man, had brushed by them in the crowd. That night that Dru had gone off to make her own playmate, and bring a new member to their slowly growing family.
   "Hmm. Sorry." Angel shook the memories away, and tried to focus on the moment at hand. "Spike?" What had the question been? Oh. Yeah. Spike. "I...took care of him, you could say." Angel smirked, wondering why he'd said it that way. It was true though. Well, Dru had never been much on teaching things, unless she thought they were pretty, or whimsical. Or at least, that was as far as Angel could tell. Angel had done the hard things though. Taught his Grandchilde to hunt, though his soul often pained him for it many years later.

   "We go way back," Angel added, hoping to change the subject from something that might become more personal than he'd care to tread on at the moment. The vampire then smirked, and snorted as well. "Alex! Or Xander. Let's just say we've...never been very good friends." Though the boy did have his moments. Even Angel could admit that, though not willingly by any means. "I don't think him splitting into two people is going to change that." and that was just fine with Angel. The boy was a punk when Angel lived here, and he saw no reason for that to change. But...there was still that whole leaning against Spike thing..and come to think about it, what was taking Spike so long anyway? He wished the other would hurry up so they could leave.

   Angel blinked and then he gave Ripper a shake of his head. "Sorry. Did you say anything else?"


Angel took care of Spike. He didn't say anything about siring Spike,
which was what Ripper had suspected. No, he took care of him. The way
Angel said it and the look on his face made Ripper suspect the care
had been similar to some of the older, more Quentin Crisp type gay
men around
Piccadilly Circus took care of some of the younger
hustlers. Showed them the ropes, took them in for hot meals and,
finally, made them their live ins. Not the Angel looked like an old
flamer, Ripper smiled to himself.

His eye was caught by movement in the apartment. Thinking Spike and
Alex were coming back, Ripper opened his mouth to say something to
them and stopped. Alex... had just... Good Lord...

"I think someone else is taking care of him now." He whispered, wide


Angel had heard the conversation that was going on inside the house, but he had done his best to ignore it. None of his business, though with the images coming to his mind, it wasn't too much of a surprise really. Still, when Ripper pointed out just what he had suspected, a very real anger flared up, and Angel found himself turning


Angel launched himself against the barrier without thought, and was pushed back just as quickly. Feelings that he would never have expected himself of feeling, came flooding up at the way he'd seen Xander holding the other, and they were not good. But, it didn't matter. He couldn't get in. "Spike!"

Ripper shrank back into the sunlight again. This was getting to be
too much for the tired young man. Confusion he expected but this...
Angel hurling himself against the vampiric barrier, Alex's savagery
on Spike... He took another step back, wishing all the spells he knew
didn't take circles and rituals.

   Angel found himself growling. Not sound of mere annoyance, but a deep anger that rumbled up from deep with in. Angel pushed himself against the invisible barrier, as though sheer will alone, he could force the rules to bend. "Leave him alone!" he demanded, forgetting that Ripper was there at all. The world narrowed down to three things: Spike, Alex, and the distance that separated them all. He had to get in, that was clear. After that? The dark haired vampire hadn't thought that far at all. He only knew that it was true with every fiber of his being.


The rage. The frustration. Angel bouncing off the
It was all to perfect. Alex let go with a

eerie high pitched giggle. With any luck Angel would
bounce right out into the beautiful day, and do all
the work for him. One threat dusted... and by his own


Angel's words, actions were like a flash of pain to Spike. If Angel
kept up his assault, he could get hurt. Seriously hurt. The barrier
could throw him into the sun, weaken him, or Alex would loose it and
attack. Spike squirmed against Alex, trying to get to the
door. "Angel! Stop it!"


Alex hissed at the flash of pain through the bond, and
leaned harder on Spike. ~My mate! Mine!~ His
strength was comparative to a vampire now... The hyena
part of him granted that. With the soldier, he had
the skills to back up that strength. He bet he could
even take Buffy now, if he had too... Spike wasn't
going anywhere anytime soon. Not if Alex had anything
to say about it.


Angel heard the words, but they couldn't seem stop his furious rage. On one hand, though, he knew that he was over reacting. This was Spike after all and when was the last time that he had cared enough to break through a barrier, he knew he had no chance of breaking?

   On the other hand, seeing Alex on his former family member, stirred up feelings he'd though long buried. After the soul, he'd pushed the feeling down, because every time he'd had them,  deep guilt had come as well.  Being with Spike meant killing. Killing brought his soul anguish and it was something he did not like. But, here he was, pushing and straining against the invisible hole of something far greater than any creature of the undead. He didn't know why, and he didn't really even question. He just knew he wanted in and would keep trying until he was tired out or someone stopped him in trying.


The giggle snapped Spike out of it. He was acting like a chit in a bodice ripper novel. He got still as Alex pressed him against the wall, arms hanging to his sides, knees slightly bent under the weight. Alex was stronger than a mortal and a touch mad, which always helped. ~Brilliant. How you gonna get outta this without anyone getting hurt?~

Spike could feel Alex's possessiveness and triumph rolling over him. He could vaguely feel Angel's... pain? anger? Oh yeah, definatly anger. ~After all these years, a bit of th' bond is still there. Musta never paid much attention before. Or I just know Angelus too damn well... and he's right close. Over me. Damn.~


"Got a problem-o there, Deadboy?" Alex giggled again
and leered at the furious Angel, deliberately
provoking the older vampire. He had a stratgum now.
Provoke the threat to suicide, by his own actions or
by Alex hands... Self-defense was suitable excuse in
any court. He giggled again, shifting his weight
further against Spike. ~Mine... My mate. My den. My pack.~


Spike glared at Alex. He was baiting Angel into something stupid. "No." He said quietly, eyes boring into Alex. Let him think it was a challenge. Spike had been under the impression *he'd* cowed Alex first. That they'd become equal. "Angel, you look about two steps from Angelus. Stick him back in th' bloody box." Spike said louder, eyes never leaving his mate.

"This is not
Wild Bloody Kingdom here. Knock it off. I'm not a flippin' prize in a pissing contest. It's all very nice on the ego, but Just. Stop." Spike was fighting not to growl, just keeping his voice steady and hard. "I might be your mate, but I am *not* a pup. So back off and let me talk to him. " He took a breath, the need to growl shuddering to something else. "I don't want to lose you. I don't want to fight... in the human sense, right? But, Alex, this is family." Spike pointed
to Angel. "He had a claim over me long before you were born. Not sayin' I paid much attention to it for years, but something's up an' since I can't seem to be top dog in his pack, I gotta listen. "

~Face it, Spike, you're not top dog anywhere. Think Alex just proved that. You lost the right the moment you got the chip. Be thankful they seem to think yer such a prize. ~ Spike's jaw worked as he continued to stare at Alex. This would work or Alex would throat him. Then Angel would lose it more and.... endless loop, grabbing up his own fear and self-doubt.


Angel growled again, as Alex's taunting turned up the rage. But then, two things happened. Not all once, though they felt that way, but still very affective. First of all, Angel realized how tired he was getting. That was only a tiny part of his brain that recognized the fact, adding that doing this all day would surely only get himself killed.
   The second thing, and one that finally brought his mania to a cold jolted stop...was Spike. And more importantly...the words "Two steps from Angelus." And he knew that it was true. He was so angry at not being able to get through, that all rational thoughts had flown out the window. The beast had come out and he realized that he'd shifted into demon face some time before.

   And then, Spike was saying other things, and Angel was finally thinking. He was listening to Spike, though still breathing hard, and still just as angry. No more pushing though. Only standing very very still. As still as only dead things can get, even if they really want to grab a hold of a certain lunatic and ring his scrawny neck. The word, Mate being tossed out, didn't  help...or the fact that Spike didn't want to loose the other, but the rest of what Spike was saying... rolled over the others and made it easier.

    Spike didn't want to fight?...and the other thing his Grandchilde said. William was admitting that he, Angel...was family. It stirred something up in Angel, that was beyond the anger, but not the same thing at all. But, still he didn't move. Angel only listened now and his anger was finally only a small simmering point in the middle. It made him ill, but he finally had control. Family. Angel listened, and he waited. Waited to see what would happen next.


Ripper nearly collapsed against the wall when Angel finally
stopped. He hadn't realized how badly he'd been shaking until
then. This whole situation was beyond anything he'd seen
before. Not even Ethan at his most insane or possessive had
been like Angel or Alex.

Spike looked... like he was barely holding it together himself.
Ripper didn't understand what happened after Spike and Alex left
last night, but whatever it was, it didn't look... sane. Then again,
one was a vampire and the other a bespelled human. Was Alex
human? Ripper was starting to believe not and than made him
worry... about a vampire. Two vampires really, and there didn't
seem to be a damn thing he could do for either of them.


Spike caught Angel stilling out of the corner of his eye. ~Thank
God. Bloody Dark Avenger finally listened to me. Now if Alex will.~
He kept staring into the feral brown eyes of his mate, listening to
his heartbeat, feeling his breathing, pushing at the bond.
Anything to judge what was going to happen next. The vampire
had a feeling it was going to come to blows soon. Another
dominance display that would wake Xander and get Peaches
fried if he couldn't get in.

If necessary, he had his trump card. Xander :Don't frighten the
younger ~In mind anyways~ and weaker member. Wouldn't want
him to wake and be frightened. Spike didn't want to use it, but
there was more to winning than physical power. Crafty counted just as
well with hyenas.


Now that Angel had stilled himself, he was starting to be able to gain a little more control. He took slow breaths, realizing that Alex had been getting exactly what he wanted, though not sure why the other had gone about aggravating him in such a...well, annoying manner. And, since when had Xander, or Alex...or anything about the boy been interested in Spike? That's what Angel wanted to know
  Glancing back at Ripper, Angel sighed. "Sorry," he muttered. "Got carried away," as though that would explain his near loss of sanity. Angel licked his lips nervously, wanting to do too many things at once. Unfortunately, it seemed that the ball was in Alex's...whether Angel like it or not. That didn't make him happy, but at this moment, what could he do?  Maybe threaten the human even, but Angel wasn't to that point just yet, so he just waited. He stood there, got a little more control, and waited.


"It's okay." Ripper said, still staring, fascinated at the display.
He lit a cigarette with shaking hands and waited, watching the trio.
Hoping no one would get hurt.


With a loud growl, Alex released Spike and stepped back. The need to
destroy Angel was still there. Still strong. But he was confused
now. Spike was challenging him, but not challenging him. His mate
had invoked family, flashed him a picture of Xan through their link,
claimed Angel as pack. He snarled in the direction of the now calm
older vampire. Alex had been so close. Angel would have killed
himself trying to get in... And yet he soothed to Spike's words. His
mate's words!

~Mate to Mate. Alpha to alpha. My pack is his... His pack is mine.~
Alex turned and paced away from Spike still snarling. That was the
way. But it was also the way to eliminate other alphas... Only one
could rule the pack. He turned back to Spike, all outward appearances
were calm and collected, even though the anger rolled just barely
contained beneath the surface.


Spike didn't relent his stare even as he felt Alex's confusion. Angel
had calmed and that did *wonders* for Spike's nerves. This situation
had rocketed to nearly fatal too fast for his liking. And when did he
care what happened to Angel? Maybe about the time he actually looked
worried for Spike, just a moment ago.


"So be it. You are my mate. I am
yours." he stepped closer to the blond vampire, "He touches you- I
kill him. He challenges me- I kill him. Truce... for now." Alex
flicked his gaze over to the door. Locked stares with Angel.

Spike's lips pulled back in a snarl. Alex seemed to barely
acknowledge Spike's ability to take care of himself. He shook it off,
however, knowing this was *so* not the time to get into that again.
~God, why couldn't the bloody Soldier come out instead? Need level
heads here.~

He turned back to his mate. A truce. A truce destined to fail. Two
alphas warring with each other could only end in death, or
submission. Sooner or later, like oil and water, the truce would
come undone and blood and pain would follow. Alex knew it. He was
sure as hell Spike knew it. He smiled at his mate. He'd honor his
mate's claim to family, to pack, but sooner or later he'd get his
chance again.


Spike didn't smile back, images of pain and battle flashing in his
mind. ~No, Alex, it doesn't have to be that way. Why can't you see
that?~ It was though the whole little dream Spike had in his mind
after the fight in the graveyard came tumbling down like so many
cards. There would be no belonging, only fighting, blood and death.
That might have done for most things in Spike's life, but not this.
"You are my mate an' I am yours." he whispered. ~And that meant
forever to me, Alex.~



The smile disappeared, as Alex's eyes narrowed. He
both heard and felt the sadness in Spike's voice. It
sounded almost like a goodbye. He didn't
understand... His confusion became more pronounced.
Didn't Spike get it? He was only protecting what was
his! What Spike had given him, and only what Spike or
another stronger alpha could take away. Spike had
chosen him! Taken him as mate, rather than tear out
his throat last night.
Sealed and bound by blood:

forever. Unless Spike, chose another over him.
Unless Spike cast him aside. ~Have I lost you, before
I can even fight for you?~


Angel growled under his own breath, listening intently. Why the hell would he touch Spike? Spike didn't want him to touch, did he? But, they were family. How could he not? God damn it! Angel growled again, wondering where the Hell these thoughts were even coming from. He just wanted to talk to Spike...not date him. What the Hell was wrong with these people?

   And who the Hell did Alex think he was? Did he really think he could kill Angel? Did he think that having lived almost 250, wouldn't give him just a little bit of an edge, over a teen age punk, as Alex was? Or, did this split of Xanders not remember when Angel had lost his soul and had used all of his evil wiles to do just exactly as he pleased? ~and still he resisted you, didn't he?~ Angel shook his head, and the memories away as well.

    The whole thing was stupid, no matter which way he looked at it. Angel *did have his soul, and Angel did miss Spike. For whatever crazy mixed up reason, he did. But, he wasn't going to fight over the other vampire. Not if it meant that in doing so, it got one of them killed. That was just...crazy. But, still, he wasn't just going to walk away either. And that left what? Angel didn't know and he didn't want to think about it. He didn't even know what he was going to say, once Spike did get a chance to talk to him, so how could he possibly understand everything he was feeling now?  It just made no sense, and that was all that Angel could begin to understand.


Spike turned away from Alex and looked out at Angel. As stoic as his
Grandsire was, Spike could read the anger and confusion in his eyes.
Angel didn't know why he was here either, and he sure as hell wasn't
going to fight for Spike regardless. Alex would just plain fight
him. ~And yet again, you are shown sterling proof that you have no
place.~ Why did that nagging voice sound so much like the long dead
William the Poet? It always did.

Shaking his head, and trying to kill any emotional weakness, Spike
walked over to the door. He looked Angel up and down and sighed. "Let
me get my clothes on, mate. Then we'll hit the sewers an'..." He
shrugged his shoulders, "An' talk." He turned away, feeling defeated
before he even knew truly what this fight had been about.


Xander clad only in Snoopy boxers wandered from the
bedroom with one eye still closed. He shuffled into
the bathroom down the hall. He shuffled out of the
bathroom into the kitchen. The sounds of a cabinet
creaking open and glasses clicking together is heard.
The tap is turned on. Vampiric hearing might even
have picked up Xander gulping his water. The glass,
not at all carefully, was placed in the sink and
Xander shuffled out.

Xander with his one eye half open and sleep-tousled
hair looked at Spike and Alex, blinked at the open
door containing Angel and Ripper. In his state of
more asleep then awake he remained unafraid and
thought only one thing:~ohh there's gonna be some
blood spilt~. "Hey you guys be careful, we had to put
a small cleaning deposit down on this place." Then he
shuffled off back into the bedroom.


Alex became more agitated and confused. Xan. He
couldn't, wouldn't, do anything to compromise or upset
his twin. He turned his back away from his mate and
the scene at the door, and walked to the bedroom.
Leaning against the doorjam, he listened to make sure
Xan had gone back to sleep. His mind whirled. What
was he suppose to do? Instinct said guard the pact.
Guard his mate. How could he do that if his mate
invited the attentions of another alpha? Or worse yet
renounced him?


Angel nodded, still unsure of where this was going. He glanced over to Ripper and made a face at the lit cigarette. He still had the urge to smoke one, but it was a old habit and he hadn't indulged in a very long time.

Ripper raised an eyebrow. Angel didn't like his smoking? Well tough
on the vampire. Right now his nerves were so jangled, he felt like he
could smoke a whole carton. Sunnydale was as insane as
London had
been, but this time he was watching the soap opera, barely playing
much of a hand. However did his older self cope?

   Turning back to the door once more, Angel forced himself to relax even more. Alex didn't look happy at all, but there was nothing he could do about it...and why should he? The boy was obviously out of control and maybe even a little crazy. "good. I'll...just..." Angel paused and gathered his thoughts. "You do that." And then they could get out of here, and possibly figure out exactly what Angel expected of his whole little meeting thing. Angel wished that he knew...and maybe Spike would help him figure it out.


Spike looked partway over his shoulder. "Right. Back in a mo' then."
Angel looked and sounded confused. Spike could feel Alex's hurt and
confusion, nearly a mirror to his own. Ripper... well he was just
confused. ~Not that I blame him. Worse than Passions around here.~

He headed down the hall to the bedroom. Why was Angel here for him?
What did he want? Why did he, Spike, even care? Their history was
that, history. And Alex's over the top Alpha behavior was making...
it hurt. It was like Alex didn't get what was going on. That people
(or vampires) sometimes just talked things over. Angel had never been
The White Hats' enemy, disliked by Xander sure, but he'd fought by
Angel's side many times. Alex just didn't seem to get that, just saw
him as a threat to Spike and the pack. Saw Spike as weak... No...
wait... Pack was pack and mates were equal here, right? Maybe... And
Angel had been an ally once and the soldier would get that. Again,
~Just don't want Alex to leave...couldn't take that now. Not

now.~ He slowly approached Alex, there in the hall by the bedroom
door. ~Don't leave me, just let me do this!~\



Facing the bedroom door, Alex heard Spike approach.
Felt pain, determination, and fear rising off his
mate... He stiffened but didn't turn. The fear was
confusing, but then what wasn't this morning. Alex
sighed. This was it. Spike was renouncing him.
Idly, he wondered if Spike would tear out his heart,
while he was... er, tearing out his heart. It would
be the hyena thing to do- Hell, it just be good sound
tactics. ~Don't leave a enemy alive. Am I an enemy?
No. He held my life in his hands last night, and gave
it back. My life is his to take. My mate-My life.~
Alex closed his eyes. He didn't want to die, but if
Spike left his would he want to live? He didn't think
so... Who would take care of Xander?


"Alex." Spike said, nearly subvocalizing. There was too much
confusion and pain hammering through. It felt like a buzz in his
head, nearly as back as the chip. With a hand Spike couldn't
believe wasn't shaking, he reached up and stroked Alex's neck.
Stroked the fresh scars that marked Alex as his. He didn't want a
fight, didn't want to be cast away, but he wouldn't go quietly.
~Bloody,soddin' hell. Bit soon for the first big hurdle innit?~ Alex
just had to understand that Spike wasn't going to cower from
confrontat.... ~He was protectin' me, but makin' a visible claim.
Fuckin' hell. Let that be it.~


"Was there and earthquake or something? You're standing right in the middle of the doorway." Xander asked Alex.


Alex stiffened at the sound of his twin's voice. The
last thing he wanted was for Xan to witness Spike
renouncing him! He lifted his head to look into his
mate's eyes. He felt torn up and bloody, and Spike
hadn't even done it yet. His eyes drifted shut again,
resigned. When he spoke his voice was calm and
without emotion, "No. No, earthquake. Just some
personal stuff... Nothing for you to worry about.
Just- Go ahead and go back to bed, little brother.
It's getting taken care of..."


Xander sensed something was wrong, whether it was his
twin connection to Alex or just the fact that he was
more innocently in tune with the world than he used to
be, he knew that there was something off. He reached
out and placed a hand on his brother, gently so as not
to startle him too much. "Whatever happens I will
always be your brother and I will always love you. NO
matter what."
The words were quietly spoken with

steel beneath them.


Alex lifted his hand across his chest and covered his
twin's. Eyes still closed. "Yeah, I know." His voice
had lost some of it's calm. No use trying to hide
from the other half of himself. Xan knew. Perhaps,
not exactly what, but he knew.


Spike took a step back when Xander came out. Part of him wanted to
say to hell with clothes and bolt out the door. Hope to make it to
the sewers before he exploded in the sunlight. There was a feeling of
finality from Alex, a look of defeat in his dark eyes, that made
knees weak. And all of this playing out within ear shot of

his bloody nonce of a Grandsire. "Angel, " He called over his
should, eyes never leaving Alex's face, "Go on to th' sewers. Be
there in a bit, right?"

God, even as the helpless twin, Xander was strong. His voice told
Spike that, if he messed this up, there would be a price to pay. ~I
don't deserve to be here with them. With Alex. I bring nothing but
pain, learned that from Buffy.~ "Alex?" He voice was low and broken,
knowing that, despite the Bond, despite the logic in his mind, Alex
was casting him aside.


Eyes snapped open and he made himself meet Spike's
gaze. He was an alpha. A pack leader. Whatever was
to come he'd meet it head on. Even if it left him
bleeding on the floor.
"Your leaving me." It wasn't a

question. Not even a full twenty four hours into the
bond, and he was being cast aside.


Blue eyes widened in shock. Alex thought... wait wait. There was a
confusion of memories somewhere. "N-no!" Spike stammered out. He never
stammered, not since he was a shy poet. "God, never!" He eyed the
entwined hands of the twins clasped over Alex's heart. They almost
looked like there was no place for him there. Alex seemed to be final
about this. Like he'd made up him mind.

Alex's eyes widened at the sudden burst of panic and pain from his
mate. He tilted his head even more confused than before. Why was
Spike doing this?! His mate had entertained the attention of a
outside alpha. Claimed that alpha as part of his pack, when it went
against pack law.
Only alphas could be mated, all others *had* to be

driven off or killed. That was the way. Only mated pairs could
lead... Only mated pairs could protect... Spike had forbidden him to
kill Angel. Had essentially claimed the older vampire... That meant
he had to renounce Alex. Right? He was so confused.

Spike lowered his gaze, defeated. There was too much confusion raging
in his mind to think clearly. He could feel Alex, hurt and
underlying anger shadowed by his strength. It was Angel's appearance
and Spike's reaction to the challenge the hyena part of Alex threw
out. It made no sense thought, not in a human one. Sure, Xander, and
now Alex, didn't really like Deadboy, as they called him. So some
chest thumping was allowed. But all Spike was going to do was talk to
the ruddy poof and find out what he wanted. And somehow that made
Alex think he was being cast aside. It made no logical sense, but it
meant everything to this small pack.

~I challenged him. His alpha can't take it. I can't be me. He wants
me gone.~ Round and round, like a dog chasing it's tail. Spike slowly
slipped into a place he hadn't been in decades. Not since Angelus
left Drusilla and him after Darla got Angelus cursed. Spike had grown
sullen and silent then, not feeding, not going out. Then, one night,
he'd heard a wolf howl in the distance. Hunger and curiosity drove
him to find that wolf and it's pack. He'd slipped deep into instinct
then, hunting and feeding like an animal, hiding away in dark dens,
surrounded by the pack he'd dominated. He might have stayed that way
until caught by the sun or torn open by a challenge but for Dru.
She'd found him and stood, pale, weak and wan, outside the den and
sang to him. Called him back out to himself. Her feral little puppy.
It took him weeks to full shake the beastial pull, to become a
semblance of a man again, to deal with the pain and rage Angelus'

A whine rose from Spike's throat. He wasn't wanted, but he was
desperate to stay. Even though he'd won the battle of alpha's before,
he couldn't now. If he tried, he would lose his mate. Slowly, he
tilted his head to the side, exposing the ragged bite marks Alex had


Xander knew something important was happening. he was
so confused he could tell that Spike and Alex loved
each other but they were so angry and hurt. He didn't
want them to end up like his parents. If something
didn't give soon he would do something, no matter how
much the idea frightened him.


Alex hissed abruptly at the blatant show of submission. ~Why would
he...~ Still holding tightly to Xander's hand, he leaned forward and
rubbed his forehead against Spike's, forcing his mate to straighten
slightly. He made a soft grumbling sound of confusion. He just
didn't get it. Didn't understand Spike's actions, behavior, or the
feelings pouring through the bond.
Instinct wasn't helping. He

needed intell. Softly, well aware of the anxiety and tension pouring
of both his mate and twin, Alex tried the only thing he could think
of... "I- I don't understand."


Spike whined again and rubbed his forehead against Alex's, moving
closer. There was a buzzing in his ears he didn't understand. Was...
Alex...Words, those were words. He raised his head, cocking it to one
side... was he supposed... Clarity snapped back suddenly, making his
eyes go wide. He'd almost given into pure instinct again. He
shuddered and ran a hand through his hair. "I... don't want to...
loose you." He whispered haltingly. "I need to talk to Angel, but I
don't want you to cast me out."

"Loose me? Cast you out?" Alex almost growled in frustration.

Spike raised his hand to Alex's chest, just stopping before
contact. "Right, gotta clear my head. Need brain power for this.
Angel used to be my... teacher, pack head, something. This... we
broke from each other when he disappeared after the damn gypsy thing.
He cast me out then by not coming back." Spike shook his
head. "Dammit, s'not making sense to me." He took a huge, unneeded
breath. "Angel an' me, we used to be sorta like you an' me. We aren't
anymore. Been over a long time. You know how we are now, all fists
and fangs. Whatever he wants now, it's not about pack. Take the pack
outta it, okay? This needs human brainpower, right? He used to be
your ally? All the shit that's gone down around here, he could be
again. Redemption, remember? That's the Poof's drive now. So, let's
go see what he wants, eh?"

Alex's eyebrows raise at the invitation. Spike wanted him along...
Spike wasn't renouncing him? All the words swirled around in his
head. All mixed up.

Spike stopped, all his drive spent. Alex would either agree or... ~No
no... Gods below, don't let him...~ "I need you. I need you to let me
be me too. I'm not leaving you, Alex."


"So let me get this straight..." Alex tilted his head, trying to make
sense of all of the imput. "You're not renouncing me... And you want
me to treat Deadboy as an ally? Oh and I'm making you be not you?"
Alex squeezed Xan's hand a little harder and struggled for
words. "I'm very confused. You choose me. How can I cast you off?
That's your priviledge. Spike... Spike? How am I making you not be

"But... you... acting.... argh!" Spike ran his hands through his
hair. Did he get alpha now? Did he yell or cajole? Did he just beat
his head against the wall and hope that worked? "Right. You're more
hyena than I am pack oriented vampire. I mighta spent a couple of
months runnin' with bloody wolves, but I still had ... oh for fuck's
sake. I'm makin' less sense than before."

He stepped back, took a deep breath and nodded once. "I chose you.
You are mine. That's pack. Part of me is human. That part appreciates
your attempt at protecting what's yours *but* I still plan on doing
things the way I always do. Going to talk to bloody Angel does not
mean I am casting you aside. It means I'm going to talk to bloody
Angel. Or Ripper or Giles or whoever. Talking to another person does
not mean I'm gonna shag 'em. It does not, in any way mean that I am
leaving you. I'd rather..." His determined, steady voice broke "See
the sun than do that."


Xander squeezed Alex's hand back offering silent
support. Things were starting to fall into place.
Spike had made an Alpha claim on Alex and from what
Xander remembered of the hyena Alex was afraid of being
cast aside. It was weird to think of his strong
brother afraid or beta to someone else, but Spike was
older and stronger naturally so it made sense that he
could best Alex, although not easily. Xander could
see that they needed to work this out. If he
explained that this was a misunderstanding, and it was
he could feel the want between them, it would be
rejected. He wasn't pack. He was Xander, and that
was all ~not much of Xander either, only half.
Probably not even the good half.~


"Oh," Alex said quietly. "Didn't understand. Still
kinda in confusion-land.
What your saying... It

should make sense, right? Guess it doesn't really
matter... Important thing: You're not ditching me.
Got that." Alex felt like he was trying to peer down a
darkened tunnel and find the black spot.
Intellectually, he knew Spike was making sense. Knew
But his instincts were frying in confusion.

Strategically, Angel was a bad risk. Even for an
ally... The whole turning evil deal and all. Giles
was pack, but Ripper wasn't... It all jumbled inside
him... Felt like he should get it, but didn't... All
except that Spike wasn't leaving him...

Spike nodded. Alex didn't get the messed up logic, but that was okay.
He knew Spike wasn't going to leave him. Instinct was a bitch to work
through, he knew, but as long as him mate knew there wasn't many
casting out, it was good. Fear that had griped him like a yoke,
receded, letting Spike smile crookedly.

Alex turned his head briefly to look at his twin. Did
Xan get it? From his eyes, it looked like he did...
~Am I even human anymore? Is that why this is all
mixed-up?~ Not releasing his twin, he shifted his
gaze to Spike, to Xan, and to Spike again. Confusion
and anxiety plain in his voice, he spoke tentatively,
"We should go?"


Spike reached out and touched Alex's face. "Yeah, Pet, we should.
Just let me get my clothes on. We go talk to Angel an' go back
t'sleep. Dunno about you, but I could use some more."


Alex nodded, still unsure exactly what had happened here. Not sure
if he should growl or whine. ~Sleep. Yeah, maybe sleep is a good
idea. But first other alpha... Er, Angel.~ He got excited for a
second, before he remembered that he couldn't kill the other
vampire. ~Why is that again? Oh ally... Only he's not. Spike
claim's he's pack. Er, but he's not. I don't understand...~ The
urge to whine or growl was back. Alex settled for a half hearted
smile and another nod of his head.


Xander relaxed slightly. There was communication, the
real kind, not yelling or untrue words. Things
weren't back to the way they were before but this was
a step in the right direction. Xander knew whatever
happened in the tunnel with Angel that he would just
be a third wheel ~or is that fourth?~ "I'm gonna stay
here with Ripper. You don't need me anyway." Xander
gave Alex's hand one last squeeze and then pulled back.


Immediately, Alex turned and pulled Xan into arms. "Always need
you, " he whispered into his twin's ear, nuzzling gently. ~Xan.
Brother. Self. My human self. Always need you.~ The urge to whine or
growl became stronger. He was at no way eased at the thought of
leaving Xan home alone. Much less with Ripper. He stepped back a
bit, not releasing his twin, looked over his shoulder towards the
door and back at Xan. "You sure? Can take him with us... Or maybe
call G-Man?"


Despite the feelings of fear that Giles had evoked
earlier Xander felt safe with him and Ripper was just a
younger version of that. Besides they were in his
apartment, well his and Alex ~well I suppose Spike,
Alex and mine~. He was reluctant to leave the safety
of his brother's arms. The barley suppressed sounds
made Alex's chest vibrate like he was purring and
Xander found himself almost asleep before he realized
that he needed to respond. "No, I - you need to go
without me. I'll be safe here." Xander nuzzled
against Alex's neck. "Love you. I'll be fine and you
don't need me along."


Alex hugged Xander a little tighter, not wanting to
release his 'little brother'. Despite Xander's words,
he didn't like leaving him alone, with or without
Ripper. The morning hadn't even really begun, and
Alex's world had tip over head over heels. For a
brief moment, he'd been on top of the world. Knew
what to do and how to act.
Now, he wasn't so sure

anymore. When he had acted through instinct, he'd
almost lost his mate. Had almost lost Spike.


Spike nodded back, knowing Alex was confused. Hell, he could feel it,
ticking his mind. They were going to need some serious sorting out
time soon. Like yesterday. He slid carefully around the twins, nearly
doing the Limbo, and searched the bedroom for his shirt. ~Oh bugger.
The green one. Need to do some laundry.~

Spike pulled the shirt over his head, stuck his feet in his boots and
was back to the twins in a flash. He tilted his head, taking in the
scene. Alex was being protective again. This time, Spike smiled.
Xander just screamed 'protect me'. "Alex, Xander will be safe here
with Ripper. He's not gonna do anything bad I can tell you that

Alex scowled. They were ganging up on him. His mate
and his brother.
He wasn't so sure he liked that.

Actually, he was positive he didn't like that. It
went against pack order. ~Like that's been ever so
helpful today...~ He sighed and reluctantly released
his brother. "Okay. But... but don't turn your back
on him." Alex said, nodding slowly. ~Can't let
anything happen to you. Never!~


Spike was sure of it. From the bits he'd gotten from the younger
version of Giles, he didn't think Ripper would care for hurting
anyone just now. The man had had too much pain in his life. "Get yer
shirt on an' let's see what the Poof wants."


Alex rolled his eyes at Alex, but grabbed a clean dark
blue t-shirt and pulled it on. Sitting on the bed, he
quickly pulled on his boots and laced them up. He
didn't want to go see Deadboy, especially in this
confused state of mind, but no way in hell was he
gonna let his mate go alone. ~Can't win for losing.~

Spike knew the last thing Alex wanted to do was deal with Angel and
he couldn't blame the young man. Everything was running zero to
sixty with no stopping in site.

He watched Alex say his temporary goodbyes to Xander, tried to not
listen to what Xander had to say, ~An' he's right... maybe it'll...
sink in to both of us...~ and bounced. He wanted this over so they
could get some sleep.

Alex stood tucking in his tee. He was as ready as he
was gonna get... He kissed his twin gently, and gave
him a half-hearted smile. "Take care of yourself. Be
safe. I'll be back soon."

Xander whispered in Alex's ear as he was pulling away,
"don't give up on someone you love because of pride.
Ask if you're not sure and don't let your doubts
become you.”

He turned to Spike and raised an eyebrow, "Ready?"


Spike nodded and grabbed his coat, shrugging into it. He added a lap
blanket from the couch, draping it over his head. "As ready as I
bloody get right now."

Walking to the door, he called out. "Ripper! Get in here an' set yer
bum on the couch. Don't let anyone or thing that's not Alex or me in,

Ripper stood, dusting off his jeans and walked in cautiously. "Right.
No problem." He eyed Alex warily. "I'll just sit quietly then. Oh er,
Angel went to the sewers. He's... waiting for you there."

Spike nodded and covered his head close. "Best be off then. Charge of
the bloody stupid Light's On Brigade."
He grumbled and plunged into

the sunlight.


Spike charged across the patches of sunlight, feeling the slight burn
through his coat. He hated this bit, the dash for safety, especially
when he'd just left a perfectly safe place. Angel better have
something important to say for all this fuss.

Skidding to a stop, he lowered his trench coat and fumbled out a
cigarette. Once it was lit, he looked up at Angel. "Right. Here I am
an' Alex won't be far behind. Wot th' bloody hell do you want?"

Alex growled softly as Spike ran across to the sewer entrance. He
gave Ripper one last glare and started across, moving much slower.
Spike wanted time alone with Angel and he just didn't want to give
him that. Spike was his mate, not Angel's anymore. Angel was
upsetting the pack balance.

He stopped, struggling internally. He didn't need the hyena now. He
needed the soldier. Someone more in control. Someone slightly
He chuffed at himself. Angel would say whatever he had to

say and then he would leave. That's the way the older vampire worked.
Make cryptic pronouncement, swirl away in a flurry of mousse and
leather. Alex just hoped he kept it that way.


Alex growled, advancing quicker on the sewer entrance. His mate was
hurt and confused and it was Angel's fault. He could see the same
expression, smell the same scents, coming off the older vampire and
that only made *him* confused. Spike said he wasn't casting him off,
so he had to try and believe that, but right now, all he wanted to do
was kill Angel. Kill him in a messy spray of blood and take Spike
back inside. The soldier reminded him that that wasn't the best
tactic to take at the moment. He had to wait and evaluate the
situation more closely. He could loose ground if he gave into his
hyena side.

So, gritting his teeth, Alex slid in behind Spike and placed a hand
on one leather clad shoulder. His body settled into a parade rest and
he waited.


Angel's eyes focused on Alex and he looked away. Now thing really would be hard and he didn't want to be there. "Alex," he said instead, sighing. "I'm..sorry to involve you with this." Not really. Only sorry that Alex was there to get in the way. "Spike and I were just talking...It's nothing to be worried about." But what were Spike and Alex' connection anyway? They seemed to lovers but was that all? "I...I'm not hurting him. I just wanted to talk." Fuck, he couldn't talk to anyone with Alex standing there like some soldier want to be. "Could you just...give us a little space? Please?"


Alex glared coldly. "No." He said, squeezing Spike's shoulder and
stepping around to Spike's side. He wasn't going anywhere as long as
Angel was around. Fidgety, nervous Angel. His eyes narrowed and he
grinned. "Gettin' shy there, Deadboy?"

Spike pivoted, tearing his shoulder out of Alex's grasp. He took two
steps away from them both, deeper into the tunnel. His hands raked at
his hair and he growled. This was driving him insane! Alex and he
weren't even used to the Bond yet and here comes Angel all soul and
soulful eyes, talking about missing him. And Alex, one moment sure
Spike had thrown him away just because he wanted to *talk* to Angel
and the next all mine mine mine. Angel was trying to be calm and
reasonable and it just... didn't fit with all that Spike was feeling
from him... expecting maybe.

"Rrraaaaaaaa! Would you two stop it!? I am NOT some dog biscuit to be
fought over!" He yelled. "Angel, your timing sucks. Alex, I thought
we covered this a minute ago! You're tryin' to be Mr. Calm and
Collected.." He pointed at Angel, "An' it's... not fuckin' you! And
you!" He pointed at Alex. "It's talkin'! I'm not goin' anywhere

He jerked out a smoke and lit it, beginning to pace. "I've got a Bond
with Alex, Angel. He belongs to me an' me to him. It's not easy to
bloody deal with, y'know? We had one once, remember? Feelin' th' same
bloody damn things? Well you're pissin' him off an' I'm catchin' it!
He's not Xander Harris anymore. He's Alex an' Alex... isn't human.

"Alex... I used t'have this with Angel. Part of it may still be in
me, buried fuckin' deep, mind, but there. He. Was. My. Sire. Dru
couldn't raise hell, much less me, so he did it. He was my bloody
Alpha before. I was... I was his, dammit! Not anymore, so stop that
damn growlin'! I am a Master in my own fuckin' right! I will talk to
whomever I please! I..... aaaaaa!"

Spike stopped and slumped down the wall. His head hung and he felt
tears pooling in his eyes. "I can't bloody take this right now." He

Angel didn't know what to say. He was the intruder now and he knew it, but that didn't make it any less confusing. A bond with Alex? How had that happened? "Belong to him?" But Spike belonged to Angel..didn't he? No. Not anymore. Not since he'd gotten his soul and they both knew it. The curse. It had not only messed up his own undead life, but everyone who he had loved. It had also, of course, saved a lot of lives, but still...it hurt. "I...remember."

Spike wiped at his face. He was *not* crying. He just felt like it.
~Not enough sleep or blood an' too many bloody emotions...~ "Yeah,
belong to him." He whispered and looked up.

His reply had gone unheard obviously, as Alex and Angel were getting
nose to nose. "Aw bloody hell... leave it out.."


The dark haired vampire turned to Alex and he sighed. "No, I not getting shy, dog boy." He growled and found the anger  brewing under the surface and much too easy for him to bring it to the fore. "But, you are getting on my nerves." He growled and then took a step closer to the other. "I didn't come here to break you two up, but I sure as Hell am not going to be treated like I have no rights. I raised William and you're whining isn't going to change that fact no matter what you do!"

"You raised him?" Alex laughed. "Well isn't that just fucking lovely?
Oh yeah... such a good parent weren't you? Left him behind if I
He took a step closer to the dark vampire. "And I think that

doesn't give you any rights, Deadboy. He's mine."

  Angel's eyes flickered toward Spike then and he gave Alex a furious look. "This isn't helping things, Xander." He growled, but didn't fix his mistake. As far as he was concerned this might as well be the other person. He was still the same annoying jerk and that didn't seem to be changing. "Now, are you going to let me have some time with my friend, or are you going to make it difficult…because I am far from shy, boy, and I'm about to get a whole lot madder."

Alex growled, lips pulled back in a snarl. "Friend? Why do I so not
see that? How many times have you two tried to off each other? How
long did you leave him in a wheelchair last time? Oh yeah, I
remember. It was you running around causing all the trouble. You and
that nut job Drusilla. No Spike. Didn't bother to help him heal did
ya? You." He stepped closer until he was in Angel's face. "Have. No.
Rights. Here."


Angel was about to cry with frustration, and that meant that things were about to get really bad. Why did this have to happen to him? All he wanted, was to talk to his Grandchilde. Was that really so damned much to ask? "Back off, Dog boy." The vampire snarled,  angry and unable to find any reason to be able to dispute what the young man was saying. "You don't even know what you're talking about."

  Angel found himself with his hand around Alex's neck and he had no idea how he'd gotten there. "You don't know anything." The vampire growled then, as the rage coursed through his body and he found himself pinning the other against a wall. "I just want to talk to him. Without You! What The Hell is So wrong with that?"


Butterfly in English (Middle English) is buterflie.